EXCLUSIVE: Belle Gibson's sob letter: Fraudster moaned she already owed $170,000 in credit card and BMW finance debt - before she even got to paying her $500,000 fine for faking cancer

  • Belle Gibson wrote a personal letter about why she can't pay off her $500k fine
  • The cancer faker's letter has been exclusively obtained by Daily Mail Australia 
  • She complains of $30k credit card bill, $50k in BMW finance, plus $90k debt 
  • Told Victoria's Department of Justice to talk to her accountant, 'given my health' 
  • The Sheriff raided Gibson's trendy Melbourne semi in January to seize her assets 

Cancer faker Belle Gibson is in financial crisis, drowning under the weight of $170,000 in personal debts including car finance for a BMW she no longer even owns.  

That's before she even gets to the $500,000 in fines she's yet to pay back taxpayers for years of lying about having terminal brain cancer and curing it with healthy food. 

Daily Mail Australia has exclusively obtained a letter Gibson wrote to Victoria's Department of Justice where the fraudster explains why she can't pay back that mammoth fine.   

Belle Gibson has secretly been struggling with $170,000 in personal debts - on top of the $500,000 she owes taxpayers from a fine and interest accrued

Belle Gibson has secretly been struggling with $170,000 in personal debts - on top of the $500,000 she owes taxpayers from a fine and interest accrued 

In this 'private and confidential' letter to Victoria's Department of Justice - released by a court - Belle Gibson explained why she can't pay back the massive fine she was handed in 2017

In the letter, Gibson explained: 'I am indebted to BMW Finance resulting from a personal guarantee in excess of $50,000.

'I have a fully drawn credit card with ANZ owing $30,000 and another personal debt exceeding $90,000, all of which I cannot pay.

'Consequently, I am not able to pay the amounts ordered by Justice Mortimer', (the Federal Court judge presiding over her case. 

Gibson revealed she hasn't got a job and receives the parenting payment from Centrelink to care for her son. 

That means, perversely, taxpayers are paying for Gibson - despite the incredible sum she owes them.  

The Whole Pantry founder concluded her letter, dated 14 November 2017, by asking the government to approach her accountant directly in the future, 'given my current health'. 

She claimed she barely owns $5,000 in minor property assets.  

Gibson once drove about in a 2013 model BMW X3 - which may be where her $50,000 debt to BMW Finance came from

Gibson once drove about in a 2013 model BMW X3 - which may be where her $50,000 debt to BMW Finance came from

Both Belle Gibson and her housemate drive a white Skoda hatchback, and it's unclear whether she actually owns the vehicle. Likewise, her northern suburbs home is rented

Both Belle Gibson and her housemate drive a white Skoda hatchback, and it's unclear whether she actually owns the vehicle. Likewise, her northern suburbs home is rented

Gibson's letter was released to Daily Mail Australia by the Federal Court on Monday, after her white picket rental in Melbourne's northern suburbs was raided by Sheriff's officers about a month ago.  

That warrant allows authorities to seize and sell her belongings to recoup the half-a-million dollars she owes the taxpayer - a $410,000 fine which has ballooned past $500,000 due to interest. 

But the terms of the warrant allow Gibson to live in basic comfort, and many of the possessions she uses - such as her Skoda hatchback - may be owned by her 'housemate' Clive Rothwell.  

Gibson also recently adopted the new guise of 'Sabontu', a headscarf-wearing member of Melbourne's Ethiopian community. 

She was filmed speaking about raising money for an Ethiopian ethnic group in October last year, sparking a warning from Consumer Affairs Victoria. 


Belle Gibson has recently become a prominent member of Melbourne's Ethiopian community (in get up above)

Belle Gibson has recently become a prominent member of Melbourne's Ethiopian community (in get up above)

Sheriff's officers executed a warrant on the home of Belle Gibson late last month following inquiries from Daily Mail Australia. 

The warrant allows the sheriff to seize and sell her assets to pay down her $500,000 debt in fines and interest owing due to her cancer fraud.

Such warrants allow people to keep household goods which allow them to live at a level of 'basic comfort'.  

A Victorian Legal Aid document said such items include 'your fridge, television, washing machine, basic furniture and clothing'. 

While the sheriff can claim 'unsecured, valuable things you own outright... for example, your car', it's not clear who owns the Skoda sedan she drives.  

Both Gibson and her 'housemate' Clive Rothwell, have been seen driving the white car - and the sheriff can't seize his goods.  

But since the sheriff visited, Gibson has been banned from selling off any of her items and have a full year to take what they like.   

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