EXCLUSIVE: Belle Gibson is FINALLY made to pay: Authorities seize the notorious cancer faker's assets to force her to re-pay the $500,000 in fines she owes for her fraudulent 'Whole Pantry' app

  • Warrant was quietly issued for authorities to sell, seize Belle Gibson's assets
  • Sheriff's officers today executed warrant on her home in Melbourne's north-east 
  • Infamous Gibson pretended to have treated brain cancer with healthy eating
  • Lied about donating her profits to charity when she only donated $10,000
  • Young mother was fined $410,000 but said she 'wasn't in a position' to pay it 
  • Consumer watchdog quietly filed warrant at the Federal Court late last month 

Authorities have finally moved on notorious cancer fraudster Belle Gibson, raiding her home to seize her assets and pay back her six-figure fine.  

Daily Mail Australia can exclusively reveal Victorian Sheriff's officers executed a 'seize and sell' warrant on the con artist's home in Melbourne on Wednesday. 

The discredited 'Whole Pantry' founder has been living free and seemingly happy since her $410,000 fine for duping Australians was handed down in September 2017. 

Consumer Affairs Victoria quietly filed for the warrant at the Federal Court in late December, six months after she insisted she wasn't 'in a position' to pay the fine.

Sheriff's Officers today descended on her white-picket semi in Northcote, in the city's north-east.

Meanwhile, it can be revealed the sum she owes the government has ballooned to more than $500,000 - including fines, interest and other penalties.  

Belle Gibson's home in Melbourne's north-east was ground zero for a 'seize and sell' search warrant executed by Sheriff's Officers on Wednesday morning

Belle Gibson's home in Melbourne's north-east was ground zero for a 'seize and sell' search warrant executed by Sheriff's Officers on Wednesday morning

Gibson has been living a free and seemingly happy life in Melbourne's north-east despite years of scrutiny and warnings she would face jail if she failed to pay her fine

Gibson has been living a free and seemingly happy life in Melbourne's north-east despite years of scrutiny and warnings she would face jail if she failed to pay her fine 

In a statement, a spokeswoman for Consumer Affairs Victoria said: 'Sheriff's Officers visited an address in Northcote today to execute a warrant of seizure and sale on items belonging to Ms Gibson.

'Consumer Affairs Victoria is committed to recovering the debt Ms Gibson owes the Victorian public and will continue to pursue Ms Gibson until it is repaid in full.'  

Gibson was home at her white-picket semi this afternoon but refused to comment to a growing crowd of reporters. 

It's unclear what 'items' the Sheriff seized, if anything. But Gibson's mysterious finances were pored over by a court last June. 

On that occasion, Gibson told the court: 'I'm not in a position to pay a $410,000 fine at this time'.   

Carl Moller, the barrister for Consumer Affairs Victoria, told Gibson she had spent $91,000 over a two-year period. 

He told the court she had claimed to have earned just $35,000 in that time. Gibson replied: 'I don't accept that'.  

The court heard Gibson had travelled to Bali and Africa during those two years. 

Gibson was hauled in front of the Federal Court last year and claimed 'I'm not in a position to pay a $410,000 fine at this time'

Gibson was hauled in front of the Federal Court last year and claimed 'I'm not in a position to pay a $410,000 fine at this time'

Gibson was briefly a celebrity - the recipient of 2014's Cosmopolitan magazine 'Fun, Fearless, Female' award after her too-incredible-to-be-true battle with cancer

Gibson was briefly a celebrity - the recipient of 2014's Cosmopolitan magazine 'Fun, Fearless, Female' award after her too-incredible-to-be-true battle with cancer

Gibson was unimpressed when spotted by a news photographer in inner Melbourne last October - turning her phone on him
Gibson told a court last year that she 'wasn't in a position' to pay the six-figure fine - and remained free and seemingly happy months later (above, in October)

Gibson was unimpressed when spotted by a news photographer in inner Melbourne last October and turned her phone on him

She splurged $13,000 on clothes, cosmetics and accessories and a further $45,000 was listed as 'discretionary spending'.  

Mr Moller asked the infamous con artist: 'Can you find some money to pay off the fine?' 

'No,' Gibson replied. 

Gibson refused to tell the court who transferred her $1600 to fund her ongoing trip to Bali.  

'Is it seriously your evidence that $1600 was deposited into your account, in three deposits in the space of about a week, and you don't know who deposited it?' Mr Moller asked.

'I'd have to speculate and I'm not willing to do that,' Gibson replied.

Asked if she would consider bankruptcy or entering a payment plan with the State of Victoria, Gibson said it was 'a consideration'.  

The matter was adjourned to allow the consumer watchdog to decide whether to continue to pursue Gibson for the money or bankrupt her and write off the fines. 

Now the watchdog has taken action.  

Belle Gibson's fake cancer saga: How it happened 

October 1991: Belle Gibson is born

May 2009: Gibson claims to have undergone multiple operations on her heart and also momentarily died on the operating table

July 2009: Gibson claims that a doctor diagnosed her with terminal brain cancer and that she only had four months to live. 

Early 2013: She launches an Instagram account (@healing_belle) and accompanying website sharing healthy, wholefood recipes.

Mid 2013:  Gibson releases an app of her recipes

Mid-2014: Gibson begins working with Apple on the development of an apple watch specific platform for the Whole Food Pantry

November 12, 2014: Cosmopolitan honours Gibson with a Fun, Fearless, Female award in the social media category.

March 8, 2015: The Age newspaper releases an investigation into Gibson's claims of donating proceeds to charity.

April 2015: Women's Weekly publishes an interview with Gibson, where she admits 'none of it's true'.

May 6, 2015: Victoria's consumer watchdog launches legal proceedings against Gibson's false claims of defeating cancer by way of a wholefood diet

June 2015: Gibson gives a TV interview with Nine's Tara Brown, program where she claims 'I'm not trying to get away with anything' 

September 2017: Gibson is fined $410,000 by the Federal Court for her false claims of charitable donations

The judge describes her as having a 'relentless obsession with herself and what serves her best interests' 

June 2019: Almost two years after she was ordered to pay the fine, Gibson tells the court: 'I'm not in a position to pay a $410,000 fine at this stage'

December 2019: Consumer Affairs Victoria quietly issues a warrant 'of seizure or sale' against Gibson

January 22, 2020: Sheriff executes a 'seize and sell' warrant on Gibson's Northcote home, following inquiries from Daily Mail Australia

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