More funding for Action

· Daisy N. Not Plausible

The Action section helps the community in several ways eg. Teaching children literacy/numeracy skills, providing hot meals to those who may struggle to afford to eat, giving social opportunities to elderly members of the community who might experience loneliness and so much more. Increased budget would allow more projects to run and to help establish a better link between the LSU and wider Loughborough community


This idea has not been authorised by the Union Chair or the Chair of the Board of Trustees due to it not complying with the governance of the Students' Union. Hi Daisy, I hope you are well. I'm afraid this SUggestion can't currently be added to the website although I completely understand why you have submitted it. For this to be added online it would need to be amended and resubmitted to fit within LSU's charitable objectives ( which in this case focus around the benefit to students of community volunteering not on the benefits that the local community receive (although that's a great additional benefit). Happy to discuss this further if you want to get in contact with me ( and great to see you are so passionate about Action. Best wishes, Nicky Conway Director of Student Engagement