Stand against Genocide and Apartheid

· George R. Not Plausible

We must not look away from genocide and apartheid. The LSU should support the demands made to Loughborough University by Loughborough Action for Palestine, namely:
1. Divest from some specific companies which are particularly complicit in Israeli apartheid.
2. Disclose its investments with full transparency.
3. Sign the Demilitarisation Education Treaty.
4. Establish scholarships for Palestinian students and partnerships with Palestinian universities, and support Palestinian students and staff in Loughborough.
5. Declare support for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
6. Respect the rights of Loughborough students and staff who support Palestine to organise events, assemble and protest.
These demands can be found in more detail on Loughborough Action for Palestine's Instagram page (@lboroactionforpalestine).


This idea has not been authorised by the Union Chair or the Chair of the Board of Trustees due to it not complying with the governance of the Students' Union. Hi George, I hope you are well. Thank you for your submission to SUggestions on such an important cause. I'm afraid we can't currently progress your SUggestion due to charity law which LSU as a wider organisation has to abide by If you were to align your SUggestion more closely to LSU's charitable objectives this may allow us to progress this further ( If you are able to review your submission and resubmit within these we would be happy to review again and support where we can. If you would like to discuss this further, or any other student action relating to Gaza, I would be happy to and you can contact me at Thank you for engaging with SUggestions. Best wishes, Nicky Conway