Levelling the playing field for students at Loughborough

What is the Opportunities Fund?

The Opportunities Fund is provided by Loughborough Students' Union (LSU) to support students who may not have the financial freedom to participate in LSU activities or events. We want all of our members to get as much out of LSU as possible, and we're happy to give support when necessary!

What can I apply for?

The Opportunities Fund assists current members in meeting the costs associated with LSU activities or events, up to a maximum of £200 per applicant. In the past, we have granted students money for kit and equipment, event tickets, flights for overseas Action projects, sign up fees, and over £5,000 in AU club memberships.

This could include:

    Membership fees
    Event entry (e.g. section events/awards)

This does not include:

    Activities that can be funded from other sources
    Activities not run in conjunction with LSU
    Tuition fees
    General living costs (e.g. rent or utilities)

Who can apply?

The Opportunities Fund is available to all students registered on a Loughborough University-accredited course, but intended for those who are in particular need of financial support. Additional consideration will be given to the applications of students who meet certain criteria (such as parents, carers, disabled students, estranged/independent students, students from low-income households, etc.)

How do I apply?

To submit an application, fill out the form below. This will be reviewed by our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion team as soon as possible, who may request additional supporting evidence. All applicants will be emailed to let them know if their application has been successful.

Please note that we cannot provide you with cash or transfer money to your account — the goods will be purchased by us on your behalf.