
Get on board with Discord!

Fancy a one-stop place to meet new students like yourself and help settle into university life? Sign up to Discord today!

What's really cool about our server is that we've got older students ready to help you out on the platform. They've got the best tips and advice for all your questions, whether it's about your courses specifically or just figuring out student life stuff – ask away!

Watch this brief video and discover the power of Discord!

How to join the Loughborough Students Union Discord

  1. Join the server — Click here, and you will be invited to join the server
  2. Create an account — If you are new to Discord, you will be asked to sign up to the platform.
  3. Choose a username — Once you've made your account, you will be prompted to add a username and asked for your date of birth to check you are over a minimum age to access their app. We suggest first name and course name i.e. Joe – Media Studies for username.
  4. Verification — Head over to the rules section of the Loughborough Community server, read all the rules, and click the 'click here to verify' button. You will then be DM'd by our verification bot which will verify that you are a Loughborough student.
  5. That's it! — You are now fully verified to use the Loughborough Community Discord server! We look forward to seeing you interacting with other students and getting to know one another.

If you are are having any difficulties, you can email union@lsu.co.uk and we will do our best to help you out.

Ground rules

At Loughborough Students Union, we are committed to creating a safe and welcoming space for everyone. We believe in the power of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and we strive to uphold these values in every interaction.

To ensure that our Discord remains a positive and safe environment for all members, we've established the following rules:

  • NO hate speech, racism, homophobia, transphobia, bullying or aggressive behaviour will be tolerated
  • NO harassment of any kind
  • NO explicit content
  • NO explicit language – you will receive 3 warnings before being banned from the server
  • NO inciting arguments
  • NO promoting of cruelty, violence, self-harm or suicide
  • NO spamming channels
  • NO promotion of any kind
  • NO discussions of illegal activity will be tolerated (Drugs etc.)
  • NO names that will be deemed inappropriate or offensive to others
  • DO keep it a nice, friendly and safe environment for all
  • DO respect others
  • DO be careful in sharing personal information with others
  • DO contact student mods if you see anything suspicious on the server
  • DO add a nickname for this server 'First name – course name' i.e. Joe – Media Studies

We follow all official Discord guidelines.

We follow the UoP student code of conduct guidelines.

To view Discords Privacy Policy, click here Discord Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions relating to Discord's data security or the privacy of your personal data, please contact Discord's Data Protection Officer at dpo@discord.com.