DR Representation

What are
DR Reps?

There are a number of different Doctoral Researcher roles available for representation at Loughborough University. Your LSU President works alongside the DR Lead Reps and DR Reps to ensure that researcher's views and feedback are represented and that the postgraduate experience is as strong as it can be.

What does it take to be a Doctoral Research Rep?

DR Reps represent and champion the views of Doctoral Researchers on your degree programme by presenting your feedback to those in a position of influence. They attend Doctoral Researcher Liaison Committee (DRLC) meetings within your School and work collaboratively with fellow Reps and staff to act on feedback. Researchers can volunteer to become a DR Rep by emailing their School’s admin team at the start of the academic year in October.


  • Represent the views of Doctoral Researchers on your research degree programme
  • Give feedback to staff within the School/Department
  • Liaise between Doctoral Researchers and staff on academic matters
  • Attend DR Liaison Committee meetings


  • Be a good listener
  • Be able to speak up on behalf of others
  • Be motivated and driven
  • Have good organisational skills
  • Be a team player


  • Make positive changes for Doctoral Researchers at Loughborough
  • Extend your professional network
  • Develop transferable skills

What does it take to be a Doctoral Research Lead Rep?

DR Lead Reps lead, motivate, and support their School/Department’s DR Rep team and liaise with the LSU President. If you're a DR Lead Rep, it's your job to work collaboratively with fellow Reps and staff to celebrate positive changes and keep researchers informed. Researchers can apply to become a DR Lead Rep by completing LSU’s application form over the summer.


  • Represent the views of Doctoral Researchers on your research degree programme
  • Give feedback to staff within the School/Department
  • Liaise between the Doctoral Research Experience Board and the Reps in your school
  • Attend DR Liaison Committee and Doctoral Research Experience Board meetings


  • Be a good listener
  • Be able to speak up on behalf of others
  • Be motivated and driven
  • Have good organisational skills
  • Be a team player


  • Make positive changes for Doctoral Researchers at Loughborough
  • Extend your professional network
  • Develop transferable skills
  • Contribute to your annual training hours

What is the Doctoral Researcher Experience Board?

The DR Experience Board act as the final point of representation and works to effect positive change on behalf of all doctoral researchers. The board is chaired by a Doctoral Researcher and members include DR Lead Reps, LSU President, Doctoral College Representative, Director of Student Influence at LSU, and ad-hoc members (based on necessity). The board represents the views of doctoral researchers at an institutional level by collecting feedback from DR Leads and conveying this to senior university staff both one-to-one and in large-scale university committees.

What does the DR Experience Board do?

  • Facilitate positive dialogue and partnership between DRs, the Doctoral College and LSU
  • Champion DR rights
  • Consider emergent issues affecting DRs (such as received through the open DR forum)
  • Respond to urgent matters affecting Doctoral Researchers
  • Advise and make proposals to the Doctoral College Sub-committee, Research and Innovation Committee, and the LSU Executive team.
  • Discuss DR matters within Lboro and wider HE

DR Experience Board Minutes

Read the minutes from our Doctoral Researcher Experience Board meetings.