Loughborough Students' Union
Student support

Cost of living crisis

It's a subject that can't be ignored. The cost of living crisis is having a devastating impact on the whole country, and students in particular are feeling the financial pressure.

Recent reports show that 91% of higher education students in England are worried about living costs [1] while 77% fear that financial difficulties will negatively affect their studies [2].

Alongside Loughborough University, we want to show our steadfast commitment to supporting our student population through this challenging period of uncertainty.

Costs are rapidly increasing...

For many students, even the most basic of necessities, such as food, heating and public transport, may start to become a struggle to afford. With UK inflation rising to an unbelievable 11.1% [3], one in four students have reported taking on new debts in response to the cost of living crisis. The student population is one often forgotten about by our Government, and students are continually neglected in these national crises.

According to research carried out by Save the Student, the average student spends around £924 per month [4]. This means that student maintenance falls short by £439 each month. Students are struggling, and not enough is being done to support them.

Read the full report
Our Initiatives

What we're doing to help students

Our Opportunities Fund helps students to meet the costs of activities or events that they might struggle to afford.
We've partnered with Too Good To Go to eliminate food waste across campus - which means you will be able to grab a magic bag of food and essentials for as little as £3.50!
We're launching a podcast from your Executive Officers, with sections discussing affordable living.
We've introduced value meals at JC's and are evaluating the cost of food in the Students' Union, looking to make it more affordable.
Students have free access to a wardrobe of smart clothing which can be borrowed for interviews and formal events thanks to Suitably Dressed.
We are looking at the possibility of setting up a food swap in the Students' Union.
We now provide free sanitary products for all who use them - no questions asked, No Strings Attached! Available from the toilets in the Students' Union.
Cube is a prime retail space in the Students' Union building which students can use to host pop-up shops for free.
We are working with the University to ensure that the content of reading lists are accessible, and that the library offers as many online resources as possible.
We are creating a map of facilities on campus which can be used to heat your food for free.
We have a range of part-time and full-time jobs in the Students' Union and our outlets (JC's, The Lounge, Spar, Subway, The Daily Grind).
Our Study Café is run multiple times a week and gives students a warm environment in which to work, with free hot drinks and biscuits.
We now offer hot soup and a bread roll from Subway in the Students' Union building for just £1.
We will soon be offering affordably-priced food packages from Spar in the Students' Union building.

Find help
in the local

Love Food, Hate Waste

There are six community kitchens in Leicestershire which are helping people to not only reduce food waste, but save money.

More info

Community Fridges

In the Loughborough area, volunteer-run community fridges accept donations and provide free food for anyone who needs it.

More info

Your Store

Your Store Charnwood is a social supermarket full of donations and surplus food which is available at a fraction of its original cost, saving money and the environment.

More info

University Schemes

Loughborough University also operate a number of schemes to support students during this cost of living crisis.

Money — Student Services

Living Costs — Student Services

Managing Your Money — Student Services

More info

Loughborough London

What's being done for London students?

Free breakfast cereals and cereal bars are available from the fourth floor for all students and staff between 8am and 10am from Monday to Friday.
Free fruit is available from the café on the ground floor (subject to availability) between 8am and 10am from Monday to Friday.
You can buy selected hot drinks and breakfast rolls for just £1 between 8am and 10am from Monday to Friday.