Academic Appeals

What is an academic appeal?

The University has an academic appeal process to provide students with a mechanism to challenge, or express concerns about a decision on their academic performance reached by an examination board (at Loughborough we call these Programme or Review Boards).

If you are wondering how you could challenge your results, you should know that appeals need to be based on one of the following three grounds:

  • That there were procedural irregularities in the conduct of your assessment.
  • That there is evidence of prejudice or bias against you.
  • That there were serious personal circumstances affecting you that the Programme or Review Board were not aware of before they made their decision.

Unfortunately, you cannot appeal on grounds which may be considered as challenging the academic judgment of assessors/examiners. You must also have a ‘good reason’ for not making the University aware of these circumstances previously.

What do we offer?

If your results have been published (you will be unable to appeal provisional marks) and you're unhappy with them, our Advice team can provide guidance on the appeals process (alongside more general assistance from your School/Dept). Our support can include:

  • Identifying your eligibility for an appeal
  • Reviewing two drafts of your response to the committee (one in depth, and a second final check)
  • Suggesting what evidence may be necessary

To find out more about how we can help, please watch our appeals video below:

Remember to include as much information as possible about what you’ve experienced. We will be able to provide specific advice to you once you have sent us an overview of your circumstances and any relevant supporting evidence.

Please note that you have ‘10 working days’ from the publication of your results in which to appeal, so do make sure you contact our service promptly.

If you haven’t done so already, please visit the following University links which outline further information about the appeals process:

The flowchart below may also be helpful in deciding if you have a case for appeal:


Get in touch with us!

In the first instance, it's often best to contact us via email. Once you've emailed us, you'll receive a consent form which is important to complete, to allow your case to be allocated to an advisor. It's also really helpful to include and attach all the relevant information to your circumstances.
We provide advice in good faith, based on the information available to us. Please note, we are not able to advise on student vs student conflicts or Students' Union disciplinaries or complaints. Click here to view our code of practice.