My goals
  • I will champion student engagement and voice within Sport.
  • I am to enhance financial transparency on expenditures within our sports, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of participation costs.
  • I will establish a consistent series of showcase events throughout the academic year.
  • I will empower advocacy by facilitating platforms for campaigns throughout the year, such as 'This Girl Can' and 'Movember'.
About me

My name is Lizzie Adamson (she/her). I am currently on a placement year with my degree in Geography and Sport Science, and I'm from Hampshire. My sporting background is in athletics and lacrosse, but I have enjoyed actively engaging with the variety of sports Loughborough has to offer across all levels, and this is one of the many reasons I ran for the role. From recreation to performance, I hope in the next academic year I can champion students' voice, and be a representative for everyone wanting to become involved in all of the sporting opportunities we have at Loughborough.