Coach Recruitment for Clubs and Societies

Why and when do Clubs and Societies appoint coaches?

Coaches are recruited by LSU Clubs and Societies in order to provide expert guidance and development to certain Clubs and Societies. These are typically appointed at the start of the academic year and cease activities towards the end of the summer term. Chairs are responsible for appointing coaches, and do so in combination with their LSU administrative team and the central People Development or Finance teams.

Can I appoint a coach without going through this process?

No. It is imperative that you do not allow a coach to work with you without having full confirmation from your administrative team. Coaches will not be covered by insurances, nor will they have proved their legal "Right to Work in the UK" without going through this process. The Union can be fined and have other sanctions applied if it is found to be failing in its duty to undertake these checks. The People Development Team will investigate any and all instances of coaches working without having followed this process, coaches risk receiving no pay for their work, and disciplinary actions may be taken.

Are there different types of coach?

Yes. Coaches typically fall into one of two categories:

  • Lead/Assistant Coach:
    These coaches are paid via the Union's payroll and are classed as "workers" via an employment contract. This category is most appropriate for student coaches or any other individual that does not or cannot legitimately classify themselves as a contractor (see below). Each role has a Job Description and Person Specification, which details the typical duties and expectations of the successful candidate. It also details the pay range that a coach can expect to receive per hour. The vast majority of coaches paid in this way will be paid within the agreed range, but if you need to discuss a higher rate than is allowed for, please talk to your administrative team. Administrative teams will process wagesheets for coaches by the 10th of each month in order for payment to be received on or around the 14th of the month.

    Download Lead Coach JDPS
    Download Assistant Coach JDPS
    Download Pay Scales

  • Coaching Consultant:
    These coaches are paid via invoicing as a contractor/supplier via a "Retainer Agreement". Coaches will need to provide assurance that they meet HMRC guidelines to be defined as a contractor/supplier, and will need to supply a Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) or company number in order to register for payment via this method. Coaches are required to submit regular (ideally, monthly) invoices in order to receive payment for their services.

How do I go about appointing a coach?

Recruitment and selection

Clubs and Societies are best placed to contact suitable coaches due to their industry knowledge. People Development does not impose a process upon this activity, but we do advise that the recruitment and selection process is fairtransparentinclusive and documented. If you require any help during this process, please email

Request to appoint

Once your Club or Society is happy with the coach(es) you have chosen, you should make a submission using the form below. Please note that all submitted details are stored within the People Development team SharePoint site and are only accessible by relevant people in the People Development team and your administrative team. Depending upon the options you select, your coach will then either be sent a link to register their details in our HR system "Staff Savvy" as a Lead/Assistant Coach, or they will be sent a "Retainer Agreement" in order to register their details as a Coaching Consultant.

Form - Request to Appoint a Coach


Your administrative team will check the details you've submitted and discuss anything anomalous with you directly (but it's a good idea to talk to your administrative team before submitting the form if you are unsure). Once they have sent the relevant information directly to your nominated coach(es), the following will take place:

  • Lead/Assistant Coaches:
    These coaches will receive a link to sign up to the Union's HR system, Staff Savvy. Here they will upload their proof of "Right to Work in the UK", which will be checked and verified by a member of the People Development team. They will be assigned a contract and they will provide all other details required for payroll etc. Your administrative team will be notified when this has been fully completed, who will then notify your Club/Society Chair that the coach can now commence work. Your administrative team will also set up the hours of work within Savvy as per the submission made on the "Request to Appoint" form.
  • Coaching Consultants:
    These coaches will be sent a "Retainer Agreement" by your administrative team. Once they receive this back, they will check the form and pass it on to the Union's Finance team for registration. At this time, your administrative team will notify you Club/Society Chair that the coach can now commence work.

In either case, you must await official confirmation from your administrative team that your coach can commence work. Any work that takes place prior to this confirmation being received will not be payable and an investigation will take place to ascertain the circumstances.

How do coaches get paid?

  • Lead/Assistant Coaches:
    These coaches will be issued with a Payroll ID and will be paid on or around the 14th of each month as per the hours registered within Staff Savvy. Coaches do not need to "check-in" to a shift, but any adjustments to the agreed hours must be received by your administrative team before 9am on the 10th of each month in order for them to be accurate for payment by the 14th.
  • Coaching Consultants:
    These coaches will be required to submit monthly invoices to the Union for payment. Chairs, Treasurers and your administrative team will need to monitor spend vs. budget allocations regularly in order to ensure that the correct committment is being honoured by both parties. Payment runs are made on a weekly basis.

What if we have issues with our coach?

In either case, coaches have signed up to some form of quality assurance. Lead/Assistant Coaches need to adhere to the Job Description they have been appointed to, as well as the "Coaching Code of Practice". As such, they will be subject to the Union's policies on, amongst others, capability and discipline. Coaching Consultants are also signing up as a supplier to the Union. If quality is judged to be below standard, we will discuss this and take any appropriate action. In the first instance, you should raise any issues with your administrative team.

What happens when coaching finishes?

At the end of the agreed term, Lead/Assistant Coaches will be "archived" in Savvy and they will receive a P45 from the Union detailing that employment has ceased. If the coach is going to work with us again in the same capacity, you can contact your administrative team and we will prevent a P45 being issued. However, the above process will need to be followed again at the start of the next academic year regardless, as a new contract will need to be issued and new Right to Work checks may be required. Coaching Consultants will submit their final invoices by the end of the financial year (end of July) and will receive their final payment. The above process will need to be followed again at the start of the next academic year if the coach is to continue working with the Union.

Who do I contact with any questions?

In the first instance, you should contact your administrative team. If they are unable to answer your query directly, they will contact the relevant operational team at LSU for further guidance.

Coaching Flowchart