
Workshops are training sessions led by student volunteers, designed to share skills and knowledge. Peer Support workshops facilitate a range of fun, useful and educating experiences. All students are welcomed.

Past workshops include:

  • · How to use Learn
  • · Referencing
  • · Time management
  • · Confidence
  • · Resilience
  • · Managing workloads
  • · Leadership skills
  • · Cooking on a budget
  • · Revision tips
  • · Working with feedback
  • ·

Great! How can I attend?

If you would like more information or there is any specific skill or activity you would like to have a workshop on, feel free to speak with your Student Coordinator or email Peer Support

Ways to find out about the available workshops:
The workshops will be promoted by Peer Support Student Coordinators via email.Workshops will also be promoted on LSU Events Calendar.