Peer Mentoring

What do Peer Mentors do?

Peer Mentors act as a student point of contact and are there to help you through your first year at Loughborough University. Whether this is answering questions about student life at Loughborough, tips about your course or information about extra-curriculum activities.

Mentoring enables you to speak to someone who has been where you are now!

What are the benefits of Peer Mentoring?

Peer Mentoring has a wealth of benefits, both for Mentees and Mentors.

For Mentees, it provides a friendly face to chat to, a support network, and the opportunity to talk to a student who has already been through the uncertainties and excitement of first year.

As a Mentor, you can benefit from many developmental training sessions provided by Peer Support, improve your confidence, gain experience and build up your CV!

Peer Mentoring also generates positive relationships between students, gives Mentors the opportunity to help their peers, and contributes to our friendly atmosphere on campus.

How do I contact my Peer Mentor?

If you are a prospective student who has accepted a place to study at Loughborough, or if you are a current student at any stage in your Loughborough journey, and you would like a Mentor, please complete the Request a Mentor form. The Peer Support team will then match you with a student volunteer. Make sure to provide as much detail as you can on the form, as this helps us to create the best match for you. You will then receive an email introducing your Mentor to you, and instructions on how you can communicate and meet.

How can I become a Peer Mentor?

If you are interested in helping others transition to University, then this is the voluntary role for you! Take a look at the opportunity profile and keep an eye on our communications, as we recruit for this role in March for the following academic year.

Hear from a
Peer Mentor

Vidhi Calane

Peer Mentor
Being a mentor has been a really fulfilling experience for me since it has given me the chance to learn from my mentees' varied viewpoints in addition to being able to share my knowledge. My ambition to give back to the community and support others in realising their potential inspired me to become a mentor. I would definitely recommend other students to mentor one another; it is a rewarding approach to have a positive influence and advance both personally and professionally.