William Morris

Welcome to William Morris Hall!!

(aka BillMo!)


We are the 3rd largest hall in Loughborough  and the most recent winners of ‘Most Social Hall of the Year’ title. With us you’ll find an unrivalled hall spirit in the most lively and welcoming environment on campus.


Being the most over-subscribed hall (for good reason), we're home to 487 self-catered students and ensure that every one of our students gets the very best from their Loughborough experience. 


As well as being the closest hall to the Student's Union (night's out, cafe's and shops), we're also only a 10-minute walk from both Town and the Library, putting us in a prime location for any student. Unlike any other hall, we also have our own on-site Study Room equipped with booths, TV’s for group work, and refreshments. We work hard and play hard!


BillMo is famous for getting its residents involved. With there being so many of us, there’s a wealth of diversity in talent, interests and backgrounds that make BillMo the amazing community that it is. There’s so much to do all year round - never a boring moment in BillMo! 


William Morris plays a successful part in a range of intramural sports such as rugby, netball, football, badminton, volleyball among many more - there's something for everyone. We were proud winners of the Women’s B’s netball league, Women’s cross country and Men’s futsal last year and incredibly honoured to win the Most improved Hall for Women’s sports at the IMS awards last year. 


Volunteering also plays a large part in the life of Bill Mo-er's, with the hall winning the award for most money raised during Rag Week. Alongside this, our Action section is hugely successful winning Most improved Hall last year for our hard work in community projects such as giving tours, gardening and helping out at the campus nursery.


Social life in Bill Mo is second to none and the heart of our reputation. We provide a plethora of social events throughout the year such as gaming and movie nights, social sports days, hall day festivals and so much more, finishing off each term with unforgettable Winter and Summer Balls.



Your Hall Committee are always on hand and more than happy to answer any queries you might have, no matter how trivial. We know that university is a big change and want to help however we can. 


Send an email to one of the contacts below and we’ll be more than happy to help! 


Corey McMullan - Hall Chair



Josie Karieren - Vice Chair & Social Sec



Izzy Sims - Social Sec



What are Hall Subs? 
Hall Subs are a membership fee that goes towards arranging events and activities within your Hall of Residence for the whole (or part of a*) year.

There are a number of different Hall Sub Packages including: 
First Year Hall Subs, Returners' Hall Subs, Affiliate Hall Subs, and Single Semester Subs.
For more information on each Hall Sub Package and what is included - please review the Key Information - Hall Subs 2023 document.