Robert Bakewell


We are an amazing community made up of 400 bedrooms over 5 blocks, gaining our name from the 18th-century agriculturalist known for pioneering stockbreeding. 

Warden Team 

Warden: Dr Katryna Kalawsky 

Sub-warden: Omeiza Haruna 

Sub-warden: Tunmike Olowe 

Sub-warden: Sam Faulkner 

The Committee 

Hall Chair: Alice McCormick 

Vice-Chair & Action Rep: Alexandria Efthimiou 

Treasurer: Joe Habgood 

Social Secs: Charlotte Rickard & Tomiwa Agbongbon 

Action Rep: Eleanor Brandon 

Welfare, Diversity & Societies Reps: Rose Mosinski & Helena Scott-Stevens 

Stash & Enterprise Rep: Shemaiah Palmado 

Male Sports Secs: Lucas Allen & Philip Rowicki 

Female Sports Secs: Amy Dimmock & Maddison Lee 

Media Reps: Isabelle Facey & Finn Cassell 

Rag Reps: Olivia Ratcliffe & Aidan Agar 

FREEC & AAIR: Madison Tait 

The committee’s job is to host events and ensure your time in the hall is the best possible! We are a really friendly bunch so please message one of us if you have any questions. Our main point of contact will be our Hall Chair, Alice ( 


What are Hall Subs? 
Hall Subs are a membership fee that goes towards arranging events and activities within your Hall of Residence for the whole (or part of a*) year.

There are a number of different Hall Sub Packages including: 
First Year Hall Subs, Returners' Hall Subs, Affiliate Hall Subs, and Single Semester Subs.
For more information on each Hall Sub Package and what is included - please review the Key Information - Hall Subs 2023 document.