

Congratulations to all those future Loughborough students, especially those who are going into Hazlerigg-Rutland Hall, and joining the Rigg-Rut family. We are proud to be in Hazlerigg-Rutland Hall the oldest - and still the best - hall on campus. 

Hazlerigg-Rutland (or Rigg-Rut for short) was the first student body to live on campus in 1932. 

We lived in a building right next to the union, which is the most iconic and nicest looking building on campus. In 2008 we moved to a set of new halls because the uni wanted to change old Rigg-Rut into offices. The new building is 10 mins walk away from the union, and less than 5 mins to the library. If you come to Rigg-Rut, you will get all the traditions of an old hall, in one of the newest and nicest halls to live in. (win-win!) 

?Life in Hazlerigg-Rutland is amazing. Even though we're one of the smallest halls on campus, we get involved in everything... Plus- our socials are legendary! Punch Parties, Balls, fun Sober Trips to various places, nights out into town and other cities... the list goes on. 

Even though we are small, we pride ourselves on how involved our hall members are, proving tough competition to everyone. Join us, and take part in IMS (inter-hall sports), Action projects (helping the community in volunteering), and RAG events (collecting and raising money for charity). 

Join the 'Offical Rigg-Rut Freshers Facebook Group' 
Rigg-Rut freshers week will be one of the greatest weeks of your university life and we will help you make it amazing! You will meet so many new people and make some great memories with our Rigg-Rut community. This year's Committee is dedicated and will make your experience the best it can possibly be. 

Find out more at our official Rigg-Rut Website! 


What are Hall Subs? 
Hall Subs are a membership fee that goes towards arranging events and activities within your Hall of Residence for the whole (or part of a*) year.

There are a number of different Hall Sub Packages including: 
First Year Hall Subs, Returners' Hall Subs, Affiliate Hall Subs, and Single Semester Subs.
For more information on each Hall Sub Package and what is included - please review the Key Information - Hall Subs 2023 document.