Hall Students Federation

Here at Loughborough, your hall will form the basis of your student experience. As well as being your new home, they will offer you everything from opportunities to raise money for charity and volunteer in the community, to competing in Intramural Sport and attending socials and balls. All of these aspects of hall life are massively rewarding whilst also being a great way to meet like-minded people. Our halls are quite competitive and each section goes towards the prestigious “Hall of The Year” title, with Royce and Falk Egg being the joint 2023 champions.

Each hall is run by a committee, with a Hall Chair at the helm overseeing the work of the other committee members. To ensure that your Hall Committee is working to the best of its ability, and to make sure every student in halls is represented at the highest level, the Hall Students Federation was formed to provide a link to the Union Executive team and the university. HSF Senate meet on a fortnightly basis and discuss issues that relate to halls, how they are run and what events and opportunities we can provide to consistently guarantee every student has the time of their life here at Loughborough.

Who sits on HSF?

By paying hall subs, you automatically become a member of HSF. The rest of HSF are senate members made up of: HSF executive team, Union executive team, Section Heads and Hall Chairs.

The HSF Senate

HSF Executive Team

Rachael Alvey – President

James Cuthbert - Vice-President


Sabbatical Members

Molly Page - LSU President

Georgia Whelan - LSU Democracy and Communities Executive Officer


Section Representatives

Scout Wolf - Chair of Social

Casper Bath – Campus and Sustainability

Rhiane Clarke - Stash and Enterprise 

Elise Hyde - Welfare and Diversity 

Conall Milligan - IMS 

Tom Creedon - Action

Ben Kearin - RAG 

 - Societies 

 - Media


Hall Chairs

Butler Court - Eirini Alamanoglou

Cayley - Lula Jones

Claudia Parsons - Jasmine Velani

David Collett - Joaquin Lorenzana Sanchez

Elvyn Richards - Daniela Villanueva-Simon

Faulkner Eggington - Jack Oulton

Faraday - Nic Ponticos

Harry French - Lucy Palmer

Hazlerigg Rutland - Louix West

Robert Bakewell - Alex Guest

Royce - Jack Haddock

Rutherford - Alex England

Telford - Millie Hawes

The Holt - Emma Rose

Towers - Emelie Fernandez

William Morris - Corey McMullan


Any enquiries, suggestions or complaints about university life from each hall can also be brought to HSF, and we will work hard to make sure the appropriate steps are taken. If you have any queries at all, pass them on to a member of your committee and they will get to us at HSF. This can be anything from thoughts about a specific section of the Union, to concerns about the living arrangements in your Hall. We will do what we can to address the situation and feed-back the information via the appropriate people. Alternatively, you can contact any of us directly via the email addresses below.

Once again, congratulations on gaining a place at Loughborough University. We can honestly say that it will be the best three years of your life and our advice is to throw yourself into much as possible. The more you put in, the more you’ll get out!


HSF Exec

Rachael Alvey – HSF President r.m.alvey-20@student.lboro.ac.uk

James Cuthbert – HSF Vice-President j.cuthbert-20@student.lboro.ac.uk