David Collett


David Collett is a catered hall (serving breakfast and dinner/tea, Monday through Friday) on the west side of campus that's home to around 330 students.

We're located close to science and engineering departments, only a stone's throw away from the library, and a couple of minutes from Holywell Gym, the University Stadium. We are also close to Simon's AKA Papa Si's (a takeaway selling pizza, fried chicken, etc.) and the Purple Onion (now sometimes known as "The Spar", located next to Simon's), and a quick walk or free "Sprint" bus to other departments and facilities across campus.

For more information, follow our Social Media Channels:  https://m.facebook.com/groups/323003706818953/?ref=share// Instagram // Youtube


If you're joining us this year, congratulations and welcome to Loughborough! All information from the Hall will be put onto the Facebook (https://m.facebook.com/groups/323003706818953/?ref=share) which will be regularly updated.

Move-in day for DC this year is 26th September - remember to confirm your arrival slot before the day!


What are Hall Subs? 
Hall Subs are a membership fee that goes towards arranging events and activities within your Hall of Residence for the whole (or part of a*) year.

There are a number of different Hall Sub Packages including: 
First Year Hall Subs, Returners' Hall Subs, Affiliate Hall Subs, and Single Semester Subs.
For more information on each Hall Sub Package and what is included - please review the Key Information - Hall Subs 2023 document.