Butler Court


Named after Sir Clifford Butler, Vice-Chancellor of the University from 1975-1985 - Butler Court is a very tight-knit community where morale is high and there is a great social life.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact our 2022/2023 Hall Chair, Noah Vanden Branden (n.vanden-branden-21@student.lboro.ac.uk)


What are Hall Subs? 
Hall Subs are a membership fee that goes towards arranging events and activities within your Hall of Residence for the whole (or part of a*) year.

There are a number of different Hall Sub Packages including: 
First Year Hall Subs, Returners' Hall Subs, Affiliate Hall Subs, and Single Semester Subs.
For more information on each Hall Sub Package and what is included - please review the Key Information - Hall Subs 2023 document.