
Sustainability Week 2023


In September of 2022, we made a vow to prioritise the fight against climate change. As part of our commitment, we recently hosted our inaugural Sustainability Week, giving students and staff the chance to gain a greater understanding of sustainability and take part in activities that emphasise its significance.

The week kicked off with our Sustainability Hackathon, hosted in collaboration with the Loughborough University Student Success Academy. On the day, 85 of our students gathered in groups of five and were set a brief by the judges to present back five ideas on how the University could run in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way. This fantastic opportunity allowed students to have some fun, collaborate with others, and contemplate sustainability in greater depth.

Sustainability Hackathon

In the week, we hosted our Sustainability Day in The Basement, which offered students the opportunity to shop sustainably at a variety of market stalls selling sustainable products and vintage items. Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to learn more about various environmental initiatives with stalls from Enva and Loughborough University, who were promoting their Carbon Action Plan. Guest presentations throughout the day covered topics such as waste and refuse in the local community, and the advantages of the Loughborough University campus bees.

We also hosted REINVENT, a sustainable fashion show run in collaboration with the artist Bruce Asbestos, which saw our students put their creativity to the test, curating looks for four different categories: Re-Wear, Re-Purpose, Re-Generate, and Re-Invent. These students had been hard at work for weeks, learning how to sew and how to repurpose old materials into new clothes. It truly was a celebration of sustainability, creativity, and reinvention.

When I came into my role at LSU, I had a vision to create the first ever sustainable fashion show on campus. We celebrated creativity, sustainability and reinvention, and showcased the incredible talent from our student population, giving them a platform to express themselves in their creations.

Rachel Curtis, Enterprise Community Lead 2022-23

To end a great week, JC's debuted a sustainability-focused menu, which put the spotlight on meat-free meals and local food sources. We also welcomed TVC Vintage for a clothing sale to promote second-hand and upcycled garments, and we hosted our very own mini clothing exchange to encourage students to swap their unwanted clothes.

The campaign was a fantastic success, reaching hundreds of students and staff members, and helping them to understand the positive impacts of sustainable living. As a result of people attending our events, we have been able to plant over 300 trees, and we are excited to continue organising sustainability events to further our commitment to protecting the environment.