
Loughborough Campus Forum - December 2022

Loughborough University campus

On 5th December, colleagues from LSU conducted a Loughborough campus forum which asked for student's feedback on a range of different topics that affect their University experience. Amongst the topics which were detailed in the promotional materials for the forums, students were able to suggest their own agenda points when they registered their attendance for the event. One of the topics that was suggested was on campus sustainability.

Below is a summary of the findings on the feedback that the students raised in relation to Loughborough University's sustainability practices. The findings have been labelled in relation to the categories that GISU have suggested:

GISU categories: Attitudes (A), Priorities (P), Concerns (C), Needs (N), Expectations (E), Suggestions (S)

Food provisions:
  • Subsidised canteens. (S)
  • Communal appliances such as microwaves and kettles. (P)
  • Increased communication about food appliances available on campus. (E)
Energy use:
  • University could turn building lights off after hours. (S)
  • Heating isn't consistent throughout campus. (A)
  • Audits of University space. (S)
  • Accommodation extractor fans use a lot of energy. (C)
  • Too many single-use plastics, such as coffee cups. (C)
  • Catered halls could reduce waste by allowing students to opt out of breakfast. (S)
  • All types of waste bin should be provided in the same place. Usually there are bins for recycling and food waste, but they aren't located next to each other. (S)

The feedback from the Student Forums has been fed into the Executive Committee meetings and Cost of Living working group, where colleagues at LSU have discussed how to action the feedback provided by the students.