What is Peer Assisted Learning?

Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) is a student-led, department-owned, module-specific scheme designed to provide a safe, confidential and friendly environment for students to explore different learning strategies and develop study skills on a weekly basis.

What are the benefits?

PAL has shown to help students of all abilities. Students who regularly attend PAL achieve more firsts than those who don’t; have overall higher-grade averages; and have a much lower failure rate. Not only PAL is great for academic gains, but there is evidence to suggest PAL has a positive impact on the number of students who stay at University and complete their degree- not surprising as PAL is a great means of support and making friends. Finally, PAL saves student’s time. Research suggests you can learn as much studying in a group for one hour as three hours of self-study!

How does PAL work?

Attending PAL sessions provide you with opportunity to look at the module content in different ways, get to know other students on your course and those in the year above. Statistics have shown attending PAL sessions increase grades and deepen understanding of the contents. This method helps with retaining the learnt information, and ultimately helping towards student retention.

Can I volunteer to lead a PAL session?

Yes! As a PAL Facilitator, you will not be required to teach or deliver new materials. Good communication skills, a friendly attitude and desire to help others are the key requirements. You will receive full training and on-going support to ensure you are clear, confident and comfortable about your responsibilities. If you are interested take a look at our opportunity profile Peer Assisted Learning Facilitator (PAL Facilitator )Opportunity Profile and email the team for more details.

What are students saying
about PAL?


Peer Assisted Learning Facilitator
"I felt a lot more confident when giving presentations after my experience as a PAL Facilitator - really helped improve my public speaking knowing that students were relying on me to help them."


English PAL Facilitator
"Being the PAL Facilitator for English has been a wonderful experience and I'm glad I could help so many Part A students with analysing poetry."


Mathematics PAL Facilitator
"Being a PAL Facilitator was an eye-opening experience. It allowed me to network with other volunteers taking the same course and it was satisfying helping students tackle challenging problems. Taking this position has benefitted my communication, presentation and organisation skills."


Chemistry PAL Facilitator
"I found PAL Facilitating this year as a good opportunity to support the Part A students with challenging content on the course that I even remember finding difficult. It was very rewarding to see them understand things better and grow in confidence, it also gave me a chance to build my confidence and communication skills too."