Support for students distressed by the current events in Israel/Palestine image

We understand that within our student community, there are individuals who have experienced a direct impact from the tragic incidents in Israel and Gaza, or who may have concerns for the safety and well-being of their loved ones in both locations.

During these tumultuous times marked by conflict, there has been a concerning surge in instances of racism, antisemitism, and islamophobia in the UK. It's crucial to emphasise that here at Loughborough Students’ Union, we maintain a strict zero-tolerance stance towards any form of discrimination or hatred, and we will not permit such behaviour.

We take great pride in our commitment to inclusivity and firmly believe that everyone has the right to a safe and welcoming environment here at Loughborough.

Support Services

We would like to draw your attention to the following services designed to provide support to any Loughborough student who may be struggling to cope with ongoing events:

Student Services (Email:, Tel: 01509 222765) offers a range of support, including  mental health and wellbeing, and advice specifically for international students. One-to-one support with an advisor is also available. If you would like to access this support, please complete the online referral form. 

The University Chaplaincy (Email:, Tel: 01509 223741) offers a space for quiet reflection. University Chaplains are here to listen, here to care and here to help all students. No appointment is necessary.   

International Students Network (Email: are here to ensure that all international students are supported throughout their time here at Loughborough.

If you feel your studies are being affected, you can contact your Academic School and/or Personal Tutors so that we can provide the right support to you. If you wish, you can also submit an individual Mitigating Circumstances claim to explain how you have been impacted by recent events.

For an easily accessible list of welfare and diversity support services, please click here.

If you would like to report incidents of Bullying, Harassment, Hate Incidents (including racism, antisemitism, and islamophobia) or any other welfare concerns. We encourage reports to be made via the Loughborough University Incident Reporting Tool.

University Security are based on campus and patrol 7 days a week. Security offer reporting for all crime-based reporting in conjunction with their connections to the Leicestershire police service. If you are in an emergency, please call the emergency services on 999 or the campus security emergency number 0800 526966. 

Travel advice:

Students planning to travel to these areas are advised to check the latest travel advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. The website has been updated so that anyone who is in Israel, or the Occupied Palestine Territories can register their presence and there are also contact details for those who need help. For those based in the UK concerned about a friend or family member, you can call the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office on 020 7008 5000.


Remember: You are not alone; we are always here for you! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support.