Safety at LSU image

We want to ensure you always have the best time here at LSU, so whether you're a fresher or a returning student, it's crucial to familiarise yourself with the various safety measures and initiatives we have in place here. Below you will find some essential safety tips and resources available to you.


1. StopTopps: We’ve got you covered!

Spiking is a hugely under-reported problem that affects people the world over. Whether done by a friend as a ‘prank’, or with the intention of committing a far more serious offence, it’s wrong: we all have a right to know exactly what we’re putting into our bodies. StopTopps are versatile drink-protectors that are designed specifically to deter drink spikers. StopTopps are available at all our bars throughout the union, so please ask behind the bar to be provided with one... top tip, they’re also amazing for avoiding drink spillages too (win win!)

2. Ask For Angela: A Discreet Way to Seek Help

While we always try to promote a safe and happy place here at LSU, we understand that sometimes, situations might arise where you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. This is why we have introduced the "Ask For Angela" initiative to the union. If you ever find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, approach a staff member, and ask to "speak to Angela." They will discreetly assist you, ensuring your safety is a top priority.

3. ‘Don't be a Dick’ module: Know What's Acceptable

Respect and good behaviour are key to creating a safe and enjoyable atmosphere at the Union. Our Don’t Be a Dick quiz highlights what is and isn't acceptable behaviour at the union, and it's a requirement for anyone who wants to go out. Simply watch the educational video and answer a number of questions to complete. Remember, treating others with respect is not just a rule; it's a way of ensuring everyone's safety and enjoyment. Reminder - all students, old and new, will need to recomplete the course every year.

4. Security and Medical Teams: Always There for You

Please note we always have security and medical teams in place to respond to any emergencies or issues that may arise during events or nights out. If you ever feel unsafe or need assistance, don't hesitate to seek out a security or medical team member. They are there to help and ensure your wellbeing.

5. Stay Hydrated: Take Care of Yourself

While having fun at the union is important, it's equally crucial to take care of your health. Remember to stay hydrated throughout the night by drinking water in between alcoholic beverages. Dehydration can lead to discomfort and other health issues, so make it a habit to visit the hydration stations regularly.


Your safety is of utmost importance at Loughborough Students' Union. By familiarising yourself with these safety measures and initiatives, you can have a fantastic time while knowing that there are resources and support available should you ever need them.

Have a great time and stay safe!