
Throughout several civil wars, Sudan has experienced high levels of violence and unrest, particularly in Darfur. Extending coverage of a minimum basic package of primary health care services (BPPHS) to facilities in all Sudan is a need that will be addressed by the Health Sector in coming years. Continuing population displacement from neighboring countries and access constraints will likely increase the need for strong preparedness and timely response to communicable disease outbreaks including measles, acute watery diarrhoea, hepatitis E and scabies. Maternal and infant mortality will continue to be a priority problem particularly among vulnerable populations.

The information displayed here is updated in reference to the Health Cluster dashboard, in quarterly periods.

Sudan map

Map disclaimer: Data source: WHO. Map production: WHO/Health Emergencies Programme. @ WHO 2021. All rights reserved.


Formal Health Cluster System (IASC declared) data as of June 2024

14 million people affected

US$ 178.6 million requested

2009 year activated

4.9 million
people targeted

26 % funded





Health Cluster coordination

Emma Fitzpatrick 
Health Cluster Coordinator a.i.


Health Cluster team

National team: 3
Coordinator: 1 FT
Information management officer: 2 FT
Public health officer: 0
Communications officer: 0

Subnational hub: 1

Health Cluster partners

Partners: 81
International NGOs: 30
National NGOs: 28
UN agencies: 8
National authorities: 1
Donors: 7
Observers: 7