
Terrorism and insecurity in Mali have had health implications for the country's people, many of whom experience food insecurity. Priorities for the Health Cluster include providing an essential primary health care package and appropriate referral system, including for specific care for sexual and gender based violence, as well as mental health care. The Cluster is also supporting the treatment for medical complications of malnutrition and the rehabilitation care for people living with disabilities as a consequence of war wounds. The Health Cluster is reinforcing the disease surveillance system and controlling outbreaks.

The information displayed here is updated in reference to the Health Cluster dashboard, in quarterly periods.

Mali map

Map disclaimer: Data source: WHO. Map production: WHO/Health Emergencies Programme. @ WHO 2021. All rights reserved.


Formal Health Cluster System (IASC declared) data as of June 2024

3.5 million People in Need

US$ 26 million requested

2012 year activated

2.1 million
people targeted

29% funded

Co-coordinator ALIMA




Health Cluster coordination

Alle Baba Dieng
Health Cluster Coordinator

Health Cluster team

National team: 1
Coordinator: 1 FT
Information management officer: 1 
Public health officer: 0
Communications officer: 0 PT

Subnational hubs: 11

Health Cluster partners

Partners: 94
International NGOs: 45
National NGOs: 37
UN agencies: 5
National authorities: 2
Donors: 5