

Vaccination campaign in Mong Kaing Township / © Asian Harm Reduction Network, Myanmar Health Cluster partner
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Each partner has a role to play in the Health Cluster

There are over 900 partners at country level of which 65 partners engage strategically at global level – this is a collective force guaranteeing that the response to health emergencies becomes more timely, effective and predictable. These partners include international organizations and UN agencies, nongovernmental organizations, national authorities, specialized agencies, affected communities, academic and training institutes and donor agencies.

Each partner is valued and has a role to play in the Health Cluster. Partners can benefit from and contribute to shared knowledge and expertise; capacity building; availability of surge personnel; access to a wider network; improved visibility; and stronger advocacy.

The Global Health Cluster conducts regularly a Health Cluster Partners' Capacity Survey that aims to capture information on partners' technical, operational and coordination capacities. The result of this exercise helps to more effectively identify critical gaps in health response capacity and inform future partner engagement for the Health Cluster.