
The humanitarian context of Niger is characterized by multiple and protracted crises. The current security situation remains volatile, especially in border areas with Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria, marked by an upsurge of attacks by non-State armed groups which has caused population displacements and refugee crises. The country also experiences cyclical natural disasters, including floods and droughts, as well as recurrent epidemics in the COVID-19 context.

The Health Cluster supports the Government of Niger in strengthening its capacity to prepare for, prevent and respond to health emergencies at the national and sub-national level and in ensuring the continuity of essential health services as well as post-crisis recovery.

The information displayed here is updated in reference to the Health Cluster dashboard, in quarterly periods.

Niger map

Map disclaimer: Data source: WHO. Map production: WHO/Health Emergencies Programme. @ WHO 2021. All rights reserved.


Formal Health Cluster System (IASC declared) data as of June 2024

1.6 million people affected

US$ 47 million requested

2010 year activated

1.3 million people targeted

3 % funded

Co-coordinators World Vision




Health Cluster coordination

Dr Didier Tambwe
Health Cluster Coordinator

Health Cluster team

National team: 3
Coordinator: 1FT
Information management officer: 1 PT
Public health officer: 0
Communications officer: 1 PT

Subnational hubs: 4

Health Cluster partners

Partners: 33
International NGOs: 12
National NGOs: 2
UN agencies: 6
National authorities: 2
Donors: 5
Observers: 6