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Elliott Cordo
Chief Architect, Caserta Concepts
What is Solr
• Solr is an open source search platform
• Based on Core Lucene search technology
• Bundled up with an API, Management Tools, UI, scalability
But isn’t it just a search engine
• Although Solr was primarily architected as a search
engine, there is no reason you can’t use it as a database
• Search based application movement promotes search
engine as a data store
• Search has long been a “cheap” option fast and
interactive queries NoSQL and Hadoop datastores
So why would we use it
• Solr is fast –
• expect low ms response times on simple lookups
• properly tuned even complex queries will take less than 100ms
• Solr scales
• High concurrency
• Scales horizontally and vertically (larger hardware)

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Netflix collects over 100 billion events per day from over 1000 device types and 500 apps/services. They built a big data pipeline using open source tools like NetflixOSS, Hadoop, Druid, Elasticsearch, and RxJava to ingest, process, store, and query this data in real-time and perform tasks like intelligent alerts, distributed tracing, and guided debugging. The system is designed for high throughput and fault tolerance to support a variety of use cases while being simple for message producing and consumption. Developers are encouraged to contribute to improving the open source tools that power Netflix's data platform.

Solr for Data Science
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Solr for Data Science

Solr is a great tool to have in the data scientist toolbox. In this talk, I walk through several demos of using Solr to data science activities as well as explore various use cases for Solr and data science

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Lessons From Sharding Solr At Etsy: Presented by Gregg Donovan, Etsy
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Lessons From Sharding Solr At Etsy: Presented by Gregg Donovan, Etsy

Gregg Donovan presented on lessons learned from sharding Solr at Etsy over three versions: 1) Initially, Etsy did not shard to avoid problems, but the single node approach did not scale. 2) The first sharding version used local sharding across multiple JVMs per host for better latency and manageability. 3) The current version uses distributed sharding across data centers for further latency gains, but this introduced challenges of partial failures, synchronization, and distributed queries.

solrlucene/solr revolution 2015
And it has the best query flexibility of any
NOSQL store!
..and in many cases RDBMS
• Grouping and Aggregation via Facets
• Fuzzy Search
• Equality and Range queries
• Geospatial capabilities
• HIGHLY extensible!
Another Datastore to Manage??
• Polygot persistence/polygot programming
• Feature/function will drive which technology should be
• Use the right tool for the job: Relational, MPP, Hadoop,
Graph, KV, NOSQL
Thankfully Solr is pretty easy to learn and manage!
When it works well
• Search is front and center  end users need to fuzzy
search dimensional attributes
• Flexible /Sparse schema
• Need for speed -> faster queries for more user
• Concurrency -> fast queries on client facing or open web
Use Cases
• Real time analytics  ingest incomming events from
Flume/Logstash/Custom app
• Supplement NOSQL, MPP, or Hadoop analytics
• Web facing analytics DB

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Technologies, Data Analytics Service and Enterprise Business
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Technologies, Data Analytics Service and Enterprise Business

This document discusses technologies for data analytics services for enterprise businesses. It begins by defining enterprise businesses as those "not about IT" and data analytics services as providing insights into business metrics like customer reach, ad views, purchases, and more using data. It then outlines some key technologies needed for such services, including data management systems, distributed processing systems, queues and schedulers, tools for connecting systems, and methods for controlling jobs and workflows with retries to handle failures. Specific challenges around deadlines, idempotent operations, and replay-able workflows are also addressed.

Cascalog at May Bay Area Hadoop User Group
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Cascalog at May Bay Area Hadoop User Group

Cascalog is a Clojure-based query language for Hadoop that provides a powerful and easy-to-use tool for data analysis. It allows users to write queries as regular Clojure code, offering features like joins, aggregators, functions, and sorting. Cascalog is unique in that it offers the full power of Clojure at all times by integrating queries directly into the programming language. BackType uses Cascalog for tasks like identifying influencers on social media, determining exposure to URLs, and studying engagement over time.

Managed Search: Presented by Jacob Graves, Getty Images
Managed Search: Presented by Jacob Graves, Getty ImagesManaged Search: Presented by Jacob Graves, Getty Images
Managed Search: Presented by Jacob Graves, Getty Images

Getty Images uses a managed search system to allow business users to control image search results. The system breaks search scoring into relevancy, recency, and image source components. It provides interfaces to adjust component weights and visualize the effects. Test algorithms can be run on a percentage of users before being promoted to the main search. The system is built on SOLR and uses custom plugins and functions to implement complex scoring and result shuffling while providing business users simple controls.

lucenesolrlucene/solr revolution 2014
What it doesn’t do well
• Joins across collections/cores (tables)
• Complex arbitrary queries
• Limited integration to standard ETL and BI frameworks
How do you get data in?
• A robust API
• Modules and libraries for just about any programing
• Index data in any DB via JDBC
• Pull in XML and Delimited files with Simple Posting Tool
• Flume/Logstash
NOTE: that like it NOSQL cousins, data needs to be
How do you interact with Solr?
HTTP, Nice concise query language
And what does the response look like:
"business_name":"Wingate By Wyndham",
So what about analytic queries
select city, count(1)
from reviews
where state=‘AZ’
group by city

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Get involved with the Apache Software Foundation
Get involved with the Apache Software FoundationGet involved with the Apache Software Foundation
Get involved with the Apache Software Foundation

Presented at Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Allahabad on 21 Oct 2009 to students about the Apache Software Foundation, Lucene, Solr, Hadoop and on the benefits of contributing to open source projects. The target audience was sophomore, junior and senior B.Tech students.

Real time analytics using Hadoop and Elasticsearch
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Real time analytics using Hadoop and Elasticsearch

This document discusses using Hadoop and Elasticsearch for real-time analytics. It provides an overview of Elasticsearch, including how it is document-oriented, schema-free, distributed and fast. It also demonstrates indexing, retrieving, updating and deleting documents from Elasticsearch. The demo portion involves extracting data from a SQL database using Hive, transforming it with Hadoop/Hive, and loading it into Elasticsearch to run queries. Lessons learned focus on concurrency, filtering, field data caching and JVM memory usage.

Real Time search using Spark and Elasticsearch
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Real Time search using Spark and Elasticsearch

This document discusses using Spark Streaming and Elasticsearch to enable real-time search and analysis of streaming data. Spark Streaming processes and enriches streaming data and stores it in Elasticsearch for low-latency search and alerts. The elasticsearch-hadoop connector allows Spark jobs to read from and write to Elasticsearch, integrating the batch processing of Spark with the real-time search of Elasticsearch.

More query fun
select city, count(1)
from reviews
where state=‘AZ’
and review_date between ‘2012-03-01’ and ‘2012-03-06’
group by city
having count(1)>=20
5B2012-03-01T23:59:59.999Z TO 2012-03-
Facet stats give you aggregation
Facet pivots too!
"value":"Outlets At Anthem",
"value":"Q to U BBQ",
"value":"Shanghai Club",
"value":"Apache Junction",
"value":"Lost Dutchman State Park",
UI please!
• Roll your own  it’s not that hard
• How about using Python Flask to render a Solr Response
to D3 or Google Charts
• Sometimes a custom solution is the best option

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Rental Cars and Industrialized Learning to Rank with Sean Downes

Data can be viewed as the exhaust of online activity. With the rise of cloud-based data platforms, barriers to data storage and transfer have crumbled. The demand for creative applications and learning from those datasets has accelerated. Rapid acceleration can quickly accrue disorder, and disorderly data design can turn the deepest data lake into an impenetrable swamp. In this talk, I will discuss the evolution of the data science workflow at Expedia with a special emphasis on Learning to Rank problems. From the heroic early days of ad-hoc Spark exploration to our first production sort model on the cloud, we will explore the process of industrializing the workflow. Layered over our story, I will share some best practices and suggestions on how to keep your data productive, or even pull your organization out of the data swamp.

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The document discusses Solr 4, an open source search platform built on Apache Lucene. Some key points: - Solr 4 is a NoSQL search server that provides distributed indexing, fault tolerance, and real-time search capabilities. - Solr Cloud is Solr's distributed architecture which uses Zookeeper for coordination to provide features like automatic sharding and replication of indexes across multiple servers. - The document outlines Solr 4's capabilities including schema-less options, atomic updates, optimistic concurrency, and a REST API for managing the schema dynamically.

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And the really easy way
Banana – A Solr port of Kibana!
Why should Elasticache fans have all the fun?
And it’s open source!
• An AngularJS app (pure javascript, runs in any
• Make a pretty dashboard with no development in a
couple minutes
• Very user friendly, users can create their own

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Big Data Warehousing Meetup: Developing a super-charged NoSQL data mart using Solr

  • 1. BUILD A SUPERCHARGED DATAMART WITH SOLR Elliott Cordo Chief Architect, Caserta Concepts
  • 2. What is Solr • Solr is an open source search platform • Based on Core Lucene search technology • Bundled up with an API, Management Tools, UI, scalability
  • 3. But isn’t it just a search engine • Although Solr was primarily architected as a search engine, there is no reason you can’t use it as a database • Search based application movement promotes search engine as a data store • Search has long been a “cheap” option fast and interactive queries NoSQL and Hadoop datastores
  • 4. So why would we use it • Solr is fast – • expect low ms response times on simple lookups • properly tuned even complex queries will take less than 100ms • Solr scales • High concurrency • Scales horizontally and vertically (larger hardware)
  • 5. And it has the best query flexibility of any NOSQL store! ..and in many cases RDBMS • Grouping and Aggregation via Facets • Fuzzy Search • Equality and Range queries • Geospatial capabilities • HIGHLY extensible!
  • 6. Another Datastore to Manage?? • Polygot persistence/polygot programming • Feature/function will drive which technology should be used • Use the right tool for the job: Relational, MPP, Hadoop, Graph, KV, NOSQL Thankfully Solr is pretty easy to learn and manage!
  • 7. When it works well • Search is front and center  end users need to fuzzy search dimensional attributes • Flexible /Sparse schema • Need for speed -> faster queries for more user engagement • Concurrency -> fast queries on client facing or open web
  • 8. Use Cases • Real time analytics  ingest incomming events from Flume/Logstash/Custom app • Supplement NOSQL, MPP, or Hadoop analytics • Web facing analytics DB
  • 9. What it doesn’t do well • Joins across collections/cores (tables) • Complex arbitrary queries • Limited integration to standard ETL and BI frameworks
  • 10. How do you get data in? • A robust API • Modules and libraries for just about any programing language • Index data in any DB via JDBC • Pull in XML and Delimited files with Simple Posting Tool • Flume/Logstash NOTE: that like it NOSQL cousins, data needs to be Flattened!
  • 11. How do you interact with Solr? HTTP, Nice concise query language http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=city:Yuma&wt=json&indent=true And what does the response look like: "responseHeader":{ "status":0, "QTime":1, "params":{ "indent":"true", "q":"city:Yuma", "wt":"json"}}, "response":{"numFound":6,"start":0,"docs":[ { "review_id":"JhUliQTD9iyGWov2nv-ZJA", "stars":2, "review_date":"2009-09-23T00:00:00Z", "business_id":"gKRUdbTPBZ7kwBRCeZDDWA", "business_name":"Wingate By Wyndham", "city":"Yuma", "state":"AZ", "longitude":"-112.09343969999999", "latitude":"33.434925100000001", "user_id":"AqlZdDD7NK1fpQi9ltqIXQ", "user_name":"Studl", "_version_":1475098783569149953},
  • 12. So what about analytic queries select city, count(1) from reviews where state=‘AZ’ group by city http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=state:AZ&wt=json&indent =true&facet=true&facet.field=city&rows=0&facet.mincount=1&facet.limit =-1
  • 13. More query fun select city, count(1) from reviews where state=‘AZ’ and review_date between ‘2012-03-01’ and ‘2012-03-06’ group by city having count(1)>=20 http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=state:AZ+review_date:% 5B2012-03-01T23:59:59.999Z TO 2012-03- 06T00:00:00Z%5D&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field=city&r ows=0&facet.mincount=20&facet.limit=-1
  • 14. Facet stats give you aggregation http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=state:AZ+review_date:%5B2012- 03-01T23:59:59.999Z%20TO%202012-03- 06T00:00:00Z%5D&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&rows=0&facet.mincount= 1&facet.limit=-1&stats=true&stats.field=stars&stats.facet=city "stats":{ "stats_fields":{ "stars":{ "min":1.0, "max":5.0, "count":991, "missing":0, "sum":3685.0, "sumOfSquares":15313.0, "mean":3.7184661957618568, "stddev":1.2754290498612053, "facets":{ "city":{ "Peoria":{ "min":1.0, "max":5.0, "count":14, "missing":0, "sum":54.0, "sumOfSquares":234.0, "mean":3.857142857142857, "stddev":1.4064216928154862, "facets":{}}, "Goodyear":{ "min":2.0, "max":5.0, "count":7, ….
  • 15. Facet pivots too! http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=state:AZ+review_date:%5B2012- 03-01T23:59:59.999Z%20TO%202012-03- 06T00:00:00Z%5D&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&rows=0&facet.mincount= 1&facet.limit=-1&facet.pivot=city,business_name "facet_pivot":{ "city,business_name":[{ "field":"city", "value":"Anthem", "count":3, "pivot":[{ "field":"business_name", "value":"Outlets At Anthem", "count":1}, { "field":"business_name", "value":"Q to U BBQ", "count":1}, { "field":"business_name", "value":"Shanghai Club", "count":1}]}, { "field":"city", "value":"Apache Junction", "count":1, "pivot":[{ "field":"business_name", "value":"Lost Dutchman State Park", "count":1}]},
  • 16. UI please! • Roll your own  it’s not that hard • How about using Python Flask to render a Solr Response to D3 or Google Charts • Sometimes a custom solution is the best option
  • 17. And the really easy way Banana – A Solr port of Kibana! Why should Elasticache fans have all the fun? And it’s open source!
  • 18. Banana • An AngularJS app (pure javascript, runs in any browser) • Make a pretty dashboard with no development in a couple minutes • Very user friendly, users can create their own content