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Apache’s Answer to Low Latency
Interactive Query for Big Data
February 13, 2013
• Apache Drill overview
• Key features
• Status and progress
• Discuss potential use cases and cooperation
Big Data Workloads
• Data mining
• Blob store
• Lightweight OLTP on large datasets
• Index and model generation
• Web crawling
• Stream processing
• Clustering, anomaly detection and classification
• Interactive analysis
Interactive Queries and Hadoop
Compile SQL to
SQL based
interactive queries
interactive queries
Emerging Technologies
Common Solutions
Export MapReduce
results to RDBMS and
query the RDBMS
External tables in an
MPP database

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Near Real-Time Data Warehousing with Apache Spark and Delta Lake
Near Real-Time Data Warehousing with Apache Spark and Delta LakeNear Real-Time Data Warehousing with Apache Spark and Delta Lake
Near Real-Time Data Warehousing with Apache Spark and Delta Lake

Timely data in a data warehouse is a challenge many of us face, often with there being no straightforward solution. Using a combination of batch and streaming data pipelines you can leverage the Delta Lake format to provide an enterprise data warehouse at a near real-time frequency. Delta Lake eases the ETL workload by enabling ACID transactions in a warehousing environment. Coupling this with structured streaming, you can achieve a low latency data warehouse. In this talk, we’ll talk about how to use Delta Lake to improve the latency of ingestion and storage of your data warehouse tables. We’ll also talk about how you can use spark streaming to build the aggregations and tables that drive your data warehouse.

*apache spark

 *big data

RocksDB compaction
RocksDB compactionRocksDB compaction
RocksDB compaction

The document discusses compaction in RocksDB, an embedded key-value storage engine. It describes the two compaction styles in RocksDB: level style compaction and universal style compaction. Level style compaction stores data in multiple levels and performs compactions by merging files from lower to higher levels. Universal style compaction keeps all files in level 0 and performs compactions by merging adjacent files in time order. The document provides details on the compaction process and configuration options for both styles.

Apache phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBAse
Apache phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBAseApache phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBAse
Apache phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBAse

HBase as the NoSQL database of choice in the Hadoop ecosystem has already been proven itself in scale and in many mission critical workloads in hundreds of companies. Phoenix as the SQL layer on top of HBase, has been increasingly becoming the tool of choice as the perfect complementary for HBase. Phoenix is now being used more and more for super low latency querying and fast analytics across a large number of users in production deployments. In this talk, we will cover what makes Phoenix attractive among current and prospective HBase users, like SQL support, JDBC, data modeling, secondary indexing, UDFs, and also go over recent improvements like Query Server, ODBC drivers, ACID transactions, Spark integration, etc. We will conclude by looking into items in the pipeline and how Phoenix and HBase interacts with other engines like Hive and Spark.

phoenixapache phoenixhbase
Example Problem
• Jane works as an
analyst at an e-
commerce company
• How does she figure
out good targeting
segments for the next
marketing campaign?
• She has some ideas
and lots of data
Solving the Problem with Traditional Systems
• Use an RDBMS
– ETL the data from MongoDB and Hadoop into the RDBMS
• MongoDB data must be flattened, schematized, filtered and aggregated
• Hadoop data must be filtered and aggregated
– Query the data using any SQL-based tool
• Use MapReduce
– ETL the data from Oracle and MongoDB into Hadoop
– Work with the MapReduce team to generate the desired analyses
• Use Hive
– ETL the data from Oracle and MongoDB into Hadoop
• MongoDB data must be flattened and schematized
– But HiveQL is limited, queries take too long and BI tool support is
File System
GFS BigTable Dremel MapReduce
HDFS HBase ???
Build Apache Drill to provide a true open source
solution to interactive analysis of Big Data
Apache Drill Overview
• Interactive analysis of Big Data using standard SQL
• Fast
– Low latency queries
– Columnar execution
• Inspired by Google Dremel/BigQuery
– Complement native interfaces and
• Open
– Community driven open source project
– Under Apache Software Foundation
• Modern
– Standard ANSI SQL:2003 (select/into)
– Nested/hierarchical data support
– Schema is optional
– Supports RDBMS, Hadoop and NoSQL
Interactive queries
Data analyst
100 ms-20 min
Data mining
Large ETL
20 min-20 hr
Apache Drill

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Pipelines have become ubiquitous, as the need for stringing multiple functions to compose applications has gained adoption and popularity. Common pipeline abstractions such as “fit” and “transform” are even shared across divergent platforms such as Python Scikit-Learn and Apache Spark. Scaling pipelines at the level of simple functions is desirable for many AI applications, however is not directly supported by Ray’s parallelism primitives. In this talk, Raghu will describe a pipeline abstraction that takes advantage of Ray’s compute model to efficiently scale arbitrarily complex pipeline workflows. He will demonstrate how this abstraction cleanly unifies pipeline workflows across multiple platforms such as Scikit-Learn and Spark, and achieves nearly optimal scale-out parallelism on pipelined computations. Attendees will learn how pipelined workflows can be mapped to Ray’s compute model and how they can both unify and accelerate their pipelines with Ray.

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Talk given at RedisConf 17 on June 1, 2017 by Daniel Hochman. A video will be published by the conference organizers. Abstract: Built-in GEO commands in Redis provide a solid foundation for location-based applications. The scale of Lyft requires a completely different approach to the problem. Learn how to push beyond your constraints to build a highly available, high throughput, horizontally scalable Redis architecture. The techniques presented in this case study are broadly applicable to scaling any type of application powered by Redis. The talk will cover data modeling, open-source solutions, reliability engineering, and Lyft platform.

Introduction to MongoDB
Introduction to MongoDBIntroduction to MongoDB
Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is an open-source, document-oriented database that provides high performance and horizontal scalability. It uses a document-model where data is organized in flexible, JSON-like documents rather than rigidly defined rows and tables. Documents can contain multiple types of nested objects and arrays. MongoDB is best suited for applications that need to store large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data and benefit from horizontal scalability and high performance.

How Does It Work?
• Drillbits run on each node, designed to
maximize data locality
• Processing is done outside MapReduce
paradigm (but possibly within YARN)
• Queries can be fed to any Drillbit
• Coordination, query planning, optimization,
scheduling, and execution are distributed
Key Features
• Full SQL (ANSI SQL:2003)
• Nested data
• Schema is optional
• Flexible and extensible architecture
Full SQL (ANSI SQL:2003)
• Drill supports standard ANSI SQL:2003
– Correlated subqueries, analytic functions, …
– SQL-like is not enough
• Use any SQL-based tool with Apache Drill
– Tableau, Microstrategy, Excel, SAP Crystal Reports, Toad, SQuirreL, …
– Standard ODBC and JDBC drivers
Nested Data
• Nested data is becoming prevalent
– JSON, BSON, XML, Protocol Buffers, Avro, etc.
– The data source may or may not be aware
• MongoDB supports nested data natively
• A single HBase value could be a JSON document
(compound nested type)
– Google Dremel’s innovation was efficient columnar
storage and querying of nested data
• Flattening nested data is error-prone and often
– Think about repeated and optional fields at every
• Apache Drill supports nested data
– Extensions to ANSI SQL:2003
enum Gender {
record User {
string name;
Gender gender;
long followers;
"name": "Homer",
"gender": "Male",
"followers": 100
children: [
{name: "Bart"},
{name: "Lisa”}

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From cache to in-memory data grid. Introduction to Hazelcast.

This presentation: * covers basics of caching and popular cache types * explains evolution from simple cache to distributed, and from distributed to IMDG * not describes usage of NoSQL solutions for caching * is not intended for products comparison or for promotion of Hazelcast as the best solution

replicated cachecachingin-memory data grid
What's new in apache hive
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What's new in apache hive

Apache Hive is a rapidly evolving project which continues to enjoy great adoption in big data ecosystem. Although, Hive started primarily as batch ingestion and reporting tool, community is hard at work in improving it along many different dimensions and use cases. This talk will provide an overview of latest and greatest features and optimizations which have landed in project over last year. Materialized view, micro managed tables and workload management are some noteworthy features. I will deep dive into some optimizations which promise to provide major performance gains. Support for ACID tables has also improved considerably. Although some of these features and enhancements are not novel but have existed for years in other DB systems, implementing them on Hive poses some unique challenges and results in lessons which are generally applicable in many other contexts. I will also provide a glimpse of what is expected to come in near future. Speaker: Ashutosh Chauhan, Engineering Manager, Hortonworks

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Solving Enterprise Data Challenges with Apache Arrow
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Solving Enterprise Data Challenges with Apache Arrow

This document discusses Apache Arrow, an open-source library that enables fast and efficient data interchange and processing. It summarizes the growth of Arrow and its ecosystem, including new features like the Arrow C++ query engine and Arrow Rust DataFusion. It also highlights how enterprises are using Arrow to solve challenges around data interoperability, access speed, query performance, and embeddable analytics. Case studies describe how companies like Microsoft, Google Cloud, Snowflake, and Meta leverage Arrow in their products and platforms. The presenter promotes Voltron Data's enterprise subscription and upcoming conference to support business use of Apache Arrow.

apache arrowbig dataanalytics
Schema is Optional
• Many data sources do not have rigid schemas
– Schemas change rapidly
– Each record may have a different schema
• Sparse and wide rows in HBase and Cassandra, MongoDB
• Apache Drill supports querying against unknown schemas
– Query any HBase, Cassandra or MongoDB table
• User can define the schema or let the system discover it automatically
– System of record may already have schema information
• Why manage it in a separate system?
– No need to manage schema evolution
Row Key CF contents CF anchor
"com.cnn.www" contents:html = "<html>…" = "" = "CNN"
"com.foxnews.www" contents:html = "<html>…" = "Fox News"
… … …
Flexible and Extensible Architecture
• Apache Drill is designed for extensibility
• Well-documented APIs and interfaces
• Data sources and file formats
– Implement a custom scanner to support a new data source or file format
• Query languages
– SQL:2003 is the primary language
– Implement a custom Parser to support a Domain Specific Language
– UDFs and UDTFs
• Optimizers
– Drill will have a cost-based optimizer
– Clear surrounding APIs support easy optimizer exploration
• Operators
– Custom operators can be implemented
• Special operators for Mahout (k-means) being designed
– Operator push-down to data source (RDBMS)
How Does Impala Fit In?
Impala Strengths
• Beta currently available
• Easy install and setup on top of
• Faster than Hive on some queries
• SQL-like query language
• Open Source ‘Lite’
• Doesn’t support RDBMS or other
NoSQLs (beyond Hadoop/HBase)
• Early row materialization increases
footprint and reduces performance
• Limited file format support
• Query results must fit in memory!
• Rigid schema is required
• No support for nested data
• Compound APIs restrict optimizer
• SQL-like (not SQL)
Many important features are “coming soon”. Architectural foundation is constrained. No
community development.
Status: In Progress
• Heavy active development by multiple organizations
• Available
– Logical plan syntax and interpreter
– Reference interpreter
• In progress
– SQL interpreter
– Storage engine implementations for Accumulo, Cassandra, HBase and various file formats
• Significant community momentum
– Over 200 people on the Drill mailing list
– Over 200 members of the Bay Area Drill User Group
– Drill meetups across the US and Europe
– OpenDremel team joined Apache Drill
• Anticipated schedule:
– Prototype: Q1
– Alpha: Q2
– Beta: Q3

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Mongo db intro.pptx
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This document provides an overview and introduction to MongoDB. It discusses how new types of applications, data, volumes, development methods and architectures necessitated new database technologies like NoSQL. It then defines MongoDB and describes its features, including using documents to store data, dynamic schemas, querying capabilities, indexing, auto-sharding for scalability, replication for availability, and using memory for performance. Use cases are presented for companies like Foursquare and Craigslist that have migrated large volumes of data and traffic to MongoDB to gain benefits like flexibility, scalability, availability and ease of use over traditional relational database systems.

Thrift vs Protocol Buffers vs Avro - Biased Comparison
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Igor Anishchenko Odessa Java TechTalks Lohika - May, 2012 Let's take a step back and compare data serialization formats, of which there are plenty. What are the key differences between Apache Thrift, Google Protocol Buffers and Apache Avro. Which is "The Best"? Truth of the matter is, they are all very good and each has its own strong points. Hence, the answer is as much of a personal choice, as well as understanding of the historical context for each, and correctly identifying your own, individual requirements.

HBase in Practice
HBase in Practice HBase in Practice
HBase in Practice

HBase is a distributed, column-oriented database that stores data in tables divided into rows and columns. It is optimized for random, real-time read/write access to big data. The document discusses HBase's key concepts like tables, regions, and column families. It also covers performance tuning aspects like cluster configuration, compaction strategies, and intelligent key design to spread load evenly. Different use cases are suitable for HBase depending on access patterns, such as time series data, messages, or serving random lookups and short scans from large datasets. Proper data modeling and tuning are necessary to maximize HBase's performance.

dataworks summithbasehadoop summit
Why Apache Drill Will Be Successful
• Contributors have strong
backgrounds from
companies like Oracle,
IBM Netezza, Informatica,
Clustrix and Pentaho
• Development done in the
• Active contributors from
multiple companies
• Rapidly growing
• Full SQL
• New data support
• Extensible APIs
• Full Columnar Execution
• Beyond Hadoop
• What problems can Drill solve for you?
• Where does it fit in the organization?
• Which data sources and BI tools are important
to you?
Let’s Talk!
• @ted_dunning @ApacheDrill
• Slides at
• See also

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As seen at our meetup on 2017 Feb 21. Author: Marton Elek, Hortonworks

Apache Arrow - An Overview
Apache Arrow - An OverviewApache Arrow - An Overview
Apache Arrow - An Overview

Apache Arrow is a new standard for in-memory columnar data processing. It is a complement to Apache Parquet and Apache ORC. In this deck we review key design goals and how Arrow works in detail.

apache calciteapache arrowapache orc

This document provides an overview and introduction to MongoDB, an open-source, high-performance NoSQL database. It outlines MongoDB's features like document-oriented storage, replication, sharding, and CRUD operations. It also discusses MongoDB's data model, comparisons to relational databases, and common use cases. The document concludes that MongoDB is well-suited for applications like content management, inventory management, game development, social media storage, and sensor data databases due to its flexible schema, distributed deployment, and low latency.

Why Not Leverage MapReduce?
• Scheduling Model
– Coarse resource model reduces hardware utilization
– Acquisition of resources typically takes 100’s of millis to seconds
• Barriers
– Map completion required before shuffle/reduce
– All maps must complete before reduce can start
– In chained jobs, one job must finish entirely before the next one
can start
• Persistence and Recoverability
– Data is persisted to disk between each barrier
– Serialization and deserialization are required between execution

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Apache drill

  • 1. Apache’s Answer to Low Latency Interactive Query for Big Data February 13, 2013
  • 2. Agenda • Apache Drill overview • Key features • Status and progress • Discuss potential use cases and cooperation
  • 3. Big Data Workloads • ETL • Data mining • Blob store • Lightweight OLTP on large datasets • Index and model generation • Web crawling • Stream processing • Clustering, anomaly detection and classification • Interactive analysis
  • 4. Interactive Queries and Hadoop Compile SQL to MapReduce SQL based analytics Impala Real-time interactive queries Real-time interactive queries Emerging Technologies Common Solutions Export MapReduce results to RDBMS and query the RDBMS External tables in an MPP database
  • 5. Example Problem • Jane works as an analyst at an e- commerce company • How does she figure out good targeting segments for the next marketing campaign? • She has some ideas and lots of data User profiles Transaction information Access logs
  • 6. Solving the Problem with Traditional Systems • Use an RDBMS – ETL the data from MongoDB and Hadoop into the RDBMS • MongoDB data must be flattened, schematized, filtered and aggregated • Hadoop data must be filtered and aggregated – Query the data using any SQL-based tool • Use MapReduce – ETL the data from Oracle and MongoDB into Hadoop – Work with the MapReduce team to generate the desired analyses • Use Hive – ETL the data from Oracle and MongoDB into Hadoop • MongoDB data must be flattened and schematized – But HiveQL is limited, queries take too long and BI tool support is limited
  • 7. WWGD Distributed File System NoSQL Interactive analysis Batch processing GFS BigTable Dremel MapReduce HDFS HBase ??? Hadoop MapReduce Build Apache Drill to provide a true open source solution to interactive analysis of Big Data
  • 8. Apache Drill Overview • Interactive analysis of Big Data using standard SQL • Fast – Low latency queries – Columnar execution • Inspired by Google Dremel/BigQuery – Complement native interfaces and MapReduce/Hive/Pig • Open – Community driven open source project – Under Apache Software Foundation • Modern – Standard ANSI SQL:2003 (select/into) – Nested/hierarchical data support – Schema is optional – Supports RDBMS, Hadoop and NoSQL Interactive queries Data analyst Reporting 100 ms-20 min Data mining Modeling Large ETL 20 min-20 hr MapReduce Hive Pig Apache Drill
  • 9. How Does It Work? • Drillbits run on each node, designed to maximize data locality • Processing is done outside MapReduce paradigm (but possibly within YARN) • Queries can be fed to any Drillbit • Coordination, query planning, optimization, scheduling, and execution are distributed SELECT * FROM oracle.transactions, mongo.users, LIMIT 1
  • 10. Key Features • Full SQL (ANSI SQL:2003) • Nested data • Schema is optional • Flexible and extensible architecture
  • 11. Full SQL (ANSI SQL:2003) • Drill supports standard ANSI SQL:2003 – Correlated subqueries, analytic functions, … – SQL-like is not enough • Use any SQL-based tool with Apache Drill – Tableau, Microstrategy, Excel, SAP Crystal Reports, Toad, SQuirreL, … – Standard ODBC and JDBC drivers Drill%Worker Drill%Worker Driver Client Drillbit SQL%Query% Parser Query% Planner Drillbits Drill%ODBC% Driver Tableau MicroStrategy Excel SAP%Crystal% Reports
  • 12. Nested Data • Nested data is becoming prevalent – JSON, BSON, XML, Protocol Buffers, Avro, etc. – The data source may or may not be aware • MongoDB supports nested data natively • A single HBase value could be a JSON document (compound nested type) – Google Dremel’s innovation was efficient columnar storage and querying of nested data • Flattening nested data is error-prone and often impossible – Think about repeated and optional fields at every level… • Apache Drill supports nested data – Extensions to ANSI SQL:2003 enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE } record User { string name; Gender gender; long followers; } { "name": "Homer", "gender": "Male", "followers": 100 children: [ {name: "Bart"}, {name: "Lisa”} ] } JSON Avro
  • 13. Schema is Optional • Many data sources do not have rigid schemas – Schemas change rapidly – Each record may have a different schema • Sparse and wide rows in HBase and Cassandra, MongoDB • Apache Drill supports querying against unknown schemas – Query any HBase, Cassandra or MongoDB table • User can define the schema or let the system discover it automatically – System of record may already have schema information • Why manage it in a separate system? – No need to manage schema evolution Row Key CF contents CF anchor "com.cnn.www" contents:html = "<html>…" = "" = "CNN" "com.foxnews.www" contents:html = "<html>…" = "Fox News" … … …
  • 14. Flexible and Extensible Architecture • Apache Drill is designed for extensibility • Well-documented APIs and interfaces • Data sources and file formats – Implement a custom scanner to support a new data source or file format • Query languages – SQL:2003 is the primary language – Implement a custom Parser to support a Domain Specific Language – UDFs and UDTFs • Optimizers – Drill will have a cost-based optimizer – Clear surrounding APIs support easy optimizer exploration • Operators – Custom operators can be implemented • Special operators for Mahout (k-means) being designed – Operator push-down to data source (RDBMS)
  • 15. How Does Impala Fit In? Impala Strengths • Beta currently available • Easy install and setup on top of Cloudera • Faster than Hive on some queries • SQL-like query language Questions • Open Source ‘Lite’ • Doesn’t support RDBMS or other NoSQLs (beyond Hadoop/HBase) • Early row materialization increases footprint and reduces performance • Limited file format support • Query results must fit in memory! • Rigid schema is required • No support for nested data • Compound APIs restrict optimizer progression • SQL-like (not SQL) Many important features are “coming soon”. Architectural foundation is constrained. No community development.
  • 16. Status: In Progress • Heavy active development by multiple organizations • Available – Logical plan syntax and interpreter – Reference interpreter • In progress – SQL interpreter – Storage engine implementations for Accumulo, Cassandra, HBase and various file formats • Significant community momentum – Over 200 people on the Drill mailing list – Over 200 members of the Bay Area Drill User Group – Drill meetups across the US and Europe – OpenDremel team joined Apache Drill • Anticipated schedule: – Prototype: Q1 – Alpha: Q2 – Beta: Q3
  • 17. Why Apache Drill Will Be Successful Resources • Contributors have strong backgrounds from companies like Oracle, IBM Netezza, Informatica, Clustrix and Pentaho Community • Development done in the open • Active contributors from multiple companies • Rapidly growing Architecture • Full SQL • New data support • Extensible APIs • Full Columnar Execution • Beyond Hadoop
  • 18. Questions? • What problems can Drill solve for you? • Where does it fit in the organization? • Which data sources and BI tools are important to you?
  • 19. Let’s Talk! • • • @ted_dunning @ApacheDrill • Slides at • See also resources/drill
  • 21. Why Not Leverage MapReduce? • Scheduling Model – Coarse resource model reduces hardware utilization – Acquisition of resources typically takes 100’s of millis to seconds • Barriers – Map completion required before shuffle/reduce commencement – All maps must complete before reduce can start – In chained jobs, one job must finish entirely before the next one can start • Persistence and Recoverability – Data is persisted to disk between each barrier – Serialization and deserialization are required between execution phase

Editor's Notes

  1. With the recent explosion of everything related to Hadoop, it is no surprise that new projects/implementations related to the Hadoop ecosystem keep appearing. There have been quite a few initiatives that provide SQL interfaces into Hadoop. The Apache Drill project is a distributed system for interactive analysis of large-scale datasets, inspired by Google&apos;s Dremel. Drill is not trying to replace existing Big Data batch processing frameworks, such as Hadoop MapReduce or stream processing frameworks, such as S4 or Storm. It rather fills the existing void – real-time interactive processing of large data sets.------------------------------Technical DetailSimilar to Dremel, the Drill implementation is based on the processing of nested, tree-like data. In Dremel this data is based on protocol buffers – nested schema-based data model. Drill is planning to extend this data model by adding additional schema-based implementations, for example, Apache Avro and schema-less data models such asJSON and BSON. In addition to a single data structure, Drill is also planning to support “baby joins” – joins to the small, loadable in memory, data structures.