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Jethro for tableau webinar (11 15)
Webinar Topics
• Who is Jethro?
• Tableau & Big Data: Extract vs. Live Connect
• Big Data Platforms: Hadoop vs. EDW Appliances
• Two DB architectures: Full-scan vs. Index Access
• Live Demo: Tableau over Impala / Redshift / Jethro
• What is Jethro for Tableau and how it accelerates Tableau’s performance
• Q&A
About Us
• What does Jethro do?
– SQL engine optimized for accelerating
BI on big data
• How it works?
– Combines Columnar SQL DB design
with full-indexing technology
• Where is it?
– In dev since 2012; GA: mid 2015
– Download & free eval
• When to use it?
– BI Spinner Syndrome (BSS)
• Partnerships
– BI and Hadoop vendors
• Speaker
– Eli Singer, CEO JethroData
– 917.509.6111
• Experience
– Long-time DBA
– Over 20 years of leading Tech startups
• Where to find us
– @JethroData
Tableau and Big Data: Extract (In-Mem)
EDW / Hadoop
• Typical Tableau usage is based
on extracting selective data from
remote sources
• Extracted data is then
dynamically loaded into Tableau
memory for interactive analysis
• Limitations: Performance
degradation and scale (typically
~200M rows)
Tableau and Big Data: Live Connect (In-DB)
EDW / Hadoop
• Tableau issues SQL queries
to the target DB for every
user interaction
• DB retrieves requested
data and returns to Tableau
• Limitation: DB
performance is significantly
slower than in-mem speed
Big Data Platforms: Hadoop Vs. EDW Appliances
10x-100x Data
1/10 HW $cost
Open Platform
Analytics: ETL, Predictive, Reporting, BI
SQL enables the change of data platform while keeping the analytic apps intact
The Hadoop Trade-Off: Scale & Cost Vs. Performance
ETL Predictive Reporting
Too SLOW in Hadoopx
It’s unrealistic to expect to the same performance when data is much
larger, and highly optimized hardware is replaced with commodity boxes.
SQL-on-Hadoop – MPP / Full Scan Architecture
MPP / Full-Scan (All SQL-on-Hadoop)
List books by author “Stephen King”
Each librarian is assigned a rack, they
then pull each book, check if author is
“Stephen King”, if so, get book title
Too slow, costly, unscalable.
Unsuitable for BI
A Library Analogy:
Billions of books, Thousands of racks
SQL-on-Hadoop – Index-Access Architecture
Index Access (Only Jethro)
List books by author “Stephen King”
Access Author index, entry of
“Stephen King”, get list of books, fetch
only these books
Fast, minimal resources, scalable
Optimal for BI
SQL on Hadoop – Competitive Landscape
• Hive
• Impala
• Presto
• SparkSQL
• Drill
• Pivotal/HAWQ
• Actian
• Teradata/SQL-H
• …
• Jethro
Full-Scan Based Solutions
Reads all rows. Every Time.
Index Based Solution
Reads ONLY needed rows.
Use-Case Comparison:
Full-Scan: Optimal for Predictive, reporting
Index: Optimal for Interactive BI
LIVE Benchmark: BI on Hadoop (and Redshift)
Hardware – AWS
• Hadoop: CDH 5.4
• 6 nodes: m1.xlarge, r3.xlarge
• Jethro: r3.8xlarge
• Point browser at:
– UID/PWD: demo / demo
• Choose workbook: “Jethro”, “Impala”, “Redshift”
• BI Dashboard: choose year, category or any other filter to drill-down
• Data
– Based on TPC-DS benchmark
– 1TB raw data (400GB fact)
– Fact table: ~2.9B rows
– Dimensions: 7
Hardware Data
$ per hr.
Jethro Jethro
3x m1.xlarge 2x r3.4xlarge
44 cores
Impala Parquet
8x r3.2xlarge
1x r3.xlarge
68 cores
Redshift Redshift
8x dc1.large 120GB,
16 cores
What Is Jethro for Tableau?
EDW / Hadoop / Cloud / Local FS / NAS
• An indexing & caching server
• Relevant data is extracted from EDW
/ Hadoop into Jethro. No size
• Jethro then fully indexes the data
(every column!)
• Jethro’s column and index files are
stored back in Hadoop (or other
storage system)
• Tableau uses Live Connect to send
Jethro SQL queries (ODBC)
• Jethro uses indexes to speed up
queries and return results to Tableau
2. Store
Selecting Data for Jethro Acceleration
• Select only Tableau “worthy” datasets
– Not ALL data in Hadoop should have Jethro
• Use any ETL tool to extract from source
– Jethro receives data in a CSV/delimited format
– Extracted data can be temporarily stored in a file or
“piped” live to Jethro
• After initial creation, incremental loads are supported
– As frequently as every few min
• Jethro stores it’s version of the dataset back in HDFS
– Can also use local filesystem, network storage or cloud storage
• Load is fast
– ~1B rows/hour
– Data in highly compressed: 1TB -> 400GB data + indexes
EDW / Hadoop
Index-Access – How it works
1. Index Access 2. Read data only for require rows
Performance and resources based on the size of the working-set
- Cloud (S3, EFS)
- Local FS
SELECT day, sum(sales) FROM t1 WHERE prod=‘abc’ GROUP BY day
Jethro Indexes – Superior Technology Pending:
• Complete
– Every column is indexed
• Simple
 Inverted-list indexes map each column
value to a list of rows
• Fast to read
 Direct Access to a value entry
 No need to scan entire index, or load
index to memory
• Scalable
 Distributed, highly hierarchical
compressed bitmaps
Appendable Index Structure for
Fast Incremental Loads
Adaptive Optimization: Active Cache of Query Results
• Reuse of intermediate/final query results
– Repeat queries return immediately
• Addresses wide top-of-the-funnel queries
– Exploration starts with queries with no/few
– Those queries are likely to be repeated in
dashboard scenarios
• Transparently adapts to incremental loads
– Execution on delta data + merge saved results
Few More
Few More
Few More
Index Performance Cache Performance
Index + Cache
Summary: Why Index Access Optimal for BI?
1. Use of indexes eliminates need to read unnecessary data
2. The deeper you go, the faster it gets: as users drill down and add
more filters the faster the queries perform
3. Unlimited flexibility: users can aggregate and filter by any columns
they choose with no performance penalty
4. Concurrent users accessing dashboards generate repeatable queries
that result in high cache efficiency
5. Shields BI workload from other analytics overwhelming the cluster
Ready to Try Jethro?
1. Register:
2. Schedule a 45min POC review with Jethro SA (free!)
3. One time setup
- Download and Install Jethro on a server / VM
- Start services, configure instance
4. Extract & Load data
5. Use Tableau
- Install ODBC driver
- Point Tableau data source at Jethro
That’s It!
Thank You!

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Jethro for tableau webinar (11 15)

  • 2. Webinar Topics • Who is Jethro? • Tableau & Big Data: Extract vs. Live Connect • Big Data Platforms: Hadoop vs. EDW Appliances • Two DB architectures: Full-scan vs. Index Access • Live Demo: Tableau over Impala / Redshift / Jethro • What is Jethro for Tableau and how it accelerates Tableau’s performance • Q&A
  • 3. About Us • What does Jethro do? – SQL engine optimized for accelerating BI on big data • How it works? – Combines Columnar SQL DB design with full-indexing technology • Where is it? – In dev since 2012; GA: mid 2015 – Download & free eval • When to use it? – BI Spinner Syndrome (BSS) • Partnerships – BI and Hadoop vendors • Speaker – Eli Singer, CEO JethroData – – 917.509.6111 • Experience – Long-time DBA – Over 20 years of leading Tech startups • Where to find us – – @JethroData
  • 4. Tableau and Big Data: Extract (In-Mem) Tableau Extract EDW / Hadoop • Typical Tableau usage is based on extracting selective data from remote sources • Extracted data is then dynamically loaded into Tableau memory for interactive analysis • Limitations: Performance degradation and scale (typically ~200M rows)
  • 5. Tableau and Big Data: Live Connect (In-DB) Tableau EDW / Hadoop • Tableau issues SQL queries to the target DB for every user interaction • DB retrieves requested data and returns to Tableau • Limitation: DB performance is significantly slower than in-mem speed Live Connect
  • 6. Big Data Platforms: Hadoop Vs. EDW Appliances 10x-100x Data 1/10 HW $cost Open Platform Analytics: ETL, Predictive, Reporting, BI SQL enables the change of data platform while keeping the analytic apps intact
  • 7. The Hadoop Trade-Off: Scale & Cost Vs. Performance SQL-on-Hadoop ETL Predictive Reporting  BI Too SLOW in Hadoopx It’s unrealistic to expect to the same performance when data is much larger, and highly optimized hardware is replaced with commodity boxes.
  • 8. SQL-on-Hadoop – MPP / Full Scan Architecture Architecture: MPP / Full-Scan (All SQL-on-Hadoop) Query: List books by author “Stephen King” Process: Each librarian is assigned a rack, they then pull each book, check if author is “Stephen King”, if so, get book title Result: Too slow, costly, unscalable. Unsuitable for BI A Library Analogy: Billions of books, Thousands of racks
  • 9. SQL-on-Hadoop – Index-Access Architecture Architecture: Index Access (Only Jethro) Query: List books by author “Stephen King” Process: Access Author index, entry of “Stephen King”, get list of books, fetch only these books Result: Fast, minimal resources, scalable Optimal for BI
  • 10. 10 SQL on Hadoop – Competitive Landscape • Hive • Impala • Presto • SparkSQL • Drill • Pivotal/HAWQ • IBM/Big SQL • Actian • Teradata/SQL-H • … • Jethro Full-Scan Based Solutions Reads all rows. Every Time. Index Based Solution Reads ONLY needed rows. Use-Case Comparison: Full-Scan: Optimal for Predictive, reporting Index: Optimal for Interactive BI
  • 11. LIVE Benchmark: BI on Hadoop (and Redshift) Hardware – AWS • Hadoop: CDH 5.4 • 6 nodes: m1.xlarge, r3.xlarge • Jethro: r3.8xlarge • Point browser at: – UID/PWD: demo / demo • Choose workbook: “Jethro”, “Impala”, “Redshift” • BI Dashboard: choose year, category or any other filter to drill-down • Data – Based on TPC-DS benchmark – 1TB raw data (400GB fact) – Fact table: ~2.9B rows – Dimensions: 7 Hardware Data Format Hadoop Cluster Compute Cluster Total RAM, CPU AWS $ per hr. Jethro Jethro indexes (250GB) 3x m1.xlarge 2x r3.4xlarge (spot) 289GB, 44 cores $0.80 Impala Parquet (160GB) 8x r3.2xlarge 1x r3.xlarge 510GB 68 cores $5.95 Redshift Redshift (229GB) 8x dc1.large 120GB, 16 cores $2.00
  • 12. What Is Jethro for Tableau? Tableau EDW / Hadoop / Cloud / Local FS / NAS Extract • An indexing & caching server • Relevant data is extracted from EDW / Hadoop into Jethro. No size limitation • Jethro then fully indexes the data (every column!) • Jethro’s column and index files are stored back in Hadoop (or other storage system) • Tableau uses Live Connect to send Jethro SQL queries (ODBC) • Jethro uses indexes to speed up queries and return results to Tableau Live Connect 2. Store 3. 1.
  • 13. Selecting Data for Jethro Acceleration • Select only Tableau “worthy” datasets – Not ALL data in Hadoop should have Jethro • Use any ETL tool to extract from source – Jethro receives data in a CSV/delimited format – Extracted data can be temporarily stored in a file or “piped” live to Jethro • After initial creation, incremental loads are supported – As frequently as every few min • Jethro stores it’s version of the dataset back in HDFS – Can also use local filesystem, network storage or cloud storage • Load is fast – ~1B rows/hour – Data in highly compressed: 1TB -> 400GB data + indexes EDW / Hadoop Extract
  • 14. Data Node Index-Access – How it works Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node Jethro Query Node Query Node 1. Index Access 2. Read data only for require rows Performance and resources based on the size of the working-set Storage - HDFS - Cloud (S3, EFS) - NAS/SAN - Local FS Tableau SELECT day, sum(sales) FROM t1 WHERE prod=‘abc’ GROUP BY day
  • 15. Jethro Indexes – Superior Technology Pending: • Complete – Every column is indexed • Simple  Inverted-list indexes map each column value to a list of rows • Fast to read  Direct Access to a value entry  No need to scan entire index, or load index to memory • Scalable  Distributed, highly hierarchical compressed bitmaps Appendable Index Structure for Fast Incremental Loads
  • 16. Adaptive Optimization: Active Cache of Query Results • Reuse of intermediate/final query results – Repeat queries return immediately • Addresses wide top-of-the-funnel queries – Exploration starts with queries with no/few filters – Those queries are likely to be repeated in dashboard scenarios • Transparently adapts to incremental loads – Execution on delta data + merge saved results Query Speed Query Selectivity Fast Slow Few More Query speed Query Selectivity Fast Slow Few More Query speed Query Selectivity Fast Slow Few More Index Performance Cache Performance Index + Cache
  • 17. Summary: Why Index Access Optimal for BI? 1. Use of indexes eliminates need to read unnecessary data 2. The deeper you go, the faster it gets: as users drill down and add more filters the faster the queries perform 3. Unlimited flexibility: users can aggregate and filter by any columns they choose with no performance penalty 4. Concurrent users accessing dashboards generate repeatable queries that result in high cache efficiency 5. Shields BI workload from other analytics overwhelming the cluster
  • 18. Ready to Try Jethro? 1. Register: 2. Schedule a 45min POC review with Jethro SA (free!) 3. One time setup - Download and Install Jethro on a server / VM - Start services, configure instance 4. Extract & Load data 5. Use Tableau - Install ODBC driver - Point Tableau data source at Jethro That’s It!
  • 19. Q&A