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Lessons from Sharding Solr at Etsy
Gregg Donovan
Senior Software Engineer,
• 5.5 Years Solr & Lucene at
• 3 Years Solr & Lucene at
• Speaker at LuceneRevolution 2011 & 2013
Jeff Dean, Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems
Jeff Dean, Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems
Lessons From Sharding Solr At Etsy: Presented by Gregg Donovan, Etsy
1.5Million Active Shops
32Million Items Listed
21.7Million Active Buyers
• Sharding Solr at Etsy V0 — No sharding
• Sharding Solr at Etsy V1 — Local sharding
• Sharding Solr at Etsy V2 (*) — Distributed sharding
• Questions
* —What we’re about to launch.
Sharding V0 — Not Sharding
• Why do we shard?
• Data size grows beyond RAM on a single box
• Lucene can handle this, but there’s a performance cost
• Data size grows beyond local disk
• Latency requirements
• Not sharding allowed us to avoid many problems we’ll discuss later.
Sharding V0 — Not Sharding
• How to keep data size small enough for one host?
• Don’t store anything other than IDs
• fl=pk_id,fk_id,score
• Keep materialized objects in memcached
• Only index fields needed
• Prune index after experiments add fields
• Get more RAM
Lessons From Sharding Solr At Etsy: Presented by Gregg Donovan, Etsy
Sharding V0 — Not Sharding
• How does it fail?
• GC
• Solution
• “Banner” protocol
• Client-side load balancer
• Client connects, waits for 4-bytes — OxCODEA5CF— from the server within 1-10ms before
sending query. Otherwise, try another server.
Sharding V1 — Local Sharding
• Motivations
• Better latency
• Smaller JVMs
• Tough to open a 31gb heap dump on your laptop
• Working set still fit in RAM on one box.
• What’s the simplest system we can built?
Sharding V1 — Local Sharding
• Lucene parallelism
• Shikhar Bhushan at Etsy experimented with segment level parallelism
• See Search-time Parallelism at Lucene Revolution 2014
• Made its way into LUCENE-6294 (Generalize how IndexSearcher parallelizes collection
execution). Committed in Lucene 5.1.
• Ended up with eight Solr shards per host, each in its own small JVM
• Moved query generation and re-ranking to separate process: the “mixer”
Sharding V1 — Local Sharding
• Based on Solr distributed search
• By default, Solr does two-pass distributed search
• First pass gets top IDs
• Second pass fetches stored fields for each top document
• Implemented distrib.singlePass mode (SOLR-5768)
• Does not make sense if individual documents are expensive to fetch
• Basic request tracing via HTTP headers (SOLR-5969)
Sharding V1 — Local Sharding
• Required us to fetch 1000+ results from each shard for reranking layer
• How to efficiently fetch 1000 documents per shard?
• Use Solr’s field syntax to fetch data from FieldCache
• e.g. fl=pk_id:field(pk_id),fk_id:field(fk_id),score
• When all fields are “pseudo” fields, no need to fetch stored fields per document.
Sharding V1 — Local Sharding
• Result
• Very large latency win
• Easy system to manage
• Well understood failure and recovery
• Avoided solving many distributed systems issues
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
• Motivation
• Further latency improvements
• Prepare for data to exceed a single node’s capacity
• Significant latency improvements require finer sharding, more CPUs per request
• Requires a real distributed system and sophisticated RPC
• Before proceeding, stop what you’re doing and read everything by Google’s Jeff Dean and
Twitter’s Marius Eriksen
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
• New problems
• Partial failures
• Lagging shards
• Synchronizing cluster state and configuration
• Network partitions
• Jespen
• Distributed IDF issues exacerbated
Solving Distributed IDF
• Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) now varies across shards, biasing ranking
• Calculate IDF offline in Hadoop
• IDFReplacedSimilarityFactory
• Offline data populates cache of Map<BytesRef,Float> (term —> score)
• Override SimilarityFactory#idfExplain
• Cache misses given rare document constant
• Can be extended to solve i18n IDF issues
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
• ShardHandler
• Solr’s abstraction for fanning out queries to shards
• Ships with default implementation (HttpShardHandler) based on HTTP 1.1
• Does fanout (distrib=true) and processes requests coming from other Solr nodes
• Reads shards.rows and shards.start parameters
ShardHandler API
Solr’s SearchHandler calls submit for each shard and then either takeCompletedIncludingErrors
or takeCompletedOrError depending on partial results tolerance.
public abstract class ShardHandler {

public abstract void checkDistributed(ResponseBuilder rb);

public abstract void submit(ShardRequest sreq, String shard, ModifiableSolrParams params);

public abstract ShardResponse takeCompletedIncludingErrors();

public abstract ShardResponse takeCompletedOrError();

public abstract void cancelAll();

public abstract ShardHandlerFactory getShardHandlerFactory();

Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
Distributed query requirements
• Distributed tracing
• E.g.: Google’s Dapper, Twitter’s Zipkin, Etsy’s CrossStich
• Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure
• Handle node failures, slowness
Lessons From Sharding Solr At Etsy: Presented by Gregg Donovan, Etsy
Better Know Your Switches
Have a clear understanding of your networking requirements and whether your hardware meets
• Prefer line-rate switches
• Prefer cut-through to store-and-forward
• No buffering, just read the IP packet header and move packet to the destination
• Track and graph switch statistics in the same dashboard you display your search latency stats
• errors, retransmits, etc.
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
First experiment, Twitter’s Finagle
• Built on Netty
• Mux RPC multiplexing protocol
• SeeYour Server as a Function by Marius Eriksen
• Built-in support for Zipkin distributed tracing
• Served as inspiration for Facebook’s futures-based RPC Wangle
• Implemented a FinagleShardHandler
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
Second experiment, custom Thrift-based protocol
• Blocking I/O easier to integrate with SolrJ API
• Able to integrate our own distributed tracing
• LZ4 compression via a custom Thrift TTransport
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
Future experiment: HTTP/2
• One TCP connection for all requests between two servers
• Libraries
• Square’s OkHttp
• Google’s gRpc
• Jetty client in 9.3+ — appears to be Solr’s choice
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
Implementation note
• Separated fanout from individual request processing
• SolrJ client via an EmbeddedSolrServer containing empty RAM directory.
• Saves a network hop
• Makes shards easier to profile, tune
• Can return result to SolrJ without sending merged results over the network
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
• Good
• Individual shard times demonstrate very low average latency
• Bad
• Overall p95, p99 nowhere near averages
• Why? Lagging shards due to GC, filterCache misses, etc.
• More shards means more chances to hit outliers
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
• Solutions
• See The Tail at Scale by Jeff Dean, CACM 2013.
• Eliminate all sources of inter-host variability
• No filter or other cache misses
• No GC
• Eliminate OS pauses, networking hiccups, deploys, restarts, etc.
• Not realistic
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
• Backup Requests
• Methods
• Brute force — send two copies of every request to different hosts, take the fastest
• Less crude — wait X milliseconds for the first server to respond, then send a backup
• Adaptive — choose X based on the first Y% of responses to return.
• Cancellation — Cancel the slow request to save CPU once you’re sure you don’t need it.
Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding
• “Good enough”
• Return results to user after X% of results return if there are enough results. Don’t issue
backup requests, just cancel laggards.
• Only applicable in certain domains.
• Poses questions:
• Should you cache partial results?
• How is paging effected?
Resilience Testing
Now you own a distributed system. How do you know it works?
• “The Troublemaker”
• Inspired by Netflix’s Chaos Monkey
• Authored by Etsy’s Toria Gibbs
• Make sure humans can operate it
• Failure simulation — don’t wait until 3am
• Gameday exercises and Runbooks
Bonus material!
Better Know Your Kernel
A lesson not about sharding learned while sharding…
• Linux’s futex_wait() was broken in CentOS 6.6
• Backported patches needed from Linux 3.18
• Future direction: make kernel updates independent from distribution updates
• E.g. Plenty of good stuff (e.g. networking improvements, kernel introspection [see
@brendangregg]) between 3.10 and 4.2+, but it won’t come to CentOS for years
• Updating kernel alone easier to roll out
What else are we working on?
• Mesos for cluster orchestration
• GPUs for massive increases in per query computational capacity
Thanks for coming.

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Lessons From Sharding Solr At Etsy: Presented by Gregg Donovan, Etsy

  • 1. O C T O B E R 1 3 - 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 • A U S T I N , T X
  • 2. Lessons from Sharding Solr at Etsy Gregg Donovan @greggdonovan Senior Software Engineer,
  • 3. • 5.5 Years Solr & Lucene at • 3 Years Solr & Lucene at • Speaker at LuceneRevolution 2011 & 2013
  • 4. Jeff Dean, Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems
  • 5. Jeff Dean, Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems
  • 10. Agenda • Sharding Solr at Etsy V0 — No sharding • Sharding Solr at Etsy V1 — Local sharding • Sharding Solr at Etsy V2 (*) — Distributed sharding • Questions * —What we’re about to launch.
  • 11. Sharding V0 — Not Sharding • Why do we shard? • Data size grows beyond RAM on a single box • Lucene can handle this, but there’s a performance cost • Data size grows beyond local disk • Latency requirements • Not sharding allowed us to avoid many problems we’ll discuss later.
  • 12. Sharding V0 — Not Sharding • How to keep data size small enough for one host? • Don’t store anything other than IDs • fl=pk_id,fk_id,score • Keep materialized objects in memcached • Only index fields needed • Prune index after experiments add fields • Get more RAM
  • 14. Sharding V0 — Not Sharding • How does it fail? • GC • Solution • “Banner” protocol • Client-side load balancer • Client connects, waits for 4-bytes — OxCODEA5CF— from the server within 1-10ms before sending query. Otherwise, try another server.
  • 15. Sharding V1 — Local Sharding • Motivations • Better latency • Smaller JVMs • Tough to open a 31gb heap dump on your laptop • Working set still fit in RAM on one box. • What’s the simplest system we can built?
  • 16. Sharding V1 — Local Sharding • Lucene parallelism • Shikhar Bhushan at Etsy experimented with segment level parallelism • See Search-time Parallelism at Lucene Revolution 2014 • Made its way into LUCENE-6294 (Generalize how IndexSearcher parallelizes collection execution). Committed in Lucene 5.1. • Ended up with eight Solr shards per host, each in its own small JVM • Moved query generation and re-ranking to separate process: the “mixer”
  • 17. Sharding V1 — Local Sharding • Based on Solr distributed search • By default, Solr does two-pass distributed search • First pass gets top IDs • Second pass fetches stored fields for each top document • Implemented distrib.singlePass mode (SOLR-5768) • Does not make sense if individual documents are expensive to fetch • Basic request tracing via HTTP headers (SOLR-5969)
  • 18. Sharding V1 — Local Sharding • Required us to fetch 1000+ results from each shard for reranking layer • How to efficiently fetch 1000 documents per shard? • Use Solr’s field syntax to fetch data from FieldCache • e.g. fl=pk_id:field(pk_id),fk_id:field(fk_id),score • When all fields are “pseudo” fields, no need to fetch stored fields per document.
  • 19. Sharding V1 — Local Sharding • Result • Very large latency win • Easy system to manage • Well understood failure and recovery • Avoided solving many distributed systems issues
  • 20. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding • Motivation • Further latency improvements • Prepare for data to exceed a single node’s capacity • Significant latency improvements require finer sharding, more CPUs per request • Requires a real distributed system and sophisticated RPC • Before proceeding, stop what you’re doing and read everything by Google’s Jeff Dean and Twitter’s Marius Eriksen
  • 21. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding • New problems • Partial failures • Lagging shards • Synchronizing cluster state and configuration • Network partitions • Jespen • Distributed IDF issues exacerbated
  • 22. Solving Distributed IDF • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) now varies across shards, biasing ranking • Calculate IDF offline in Hadoop • IDFReplacedSimilarityFactory • Offline data populates cache of Map<BytesRef,Float> (term —> score) • Override SimilarityFactory#idfExplain • Cache misses given rare document constant • Can be extended to solve i18n IDF issues
  • 23. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding • ShardHandler • Solr’s abstraction for fanning out queries to shards • Ships with default implementation (HttpShardHandler) based on HTTP 1.1 • Does fanout (distrib=true) and processes requests coming from other Solr nodes (distrib=false). • Reads shards.rows and shards.start parameters
  • 24. ShardHandler API Solr’s SearchHandler calls submit for each shard and then either takeCompletedIncludingErrors or takeCompletedOrError depending on partial results tolerance. public abstract class ShardHandler {
 public abstract void checkDistributed(ResponseBuilder rb); 
 public abstract void submit(ShardRequest sreq, String shard, ModifiableSolrParams params);
 public abstract ShardResponse takeCompletedIncludingErrors();
 public abstract ShardResponse takeCompletedOrError();
 public abstract void cancelAll();
 public abstract ShardHandlerFactory getShardHandlerFactory();
  • 25. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding Distributed query requirements • Distributed tracing • E.g.: Google’s Dapper, Twitter’s Zipkin, Etsy’s CrossStich • Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure • Handle node failures, slowness
  • 27. Better Know Your Switches Have a clear understanding of your networking requirements and whether your hardware meets them. • Prefer line-rate switches • Prefer cut-through to store-and-forward • No buffering, just read the IP packet header and move packet to the destination • Track and graph switch statistics in the same dashboard you display your search latency stats • errors, retransmits, etc.
  • 28. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding First experiment, Twitter’s Finagle • Built on Netty • Mux RPC multiplexing protocol • SeeYour Server as a Function by Marius Eriksen • Built-in support for Zipkin distributed tracing • Served as inspiration for Facebook’s futures-based RPC Wangle • Implemented a FinagleShardHandler
  • 29. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding Second experiment, custom Thrift-based protocol • Blocking I/O easier to integrate with SolrJ API • Able to integrate our own distributed tracing • LZ4 compression via a custom Thrift TTransport
  • 30. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding Future experiment: HTTP/2 • One TCP connection for all requests between two servers • Libraries • Square’s OkHttp • Google’s gRpc • Jetty client in 9.3+ — appears to be Solr’s choice
  • 31. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding Implementation note • Separated fanout from individual request processing • SolrJ client via an EmbeddedSolrServer containing empty RAM directory. • Saves a network hop • Makes shards easier to profile, tune • Can return result to SolrJ without sending merged results over the network
  • 32. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding • Good • Individual shard times demonstrate very low average latency • Bad • Overall p95, p99 nowhere near averages • Why? Lagging shards due to GC, filterCache misses, etc. • More shards means more chances to hit outliers
  • 33. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding • Solutions • See The Tail at Scale by Jeff Dean, CACM 2013. • Eliminate all sources of inter-host variability • No filter or other cache misses • No GC • Eliminate OS pauses, networking hiccups, deploys, restarts, etc. • Not realistic
  • 34. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding • Backup Requests • Methods • Brute force — send two copies of every request to different hosts, take the fastest response • Less crude — wait X milliseconds for the first server to respond, then send a backup request. • Adaptive — choose X based on the first Y% of responses to return. • Cancellation — Cancel the slow request to save CPU once you’re sure you don’t need it.
  • 35. Sharding V2 — Distributed Sharding • “Good enough” • Return results to user after X% of results return if there are enough results. Don’t issue backup requests, just cancel laggards. • Only applicable in certain domains. • Poses questions: • Should you cache partial results? • How is paging effected?
  • 36. Resilience Testing Now you own a distributed system. How do you know it works? • “The Troublemaker” • Inspired by Netflix’s Chaos Monkey • Authored by Etsy’s Toria Gibbs • Make sure humans can operate it • Failure simulation — don’t wait until 3am • Gameday exercises and Runbooks
  • 38. Better Know Your Kernel A lesson not about sharding learned while sharding… • Linux’s futex_wait() was broken in CentOS 6.6 • Backported patches needed from Linux 3.18 • Future direction: make kernel updates independent from distribution updates • E.g. Plenty of good stuff (e.g. networking improvements, kernel introspection [see @brendangregg]) between 3.10 and 4.2+, but it won’t come to CentOS for years • Updating kernel alone easier to roll out
  • 39. What else are we working on? • Mesos for cluster orchestration • GPUs for massive increases in per query computational capacity