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Open Source
Relational Databases
Open Source
Relational Databases
Open Source
Relational Databases
Who and what is about?
• Emanuel Calvo, currently at
OnGres as a PostgreSQL
Consultant and as

• Working on Modern
techniques for DBRE.

• What is the current status of
the Open Source SQL
databases per component?

• What’s the good, the bad and
the ugly in the market?
ER model
Entity-Relationship and why SQL isn’t considered so.

At least in its pure state.
The ER Map
• Needs a First-Order logic
language for retrieving data.

• Relational Algebra

• Tuple and Domain Relational
The model example
• Obscures everything behind
the complexity of the storage.

• It is represented as relational
algebra, but is hidden from

• How to select the names of
the people of "Black" team?
Some SQL:2011 tangent
• Support NULLs

• Support SubQueries

• Column precedence affects
(horizontal alignment)
depending on the engine

• Is a declarative language

• Hides all the complexity of the
executions to the end user

• Planners were very advanced
The Transaction
Concurrency, consistency and availability.
The Entity Consistency
• CAP Theorem (Consistency, Availability and Partition
Tolerance). PACELC adds to choose between [L]atency
and [C]onsistency.

• ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability)

• BASE (Basically Available, Soft State, Eventual
The chosen
We grab them by the storage and use them 

wisely without paying money to Oracle.
• CockroachDB

• PostgreSQL

• MySQL / MariaDB

• Clickhouse

• MongoDB
The Lego
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• Buffer Management

• IO method (Direct/io, fsync)

• Transaction Management (storage

• Point in Time Recovery and Undo Log

• For distributed engines you want to 

read Jepsen tests.

• Is the sauce
Wide-range Storage Engine
Columnar Based
Tuple Based
Leveled Structured 

Map Tree
Quick cherry pick
• Fast for aggregations

• Easy for parallelization

• Better compression due to ColBased

• Better to scale massive amount of data
• Bloom filters

• Sparse indexes by design

• Avoid Write Amplification

• Index-based storage

• More disk efficient, more CPU
• Better for concurrency 

• Hard to scale

• Better when manipulating entities


• Balance between performance and

– Jorge de Lanús Oeste (maneja Uber pero sabe mucho de Bases de Datos)
“Relational databases require a Query Optimizer/
Query Planner for translating the first-order logic
language to relational algebra and other
optimizations. The result is called Execution Plan.”
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
Plan: {

• Heuristic

• Cost based {Parametric, MO, MOP}

• Mixed

• Planner, Resolver, Opmitizer, Executor
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
Plan: {

• Heuristic

• Cost based {Parametric, MO, MOP}

• Mixed

• Planner, Resolver, Opmitizer, Executor
• MySQL has also Condition Pushdown

• PostgreSQL has a rich planner

• MySQL plan information lacks of 


• PostgreSQL does not provide additional

tools for plan reading.
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• Client Protocol

• Replication Protocol

• Logical/Binary

• Coordination Protocol

• HA protocol

• Gossip

• Consensus {RAFT, Paxos}

• …
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Source Code availability, documentation both user and
internal, community, etc.
• Client Protocol

• Replication Protocol

• Coordination Protocol

• HA protocol

• Gossip

• Consensus {RAFT, paxos}

• …
• No standard

• JSON is becoming more present


• Absence of internal consensus
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• Abstract all relation algebra

• SQL != Relational


• Column Alignment

• Subquery

• Mixed implementations

• Relational is conceptually unable to

return more than 1 result set.
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• Abstract all relation algebra

• SQL != Relational


• Column Alignment

• Subquery

• Mixed implementations

• Relational is conceptually unable to

return more than 1 result set.
• Standard

• Backward Compatibility

• Modern
What do
we want?
Postgres95 -> PostgreSQL
“Postgres original implementation was in QUEL and
its organization resembles to many of the concepts
of the original ER model. COPY is a inherited piece
from this prior implementation.”
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem
• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• Single Provider or fake Open source

• Community contribution or 

Social Entropy Experiment

• Satellite companies building tools

• Satellite companies building forks

• Satellite coders copy pasting 

• Tons of under-proven libraries
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem
• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• Multi-database tools tend to fail 


• Choose tools that are integrated with

the core and that have frequent updates

• Bug fixing tied to community times


• Postgres uses mailing list 

• Clickhouse/Cockroach use GH
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework

• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• Core extensibility plugins or extensions

• Customize Planner

• Manage protocol

• Creating workers

• Creating own types
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework

• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• Complex, generally in C.

• Multi-provider packages.
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• WAL or Redo

• MySQL has undo log, but only for

rollback space.

• Postgres has extensions for rewind


• It can reside on the Storage Engine

or higher layers

• It’s local and provides consistency and


• Distributed WALs or Certification log could

be in this group, although there will be 

always a WAL.
• Storage Engine

• Planner

• Protocol

• Language

• Ecosystem

• Framework


• Transaction Manager

• Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal,
community, etc.
• It can be at node level or cluster level

• Concept of source and origin

• Group Replication

• Logical Replication

• Concept of Global Id

• Centralized Commits are possible through 

Kafka brokers

• Functional sharing must relay on node

try level

• Serializable only supported by Postgres

• Uncommitted only supported by InnoDB
Other components or
• Access Methods (B-Tree, L-Tree, Reverse, Hash)

• FTS (Full Text Search) and advanced search

• Geo capabilities
Entity Consistency
at Scale
Replication, Sharding and HA.
What is in the land of single
leader engines?
• Async

• Semi-synchronous replication

• First node response, as in MySQL.

• Simple Synchronous replication

• Quorum Synchronous

• Postgres
What is in the land of distributed/
multileader[less] engines?
• Asynchronous Multi Leader replication


• Snapshot Isolation

• Galera (MySQL layer on top InnoDB)

• Serializability

• CockroachDB (2PC to a consensus group, with Hybrid Logical Clock, not strict serial)

• VoltDB

• External consistency

• Google Spanner (through True Time clocks).
The [full] architecture
Service Check HTTP
Replication Worker /

Certification /

Tx Coordination
Client Worker
Internal Pooling /

Thread Management /

Process per worker
External Pooling
• Write Quorum

• Single Leader

• Multi Leader

• Group Replication

• Inter node coordination

• Distributed Transactions

• Conflict-Free Replicated

Datatype (LWW, 2PC set, 

• Consensus for HA

• Also in the entry points if

• Centralized Commit
The status of horizontal
scalability in OSDBs
• Non native support for distributed consensus.

• Only MySQL has Global identifiers and recently supported
Group Replication.

• There are extensions/forks for providing sharding in
Postgres and MySQL.

• Designing Data-Intensive Applications (Martin

• Database Reliability Engineering (L. Campbell/C. Majors)
Thank you!

3manuek [at] gmail {dot} com

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Open Source SQL Databases

  • 4. Who and what is about? • Emanuel Calvo, currently at OnGres as a PostgreSQL Consultant and as _root_. • Working on Modern techniques for DBRE. • What is the current status of the Open Source SQL databases per component? • What’s the good, the bad and the ugly in the market?
  • 5. ER model Entity-Relationship and why SQL isn’t considered so.
 At least in its pure state.
  • 6. The ER Map • Needs a First-Order logic language for retrieving data. • Relational Algebra • Tuple and Domain Relational Calculus.
  • 7. The model example • Obscures everything behind the complexity of the storage. • It is represented as relational algebra, but is hidden from you. • How to select the names of the people of "Black" team?
  • 8. Some SQL:2011 tangent distinctions • Support NULLs • Support SubQueries • Column precedence affects (horizontal alignment) depending on the engine • SQL/MED • Is a declarative language • Hides all the complexity of the executions to the end user • Planners were very advanced already.
  • 10. The Entity Consistency • CAP Theorem (Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance). PACELC adds to choose between [L]atency and [C]onsistency. • ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) • BASE (Basically Available, Soft State, Eventual consistency)
  • 11. The chosen We grab them by the storage and use them 
 wisely without paying money to Oracle.
  • 12. • CockroachDB • PostgreSQL • MySQL / MariaDB • Clickhouse • MongoDB
  • 14. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Buffer Management • IO method (Direct/io, fsync) • Transaction Management (storage layer) • Point in Time Recovery and Undo Log • For distributed engines you want to 
 read Jepsen tests. • Is the sauce
  • 15. Wide-range Storage Engine Map Columnar Based Tuple Based Leveled Structured 
 Map Tree
  • 16. Quick cherry pick • Fast for aggregations • Easy for parallelization • Better compression due to ColBased • Better to scale massive amount of data • Bloom filters • Sparse indexes by design • Avoid Write Amplification • Index-based storage • More disk efficient, more CPU • Better for concurrency • Hard to scale • Better when manipulating entities
 atomically • Balance between performance and
  • 17. – Jorge de Lanús Oeste (maneja Uber pero sabe mucho de Bases de Datos) “Relational databases require a Query Optimizer/ Query Planner for translating the first-order logic language to relational algebra and other optimizations. The result is called Execution Plan.”
  • 18. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. Plan: {
 … • Heuristic • Cost based {Parametric, MO, MOP} • Mixed • Planner, Resolver, Opmitizer, Executor
  • 19. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. Plan: {
 … • Heuristic • Cost based {Parametric, MO, MOP} • Mixed • Planner, Resolver, Opmitizer, Executor • MySQL has also Condition Pushdown • PostgreSQL has a rich planner • MySQL plan information lacks of 
 information • PostgreSQL does not provide additional
 tools for plan reading.
  • 20. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Client Protocol • Replication Protocol • Logical/Binary • Coordination Protocol • HA protocol • Gossip • Consensus {RAFT, Paxos} • …
  • 21. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Client Protocol • Replication Protocol • Coordination Protocol • HA protocol • Gossip • Consensus {RAFT, paxos} • … • No standard • JSON is becoming more present
 (thankfully) • Absence of internal consensus
  • 22. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Abstract all relation algebra • SQL != Relational • NULLs • Column Alignment • Subquery • Mixed implementations • Relational is conceptually unable to
 return more than 1 result set.
  • 23. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Abstract all relation algebra • SQL != Relational • NULLs • Column Alignment • Subquery • Mixed implementations • Relational is conceptually unable to
 return more than 1 result set. • Standard • Backward Compatibility • Modern What do we want?
  • 24. Postgres95 -> PostgreSQL “Postgres original implementation was in QUEL and its organization resembles to many of the concepts of the original ER model. COPY is a inherited piece from this prior implementation.”
  • 25. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Single Provider or fake Open source • Community contribution or 
 Social Entropy Experiment • Satellite companies building tools • Satellite companies building forks • Satellite coders copy pasting • Tons of under-proven libraries
  • 26. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Multi-database tools tend to fail 
 awesomely • Choose tools that are integrated with
 the core and that have frequent updates • Bug fixing tied to community times • • Postgres uses mailing list • Clickhouse/Cockroach use GH
  • 27. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Core extensibility plugins or extensions • Customize Planner • Manage protocol • Creating workers • Creating own types
  • 28. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • Complex, generally in C. • Multi-provider packages.
  • 29. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • WAL or Redo • MySQL has undo log, but only for
 rollback space. • Postgres has extensions for rewind
 (pg_rewind) • It can reside on the Storage Engine
 or higher layers • It’s local and provides consistency and
 durability • Distributed WALs or Certification log could
 be in this group, although there will be 
 always a WAL.
  • 30. • Storage Engine • Planner • Protocol • Language • Ecosystem • Framework • WAL • Transaction Manager • Source Code availability, documentation both user and internal, community, etc. • It can be at node level or cluster level • Concept of source and origin • Group Replication • Logical Replication • Concept of Global Id • Centralized Commits are possible through 
 Kafka brokers • Functional sharing must relay on node
 try level • Serializable only supported by Postgres • Uncommitted only supported by InnoDB
  • 31. Other components or capabilities • Access Methods (B-Tree, L-Tree, Reverse, Hash) • FTS (Full Text Search) and advanced search • Geo capabilities
  • 33. What is in the land of single leader engines? • Async • Semi-synchronous replication • First node response, as in MySQL. • Simple Synchronous replication • Quorum Synchronous • Postgres
  • 34. What is in the land of distributed/ multileader[less] engines? • Asynchronous Multi Leader replication • BDR • Snapshot Isolation • Galera (MySQL layer on top InnoDB) • Serializability • CockroachDB (2PC to a consensus group, with Hybrid Logical Clock, not strict serial) • VoltDB • External consistency • Google Spanner (through True Time clocks).
  • 35. The [full] architecture Service Check HTTP Replication Worker /
 Certification / Tx Coordination Client Worker Internal Pooling / Thread Management / Process per worker External Pooling Executor • Write Quorum • Single Leader • Multi Leader • Group Replication • Inter node coordination • Distributed Transactions • Conflict-Free Replicated
 Datatype (LWW, 2PC set, 
 etc) • Consensus for HA • Also in the entry points if
 external • Centralized Commit
  • 36. The status of horizontal scalability in OSDBs • Non native support for distributed consensus. • Only MySQL has Global identifiers and recently supported Group Replication. • There are extensions/forks for providing sharding in Postgres and MySQL.
  • 38. References • Designing Data-Intensive Applications (Martin Kleppmann) • Database Reliability Engineering (L. Campbell/C. Majors)