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Search @twitter 
Michael Busch 
Search @twitter 
‣ Introduction 
- Search Architecture 
- Lucene Extensions 
- Outlook
Search at Twitter: Presented by Michael Busch, Twitter
Twitter has more than 284 million 
monthly active users.
500 million tweets are sent per day.
More than 300 billion tweets have been 
sent since company founding in 2006.
Tweets-per-second record: 
one-second peak of 143,199 TPS.
More than 2 billion search queries per 
Search @twitter 
- Introduction 
‣ Search Architecture 
- Lucene Extensions 
- Outlook
Search at Twitter: Presented by Michael Busch, Twitter
Search Architecture
RT index 
Search Architecture 
RT stream 
RT index 
RT index 
Tweet archive 
RT index 
Search Architecture 
RT index 
RT index 
Updates Deletes/ 
Engagement (e.g. retweets/favs) 
RT index 
Search Architecture 
RT index 
graph Social 
RT index 
• Blender is our Thrift 
service aggregator 
• Queries multiple 
Earlybirds, merges results 
Search Architecture 
RT index 
Search Architecture 
RT index 
• For historic reasons, these used 
to be entirely different codebases, 
but had similar features/ 
• Over time cross-dependencies 
were introduced to share code 
Search Architecture 
RT index 
• New Lucene extension package 
• This package is truly generic and 
has no dependency on an actual 
• It contains Twitter’s extensions for 
real-time search, a thin segment 
management layer and other 
Search @twitter 
- Introduction 
- Search Architecture 
‣ Lucene Extensions 
- Outlook
Search at Twitter: Presented by Michael Busch, Twitter
Lucene Extensions
Lucene Extension Library 
• Abstraction layer for Lucene index segments 
• Real-time writer for in-memory index segments 
• Schema-based Lucene document factory 
• Real-time faceting
Lucene Extension Library 
• API layer for Lucene segments 
• *IndexSegmentWriter 
• *IndexSegmentAtomicReader 
• Two implementations 
• In-memory: RealtimeIndexSegmentWriter (and reader) 
• On-disk: LuceneIndexSegmentWriter (and reader)
Lucene Extension Library 
• IndexSegments can be built ... 
• in realtime 
• on Mesos or Hadoop (Mapreduce) 
• locally on serving machines 
• Cluster-management code that deals with IndexSegments 
• Share segments across serving machines using HDFS 
• Can rebuild segments (e.g. to upgrade Lucene version, change data 
schema, etc.)
Lucene Extension Library 
HDFS EEEaararlyrlylbybbirirdirdd 
Hadoop (MR) 
RT pipeline
• Modified Lucene index implementation optimized for realtime search 
• IndexWriter buffer is searchable (no need to flush to allow searching) 
• In-memory 
• Lock-free concurrency model for best performance
Concurrency - Definitions 
• Pessimistic locking 
• A thread holds an exclusive lock on a resource, while an action is 
performed [mutual exclusion] 
• Usually used when conflicts are expected to be likely 
• Optimistic locking 
• Operations are tried to be performed atomically without holding a lock; 
conflicts can be detected; retry logic is often used in case of conflicts 
• Usually used when conflicts are expected to be the exception
Concurrency - Definitions 
• Non-blocking algorithm 
Ensures, that threads competing for shared resources do not have their 
execution indefinitely postponed by mutual exclusion. 
• Lock-free algorithm 
A non-blocking algorithm is lock-free if there is guaranteed system-wide 
• Wait-free algorithm 
A non-blocking algorithm is wait-free, if there is guaranteed per-thread 
* Source: Wikipedia
• Having a single writer thread simplifies our problem: no locks have to be used 
to protect data structures from corruption (only one thread modifies data) 
• But: we have to make sure that all readers always see a consistent state of 
all data structures -> this is much harder than it sounds! 
• In Java, it is not guaranteed that one thread will see changes that another 
thread makes in program execution order, unless the same memory barrier is 
crossed by both threads -> safe publication 
• Safe publication can be achieved in different, subtle ways. Read the great 
book “Java concurrency in practice” by Brian Goetz for more information!
Java Memory Model 
• Program order rule 
Each action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes 
later in the program order. 
• Volatile variable rule 
A write to a volatile field happens-before every subsequent read of that same 
• Transitivity 
If A happens-before B, and B happens-before C, then A happens-before C. 
* Source: Brian Goetz: Java Concurrency in Practice
RAM 0 
int x; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
Cache 5 
RAM 0 
int x; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
x = 5; 
Thread A writes x=5 to cache 
Cache 5 
RAM 0 
int x; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
x = 5; 
time while(x != 5); 
This condition will likely 
never become false!
RAM 0 
int x; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
RAM 0 
int x; 
Thread A writes b=1 to RAM, 
because b is volatile 
5 x = 5; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
volatile int b; 
b = 1;
RAM 0 
int x; 
5 x = 5; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
volatile int b; 
b = 1; 
Read volatile b 
int dummy = b; 
while(x != 5);
RAM 0 
int x; 
5 x = 5; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
volatile int b; 
b = 1; 
int dummy = b; 
while(x != 5); 
• Program order rule: Each action in a thread happens-before every action in 
that thread that comes later in the program order.
RAM 0 
int x; 
5 x = 5; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
volatile int b; 
b = 1; 
int dummy = b; 
while(x != 5); 
• Volatile variable rule: A write to a volatile field happens-before every 
subsequent read of that same field.
RAM 0 
int x; 
5 x = 5; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
volatile int b; 
b = 1; 
int dummy = b; 
while(x != 5); 
• Transitivity: If A happens-before B, and B happens-before C, then A 
happens-before C.
RAM 0 
int x; 
5 x = 5; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
volatile int b; 
b = 1; 
int dummy = b; 
while(x != 5); 
This condition will be 
false, i.e. x==5 
• Note: x itself doesn’t have to be volatile. There can be many variables like x, 
but we need only a single volatile field.
RAM 0 
int x; 
5 x = 5; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
volatile int b; 
b = 1; 
int dummy = b; 
while(x != 5); 
Memory barrier 
• Note: x itself doesn’t have to be volatile. There can be many variables like x, 
but we need only a single volatile field.
Search at Twitter: Presented by Michael Busch, Twitter
RAM 0 
int x; 
5 x = 5; 
Thread 1 Thread 2 
volatile int b; 
b = 1; 
int dummy = b; 
while(x != 5); 
Memory barrier 
• Note: x itself doesn’t have to be volatile. There can be many variables like x, 
but we need only a single volatile field.
IndexWriter IndexReader 
write 100 docs 
maxDoc = 100 
in read maxDoc 
search upto maxDoc 
write more docs 
maxDoc is volatile
IndexWriter IndexReader 
write 100 docs 
maxDoc = 100 
in read maxDoc 
search upto maxDoc 
write more docs 
maxDoc is volatile 
• Only maxDoc is volatile. All other fields that IW writes to and IR reads from 
don’t need to be!
• Not a single exclusive lock 
• Writer thread can always make progress 
• Optimistic locking (retry-logic) in a few places for searcher thread 
• Retry logic very simple and guaranteed to always make progress
In-memory Real-time Index 
• Highly optimized for GC - all data is stored in blocked native arrays 
• v1: Optimized for tweets with a term position limit of 255 
• v2: Support for 32 bit positions without performance degradation 
• v2: Basic support for out-of-order posting list inserts
In-memory Real-time Index 
• Highly optimized for GC - all data is stored in blocked native arrays 
• v1: Optimized for tweets with a term position limit of 255 
• v2: Support for 32 bit positions without performance degradation 
• v2: Basic support for out-of-order posting list inserts
In-memory Real-time Index 
• RT term dictionary 
• Term lookups using a lock-free hashtable in O(1) 
• v2: Additional probabilistic, lock-free skip list maintains ordering on terms 
• Perfect skip list not an option: out-of-order inserts would require 
rebalancing, which is impractical with our lock-free index 
• In a probabilistic skip list the tower height of a new (out-of-order) item can 
be determined without knowing its insert position by simply rolling a dice
In-memory Real-time Index 
• Perfect skip list
In-memory Real-time Index 
• Perfect skip list 
Inserting a new element in the middle of this 
skip list requires re-balancing the towers.
In-memory Real-time Index 
• Probabilistic skip list
In-memory Real-time Index 
• Probabilistic skip list Tower height determined by rolling a dice 
BEFORE knowing the insert location; tower height 
never has to change for an element, simplifying 
memory allocation and concurrency.
Schema-based Document factory 
• Apps provide one ThriftSchema per index and create a ThriftDocument for 
each document 
• SchemaDocumentFactory translates ThriftDocument -> Lucene Document 
using the Schema 
• Default field values 
• Extended field settings 
• Type-system on top of DocValues 
• Validation
Schema-based Document factory 
• Validation 
• Fill in default values 
• Apply correct Lucene 
field settings
Schema-based Document factory 
• Validation 
• Fill in default values 
• Apply correct Lucene 
field settings 
Decouples core package from 
specific product/index. Similar 
to Solr/ElasticSearch.
Search @twitter 
- Introduction 
- Search Architecture 
- Lucene Extensions 
‣ Outlook
Search at Twitter: Presented by Michael Busch, Twitter
• Support for parallel (sliced) segments to support partial segment rebuilds 
and other cool posting list update patterns 
• Add remaining missing Lucene features to RT index 
• Index term statistics for ranking 
• Term vectors 
• Stored fields
Michael Busch 
Search at Twitter: Presented by Michael Busch, Twitter
Backup Slides
Searching for top entities within Tweets 
• Task: Find the best photos in a subset of tweets 
• We could use a Lucene index, where each photo is a document 
• Problem: How to update existing documents when the same photos are 
tweeted again? 
• In-place posting list updates are hard 
• Lucene’s updateDocument() is a delete/add operation - expensive and not 
Searching for top entities within Tweets 
• Task: Find the best photos in a subset of tweets 
• Could we use our existing time-ordered tweet index? 
• Facets!
Searching for top entities within Tweets 
Query Doc ids 
Term id Term label 
Doc id index Document 
Doc id Term ids
Storing tweet metadata 
Doc id index Term ids
5 15 9000 9002 100000 100090 
doc id 
Term ids 
Top-k heap 
Id Count 
48239 8 
31241 2 
Searching for top entities within Tweets
5 15 9000 9002 100000 100090 
doc id 
Term ids 
Top-k heap 
Id Count 
48239 15 
31241 12 
85932 8 
6748 3 
Searching for top entities within Tweets
Searching for top entities within Tweets 
5 15 9000 9002 100000 100090 
doc id 
Term ids 
Top-k heap 
Id Count 
48239 15 
31241 12 
85932 8 
6748 3 
Weighted counts (from 
engagement features) used 
for relevance scoring
Searching for top entities within Tweets 
5 15 9000 9002 100000 100090 
doc id 
Term ids 
Top-k heap 
Id Count 
48239 15 
31241 12 
85932 8 
6748 3 
All query operators can be 
used. E.g. find best photos in 
San Francisco tweeted by 
people I follow
Searching for top entities within Tweets 
Term id index Term label
Searching for top entities within Tweets 
Id Count Label Count 45 23 15 11 8 5 
48239 45 
31241 23 
85932 15 
6748 11 
74294 8 
3728 5 
• Indexing tweet entities (e.g. photos) as facets allows to search and rank top-entities 
using a tweets index 
• All query operators supported 
• Documents don’t need to be reindexed 
• Approach reusable for different use cases, e.g.: best vines, hashtags, 
@mentions, etc.

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Search at Twitter: Presented by Michael Busch, Twitter

  • 1. Search @twitter Michael Busch @michibusch
  • 2. Search @twitter Agenda ‣ Introduction - Search Architecture - Lucene Extensions - Outlook
  • 5. Introduction Twitter has more than 284 million monthly active users.
  • 6. Introduction 500 million tweets are sent per day.
  • 7. Introduction More than 300 billion tweets have been sent since company founding in 2006.
  • 8. Introduction Tweets-per-second record: one-second peak of 143,199 TPS.
  • 9. Introduction More than 2 billion search queries per day.
  • 10. Search @twitter Agenda - Introduction ‣ Search Architecture - Lucene Extensions - Outlook
  • 13. RT index Search Architecture RT stream Analyzer/ Partitioner RT index (Earlybird) Blender Archive index RT index Mapreduce Analyzer raw tweets Tweet archive HDFS Search requests writes searches analyzed tweets analyzed tweets raw tweets
  • 14. RT index Search Architecture Tweets Analyzer/ Partitioner RT index (Earlybird) Blender Archive index RT index queue HDFS Search requests Updates Deletes/ Engagement (e.g. retweets/favs) writes searches Mapreduce Analyzer
  • 15. RT index Search Architecture RT index (Earlybird) Social graph Social Blender Archive index RT index User search Search requests writes searches • Blender is our Thrift service aggregator • Queries multiple Earlybirds, merges results Social graph graph
  • 16. Search Architecture RT index (Earlybird) Archive index User search
  • 17. Search Architecture RT index (Earlybird) Archive index • For historic reasons, these used to be entirely different codebases, but had similar features/ technologies • Over time cross-dependencies were introduced to share code User search Lucene
  • 18. Search Architecture RT index (Earlybird) Archive index User search Lucene Extensions Lucene • New Lucene extension package • This package is truly generic and has no dependency on an actual product/index • It contains Twitter’s extensions for real-time search, a thin segment management layer and other features
  • 19. Search @twitter Agenda - Introduction - Search Architecture ‣ Lucene Extensions - Outlook
  • 22. Lucene Extension Library • Abstraction layer for Lucene index segments • Real-time writer for in-memory index segments • Schema-based Lucene document factory • Real-time faceting
  • 23. Lucene Extension Library • API layer for Lucene segments • *IndexSegmentWriter • *IndexSegmentAtomicReader • Two implementations • In-memory: RealtimeIndexSegmentWriter (and reader) • On-disk: LuceneIndexSegmentWriter (and reader)
  • 24. Lucene Extension Library • IndexSegments can be built ... • in realtime • on Mesos or Hadoop (Mapreduce) • locally on serving machines • Cluster-management code that deals with IndexSegments • Share segments across serving machines using HDFS • Can rebuild segments (e.g. to upgrade Lucene version, change data schema, etc.)
  • 25. Lucene Extension Library HDFS EEEaararlyrlylbybbirirdirdd Mesos Hadoop (MR) RT pipeline
  • 26. RealtimeIndexSegmentWriter • Modified Lucene index implementation optimized for realtime search • IndexWriter buffer is searchable (no need to flush to allow searching) • In-memory • Lock-free concurrency model for best performance
  • 27. Concurrency - Definitions • Pessimistic locking • A thread holds an exclusive lock on a resource, while an action is performed [mutual exclusion] • Usually used when conflicts are expected to be likely • Optimistic locking • Operations are tried to be performed atomically without holding a lock; conflicts can be detected; retry logic is often used in case of conflicts • Usually used when conflicts are expected to be the exception
  • 28. Concurrency - Definitions • Non-blocking algorithm Ensures, that threads competing for shared resources do not have their execution indefinitely postponed by mutual exclusion. • Lock-free algorithm A non-blocking algorithm is lock-free if there is guaranteed system-wide progress. • Wait-free algorithm A non-blocking algorithm is wait-free, if there is guaranteed per-thread progress. * Source: Wikipedia
  • 29. Concurrency • Having a single writer thread simplifies our problem: no locks have to be used to protect data structures from corruption (only one thread modifies data) • But: we have to make sure that all readers always see a consistent state of all data structures -> this is much harder than it sounds! • In Java, it is not guaranteed that one thread will see changes that another thread makes in program execution order, unless the same memory barrier is crossed by both threads -> safe publication • Safe publication can be achieved in different, subtle ways. Read the great book “Java concurrency in practice” by Brian Goetz for more information!
  • 30. Java Memory Model • Program order rule Each action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program order. • Volatile variable rule A write to a volatile field happens-before every subsequent read of that same field. • Transitivity If A happens-before B, and B happens-before C, then A happens-before C. * Source: Brian Goetz: Java Concurrency in Practice
  • 31. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time
  • 32. Concurrency Cache 5 RAM 0 int x; Thread 1 Thread 2 x = 5; Thread A writes x=5 to cache time
  • 33. Concurrency Cache 5 RAM 0 int x; Thread 1 Thread 2 x = 5; time while(x != 5); This condition will likely never become false!
  • 34. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time
  • 35. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; Thread A writes b=1 to RAM, because b is volatile 5 x = 5; 1 Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time volatile int b; b = 1;
  • 36. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; 5 x = 5; 1 Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time volatile int b; b = 1; Read volatile b int dummy = b; while(x != 5);
  • 37. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; 5 x = 5; 1 Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time volatile int b; b = 1; int dummy = b; while(x != 5); happens-before • Program order rule: Each action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program order.
  • 38. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; 5 x = 5; 1 Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time volatile int b; b = 1; int dummy = b; while(x != 5); happens-before • Volatile variable rule: A write to a volatile field happens-before every subsequent read of that same field.
  • 39. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; 5 x = 5; 1 Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time volatile int b; b = 1; int dummy = b; while(x != 5); happens-before • Transitivity: If A happens-before B, and B happens-before C, then A happens-before C.
  • 40. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; 5 x = 5; 1 Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time volatile int b; b = 1; int dummy = b; while(x != 5); This condition will be false, i.e. x==5 • Note: x itself doesn’t have to be volatile. There can be many variables like x, but we need only a single volatile field.
  • 41. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; 5 x = 5; 1 Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time volatile int b; b = 1; int dummy = b; while(x != 5); Memory barrier • Note: x itself doesn’t have to be volatile. There can be many variables like x, but we need only a single volatile field.
  • 43. Demo
  • 44. Concurrency RAM 0 int x; 5 x = 5; 1 Cache Thread 1 Thread 2 time volatile int b; b = 1; int dummy = b; while(x != 5); Memory barrier • Note: x itself doesn’t have to be volatile. There can be many variables like x, but we need only a single volatile field.
  • 45. Concurrency IndexWriter IndexReader time write 100 docs maxDoc = 100 in read maxDoc search upto maxDoc write more docs maxDoc is volatile
  • 46. Concurrency IndexWriter IndexReader time write 100 docs maxDoc = 100 in read maxDoc search upto maxDoc write more docs maxDoc is volatile happens-before • Only maxDoc is volatile. All other fields that IW writes to and IR reads from don’t need to be!
  • 47. Wait-free • Not a single exclusive lock • Writer thread can always make progress • Optimistic locking (retry-logic) in a few places for searcher thread • Retry logic very simple and guaranteed to always make progress
  • 48. In-memory Real-time Index • Highly optimized for GC - all data is stored in blocked native arrays • v1: Optimized for tweets with a term position limit of 255 • v2: Support for 32 bit positions without performance degradation • v2: Basic support for out-of-order posting list inserts
  • 49. In-memory Real-time Index • Highly optimized for GC - all data is stored in blocked native arrays • v1: Optimized for tweets with a term position limit of 255 • v2: Support for 32 bit positions without performance degradation • v2: Basic support for out-of-order posting list inserts
  • 50. In-memory Real-time Index • RT term dictionary • Term lookups using a lock-free hashtable in O(1) • v2: Additional probabilistic, lock-free skip list maintains ordering on terms • Perfect skip list not an option: out-of-order inserts would require rebalancing, which is impractical with our lock-free index • In a probabilistic skip list the tower height of a new (out-of-order) item can be determined without knowing its insert position by simply rolling a dice
  • 51. In-memory Real-time Index • Perfect skip list
  • 52. In-memory Real-time Index • Perfect skip list Inserting a new element in the middle of this skip list requires re-balancing the towers.
  • 53. In-memory Real-time Index • Probabilistic skip list
  • 54. In-memory Real-time Index • Probabilistic skip list Tower height determined by rolling a dice BEFORE knowing the insert location; tower height never has to change for an element, simplifying memory allocation and concurrency.
  • 55. Schema-based Document factory • Apps provide one ThriftSchema per index and create a ThriftDocument for each document • SchemaDocumentFactory translates ThriftDocument -> Lucene Document using the Schema • Default field values • Extended field settings • Type-system on top of DocValues • Validation
  • 56. Schema-based Document factory Schema Lucene Document SchemaDocument Factory Thrift Document • Validation • Fill in default values • Apply correct Lucene field settings
  • 57. Schema-based Document factory Schema Lucene Document SchemaDocument Factory Thrift Document • Validation • Fill in default values • Apply correct Lucene field settings Decouples core package from specific product/index. Similar to Solr/ElasticSearch.
  • 58. Search @twitter Agenda - Introduction - Search Architecture - Lucene Extensions ‣ Outlook
  • 61. Outlook • Support for parallel (sliced) segments to support partial segment rebuilds and other cool posting list update patterns • Add remaining missing Lucene features to RT index • Index term statistics for ranking • Term vectors • Stored fields
  • 62. Questions? Michael Busch @michibusch
  • 65. Searching for top entities within Tweets • Task: Find the best photos in a subset of tweets • We could use a Lucene index, where each photo is a document • Problem: How to update existing documents when the same photos are tweeted again? • In-place posting list updates are hard • Lucene’s updateDocument() is a delete/add operation - expensive and not order-preserving
  • 66. Searching for top entities within Tweets • Task: Find the best photos in a subset of tweets • Could we use our existing time-ordered tweet index? • Facets!
  • 67. Searching for top entities within Tweets Query Doc ids Inverted index Term id Term label Forward Doc id index Document Metadata Facet index Doc id Term ids
  • 68. Storing tweet metadata Facet Doc id index Term ids
  • 69. 5 15 9000 9002 100000 100090 Matching doc id Facet index Term ids Top-k heap Id Count 48239 8 31241 2 Query Searching for top entities within Tweets
  • 70. 5 15 9000 9002 100000 100090 Matching doc id Facet index Term ids Top-k heap Id Count 48239 15 31241 12 85932 8 6748 3 Query Searching for top entities within Tweets
  • 71. Searching for top entities within Tweets 5 15 9000 9002 100000 100090 Matching doc id Facet index Term ids Top-k heap Id Count 48239 15 31241 12 85932 8 6748 3 Query Weighted counts (from engagement features) used for relevance scoring
  • 72. Searching for top entities within Tweets 5 15 9000 9002 100000 100090 Matching doc id Facet index Term ids Top-k heap Id Count 48239 15 31241 12 85932 8 6748 3 Query All query operators can be used. E.g. find best photos in San Francisco tweeted by people I follow
  • 73. Searching for top entities within Tweets Inverted Term id index Term label
  • 74. Searching for top entities within Tweets Id Count Label Count 45 23 15 11 8 5 48239 45 31241 23 85932 15 6748 11 74294 8 3728 5 Inverted index
  • 75. Summary • Indexing tweet entities (e.g. photos) as facets allows to search and rank top-entities using a tweets index • All query operators supported • Documents don’t need to be reindexed • Approach reusable for different use cases, e.g.: best vines, hashtags, @mentions, etc.