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How Netflix Builds High Performance
Applications at Global Scale
Prasanna Vijayanathan
Senior Software Engineer at Netflix
Prasanna Vijayanathan (he/him)
Senior Software Engineer at Netflix
■ Something cool I’ve done
■ My perspective on P99s
■ Another thing about me
■ What I do away from work
Your app
(phone, browser,
TV, multiverse?)
Your app
(phone, browser,
TV, multiverse?)
Your infrastructure
Your app
browser, TV,
Your infrastructure
Your app
browser, TV,
Your infrastructure
Your app
browser, TV,
Understanding your application
Observability and monitoring
Your infrastructure
Your app
browser, TV,
Errors, latency
Your infrastructure
Your app
browser, TV,
Errors, latency
Your infrastructure
Your app
browser, TV,
Errors, latency
Your infrastructure
Your app
browser, TV,
Errors, latency
Your infrastructure
Your app
(phone, browser,
TV, multiverse?)
Errors, latency
Your infrastructure
Your app
(phone, browser,
TV, multiverse?)
Errors, latency
How Netflix Builds High Performance Applications at Global Scale
How Netflix Builds High Performance Applications at Global Scale
How Netflix Builds High Performance Applications at Global Scale
User Experience
Your infrastructure
Your app
(phone, browser,
TV, multiverse?)
Your app
(phone, browser, TV,
- Sessions
- Time spent on app
- Platform
- Device capabilities
- Network conditions
- Time to load the app
- Time to render
- Video quality
How Netflix Builds High Performance Applications at Global Scale
App load time
Diversity at scale
Diversity at scale
Computing & efficiency
Diversity in devices
• Web
• Mobile
• TV
• Other devices (VR, Watches, Glasses,..)
• Crashes and errors
• Storage
• Buffering
• Energy consumption
Computing and efficiency
Diversity in network
• Ethernet, Fiber, WiFi, 4G, 5G
Type of Network
• 1000s of providers
• different plans
• bandwidth, throughput, errors
Factors impacting networks
Diversity in Users
• What does the user need from the app?
User's needs
• How does the user expect the app to behave?
User's preferences
Consistency of QoE
Consistency of QoE
Experience is relative
Users like to get expected behavior
Consistency of QoE
Provide the expected behavior every time
Do better whenever possible
Consistency of QoE
How to know what’s expected?
User disruptions
Needs &
Needs & Preferences
App improvements
New product offerings, features, performance
Better feedback
Lower support calls
Longer sessions, more engagement
Needs &
Distruptions Environment
Errors, crashes
Action fails
Loading spinners
Needs &
Needs &
Make/model, platform, memory, CPU
throughput, latency, errors
time, location, seasonality
Needs &
How could we do this?
QOE models
■ Devices
■ Networks
■ Disruption prediction
Transfer learning
■ Learn what’s good and bad for each user
How could we do this?
<Demo: building a model with a sample data set>
How could we do this?
<Demo: Show using SHAP values for interpretability>
What’s possible?
■ Constant iteration and improvement
■ Automatic feature selection and experimentation
■ The best experience possible, every user, every time.
First Last
website/blog url
Thank you! Let’s connect.

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How Netflix Builds High Performance Applications at Global Scale