Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts


Who The Fuck I Am

 It seems to me, after 2 years of this, that a pandemic is not perhaps the best time to try to make all your big moves. Ahem. 

That said, things have continued to move along. Since August I was invited to attend the 300 YTT (yoga teacher training*) I had long desired, in a work study capacity, which was absolutely phenomenal... and the only way it could have possibly worked out. I'm half way through, blown away by all I'm learning, and just so grateful for the whole experience. 

That opportunity lead to another! I was invited to be part of the leadership team for a 200 YTT taking place at the same studio! Aka I get to teach people to become yoga teachers! It was one of the main reasons that I wanted my RYT500 (plus just the learning opportunity), but I had no idea it would come so fast! So if you need me from March to May, that's what I'll be doing. 

In addition, I'm still teaching at three other amazing places, have a private client, and attended a birth in January (no more for me until Autumn at the earliest... just too much else going on). Plus my digital mapping job! 

I'm probably in the best shaped I've been in since before the pandemic at least, and I think maybe ever. This feels amazing after spending 6 months last year dealing with an intestinal issues that seemed to boil down to a stomach bug, exacerbated by a lactose intolerance, that got to a point where my guts were just angry and needed a month long elimination/anti-inflammatory diet just to get them back to normal. They did get back to baseline, and now I'm pretty comfortable just sticking with no-/low-lactose options (or, thank goodness for lactaid! Mama needs her creamy pastas). I am still working some things out, as residual symptoms seem to point to "leaky gut", but I'm feeling great overall. 

Gwen and I also just finalized our summer travel plans! Visiting with family, a Girl Scout trip to NYC, and a return to a place we love... with a few amazing AirB&B/Glamping nights thrown in to break up the longer legs. To say I'm excited would be an understatement.

I sat down the other day and reflected on where I am, and where I want to be. I have big plans for this year and next, and you know, I'm proud! I lost my way for a bit in there, lost my bearing when I had to adjust so many dreams and plans and ideas... but I think, maybe this is going to be even better.

* I am currently 200 hr certified, which is the base certification for becoming a yoga teacher. In January I earned my E- distinction (so E-200, E equals experienced), which requires a certain amount of time and hours, plus maintaining a certain amount of continuing education. I was very proud of that! Once I get my additional 300 hr certification, then I will be RYT500 (and E-RYT200, until I earn the hours I need to be E-RYT500). Clear as mud? ;-) 


The Ache For Home and Knowing

Written in January of 2021, shared now. 


The day we left Pennsylvania to move seventeen hundred miles away, I banished the words never and always from my vocabulary. I had spend my thirty-something years up until that point knowing, with a certainty that only the young possess, that I would live out my days in my home state (Pee-Aaa – as us locals called it). 

My husband and I were born in that same state, but almost three hundred miles apart, meeting in college. While travel was in our blood, and we visited as many states and countries as possible with our limited budget, our home state on the East Coast felt safe and comfortable. I didn’t think I needed to live anywhere else. But life has other plans, and when our daughter was five, we picked up and found our way to Colorado. Our Pennsylvania mountains suddenly looked like the quaintest little hills, as we climbed up and up to almost six thousand feet high, with the Rocky Mountains still towering above us. As the air got thinner, we felt lighter. Our excitement was so rich we could taste it! Everything was new and fresh. It stayed that way for a few weeks.

The first thing I missed was our family and friends. One too many moments of thinking, “I’ll have to take this to Mom,” or wanting to get away for an afternoon with my close girlfriend. A date night with my husband at our favorite local sushi joint; we had no one to leave our daughter with.

Then it was our yard, with a large shade tree, and our small but lovingly created, raised bed garden. Neighbors on both sides grew tomatoes, and whatever came through the fence was ours to pick, while we passed over peppers, herbs, and squash. I had taken for granted the ability to open our back door and watch our black lab shoot out to run off her zoomies or use the bathroom without our presence needed. I longed for picnics in the soft autumn sun, snowball fights in the winter, the smell of my lilacs in their first bloom, and shrieks of delight from my daughter as cold hose water peppered her summer sun kissed skin. 

I knew my sadness was complete when I even missed our chilly, unfinished basement; and with it, my ability to nestle bottles of infusions down there, where they could lay undisturbed, letting their magic happen.

It took a year to make friends that we could get together with regularly, three years to feel like this new place was home, even more to stop having those pangs of longing for our birth state. But the funniest thing happened once I lost this idea of a forever home: suddenly I felt unmoored. As settled as we were, as happy in our adopted state, I had this notion that there was no longer one distinct place that I belonged. Pennsylvania was no longer it, with every visit showing more and more things that changed, taking was it is further and further from what I remembered it to be. Colorado, with its focus on if you’re a “native” born and raised, or an import; well, I would always be a non-native.

During this time, I found myself in a cycle: buy “what I’m missing”, trying to build these images from my head of what I wanted our house to look like… then purging old items trying to make room. I thought, if I could just build the right routines, shape the space around me, then everything inside would finally feel settled. No matter what I bought though, as beautiful as those things were, it never quite turned into what I was trying to create. You can’t buy your way into “home.” Our small apartment just wasn’t capable of being all I needed. There just wasn’t space for rows of herbs infusing in bottles on shelves, a full wall of bookshelves, composting, gardening, an alter, space for yoga. At least not while also meeting the needs of the rest of the family (so very many Legos!). Our world felt small, our apartment smaller; it was where we lived, not our home.

As I started to doubt our home, I started to doubt myself and all I believed I needed to be happy. What did I look like when cut off from all that had been? Who was I in this cramped space within a wide open area, unfamiliar and new? 

So, we started to fill our school breaks with travel, checking off state after state, visiting National Parks, friends and family around the country, camping along the way. I was searching for so much, and we found more then I expected. We found adventure, explored forests, deserts, plains, shorelines, and mountains related and different from our own. Food tastes different over the campfire, and my daughter expanded her palate, willing to try things on the road that didn’t appeal to her at home. We put miles and miles under our feet, first with my daughter holding my hand, then in time with her leading the way. The stars ran around the sky and while every night (every location) was a little different, we could always find the recognizable constellations to let us know that we still belonged under them, blanketed in their familiarity.

Most of all, we found more groundedness in our travels. The farther we went, the more home felt like Home when we returned. Colorado was our anchor.

Maya Angelou tells us, “The ache for home lives in all of us.” While I still hope to cultivate the home I visualized – in fact, we hope to buy a house this year, with a yard all our own – I now have come to understand that time and emotional space are just as, if not more important, then physical space. It might have taken me dozens of states to figure it out, but it’s a lesson my daughter gets to experience with me first hand, and hopefully a knowledge she will take with her no matter where she roams. I hope she goes far, knowing this home waits for her, but so do dozens of other homes around our country and around our world. That home is not the plates in the cabinets, but the sensation of belonging. I still work to find that peace in myself, but I’m getting closer each day… not with the things I buy or make for our dwelling, but the memories we foster here. And when we need that reminder, its only a camping trip away!

“A bird in a nest is secure, but that is not why God gave it wings.”  -  Matshona Dhliwayo 


The Return

Pre-trip, last day of horseback riding camp!

We are back from our trip out East... from seeing my parents (and other amazing friends and family), from getting a new tattoo, and from checking off the last state I needed on the East Coast (Maine, you are lovely!). 

It was so amazing to see Penny, Panda, and Parker! We've missed our bubble.

It was a great trip, but definitely illuminating after a year off from travel. We won't stop taking these trips, but I think we are going to adjust them in the future. For one, now that all those mid-Western/East Coast states have been checked off, I think our focus will just be visiting friends and family. Direct between places, and keeping our trips to about 2 weeks. That was plenty long enough for Gwen and I. We'll have camping trips be separate. I've lost any desire to combine camping trips with cross-country trips, and the completely different packing needs the two entail. From now on, we'll camp out here, and visit out there.

Despite those realizations, it was such a wonderful time, full of great visiting and beautiful places. Gwen and I both loved Acadia (and I definitely want to see more of Maine).

Now... well we're diving right back in! I signed two doula clients before we left, so we're going right into meetings now that we're back. I added a private yoga client. I'm back to mapping. Gwen and I are getting her ready for school to start in just over 2 weeks! 

How was your summer? When does school start for your kids? 


Little Bit

There has been plenty to celebrate lately... Girl Scout trip to Great Wolf Lodge (indoor water park, mini golf, ropes course, and more!), Father's Day (pedicures! and Chinese food!), and Litha (a good whole house clean, and dinner with my sister and sister-in-law) specifically... but also just the little things. Summer days, visits from extended family, and plans for more travel soon.

It's only about 2 weeks until Gwen and I start heading East. I'm so excited to see Panda (who moved to AK from Colorado earlier this year), do some camping, and of course, see my parents!! It is getting harder and harder to leave Daisy behind (even when we're leaving her with Travis!), the older she gets. At least this time I'll be coming back with a new tattoo... of Daisy! It will be nice to have days that feel like our old summer days.

We've all been feeling the stress a bit lately. Balancing work with Gwen home for the summer, and suddenly even having a few extra things to do seems like so much to do after over a year of just, not doing things. This too will pass, but a few weeks of travel and visiting is just what the doctor ordered, I think. Then when we get home, its only 3 weeks until Middle School! 😵 Its hard to wrap my head around that. 

Its hard to figure out what to write... there's so much in my head that its hard to even organize it in any way. But I wanted to at least check in. Happy June y'all.


Travel 2 years in the Making

Gwen finished Elementary School on the last Friday of May (my baby 😭), and boy did I feel some feelings about that. But in all our wisdom we had planned a trip, our first as a family since pre-pandemic!, to visit with Travis's family in Arizona for the very next week. This is the first road trip Travis has joined us on in a while... and, Daisy joined us too. It was so fun to go somewhere with all of us (especially as Daisy gets older, its harder to leave her behind... even with people she loves, and who love her).

It was 50°s and raining when we left Colorado... which made for an interesting and extreme adjustment to the very dry and 102° temps in Arizona! But, luck for us, Nana and PopPop have a pool. In fact, Gwen spent at least some time in that pool every single day in AZ. 

What else did we do? Well, we ate and read, walked around town, and took a pretty amazing cruise around Lake Saguaro.

The pictures are all kinds of mish-mashed, but hey, I'm here and writing something I want to remember! So I'm not too worries. Ha!

So I've said it before, I'm really a forest/mountain girl, but I'll admit that the desert has a strange and lovely beauty to it, so different from anywhere else. 

I'm so glad we got to see Trav's parents, it was a really lovely trip.

I drove the trip down straight through, leaving early and arriving after dinner; but we broke the ride home up into two days. We drove to Sante Fe, visited our favorite dinner, then drove the rest of the way home the next day.

It was so nice to see people again, to get on the road again. Thankfully, this summer Gwen and I will hop in the car again to travel to the East Coast! And hopefully I'll even get around to writing about that too  😉


Run Away With Me

Last week, before school started and we had less time to work with, after months of missing out, Gwen and I ran away for a night to the mountains. 

We headed up to a new-to-us area recommended by a friend, bringing food and sleeping bags. We car camped (one of the things she was so excited to try for the first time this summer), and spend 24 hours away from real life. Hiking in the woods, eating food cooked over flame, and just relaxing together. 


It was the best time we've spent together lately, and it was exactly what we both needed. Time, space, fresh air, and moving together. We talked about things coming up in the next few months, and about nothing at all. And we made plans to do it again.  


It was an absolutely beautiful area that we hope to return to again soon. I'm so glad we got this moment to sneak away.