Showing posts with label miscarriage/pregnancy loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miscarriage/pregnancy loss. Show all posts


Book Review: Bringing in Finn

I've been contacted a few times before about doing reviews or giveaways on the blog, but most of the time the product or service hasn't been something that fit with my life and therefore this blog. So I say no.

Recently though, I was contacted by a very nice publicist who told me about the book Bringing in Finn. Its a memoir that involves a mother's unusual journey to her son. It involves miscarriage, baby loss, and surrogacy. Not all fun topics, but ones that have in some way been a part of my life me. I was definitely interested!

In February 2011, 61-year-old Kristine Casey delivered the greatest gift of all to her daughter, Sara Connell: Sara’s son, Finnean. At that moment, Kristine—the gestational carrier of Sara and her husband Bill’s child—became the oldest woman ever to give birth in Chicago.

Bringing in Finn is the incredible story of one woman’s hard-fought and often painful journey to motherhood. In this achingly honest memoir, Connell recounts the tragedy and heartbreak of losing pregnancies; the process of opening her heart and mind to the idea of her 61-year-old mother carrying her child for her; and the profound bond that blossomed between mother and daughter as a result of their unique experience together.

Moving, inspiring, and ultimately triumphant, Bringing in Finn is an extraordinary tale of despair, hope, forgiveness, and redemption—and the discovery that when it comes to unconditional love, there are no limits to what can be achieved.

I'm so glad I said yes to this book review. Bringing in Finn is such a moving story; Sara does such an amazing job of getting her emotions onto the page that you are immediately pulled onto her roller-coaster. Despite knowing that it was coming, I couldn't help but cry when she lost her twin boys. It isn't all heartache though, as you also get to experience the amazing highs of finding out they are pregnant and ultimately the birth of their son, Finn.

From the moment I started reading, until I turned the last page, I couldn't put this book down. Sara is a wonderful writer, making it a fast, easy read; and you want to know what happens. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, but especially to those who have dealt with pregnancy loss, or are considering surrogacy.

I was lucky enough to get the chance to ask Sara a few questions too.

Meegs: What made you want to share your story?
Sara: Part of the reason I wanted to write this book was to break the taboo about fertility and pregnancy losses. When I’d hear there was such a taboo, I didn’t believe it and yet, I found myself - as I was going through fertility treatments and especially miscarriages and the death of our twins - that I didn’t want to talk about my experience. I didn’t even want to talk to the very close loving friends I have. I felt ashamed and dysfunctional and in reaction, I isolated myself. I’ve heard from many women in my private practice and since writing the book who felt the same. I hoped that in writing this book, I would do for someone else what so many of my beloved memoir writer’s have done for me - to share honestly, to be candid and raw, to not hold back and in doing so, share healing and transformation.

I also found that while my journey to having a child did not look the way I imagined, it also opened me to the miraculous in life - the miraculousness of the female reproductive system, the miracle of infinite possibilities - the way solutions and ideas can come that are beyond what we could have conceived on our own. I wanted to write about that.

M: Was it hard, healing, or something else entirely to open up so much and write it all out?
S: The hardest part for me was writing about my family (what would they think? Would they be upset at my mention or interpretation of certain events?) and about the loss of our twins (writing the first draft of chapter 6 required me to viscerally revisit, felt like relive, certain excruciating moments). With each draft, I had more objectivity and while I didn’t write the book for a cathartic purpose (I turn to journaling for that), those same sections and the process of writing was unburdening and freeing.

M: Your previous traumas obviously played a large role in your story - both because of questions about whether those traumas played a part in your troubles getting pregnant, and because of the additional stresses they created when you were in the hospital. Was it hard to share those traumas?
S: Similar to the answer above, writing about these experiences were both healing and difficult. I am also a life coach/therapist and in my training I learned over and again that speaking/naming and sharing a trauma out loud frees us from it. I wasn’t sure how strongly I believed in the phenomenon but I can say I feel more transcendence each time I write. 

M: I believe you have one frozen embryo left, would you consider using another surrogate to try to have another child?
S: Bill and I have always envisioned and felt we would both love to have more children AND feel so incredibly blessed with Finn that in this moment we are standing in a place of openness - the most honest answer I can share is that I/we don’t know.  
I don’t think we would do another surrogacy pregnancy - not because our experience wasn’t wonderful, it was and beyond - but I think what we feel most called to if we do try for another pregnancy would be for either me to carry the baby (there is a new procedure we learned about since the twins pregnancy called a trans abdominal circlage for women who’ve had a cervix issues like I did that has almost 100% success rate) or adopt a baby/child.

M: Can you give us an update on your family? What's life been like since Finn arrived? What's motherhood like compared to your expectations?
S: Motherhood has exceeded my expectations and imaginings in so many ways. I think I spent the first nine months in a kind of euphoria and glee - the lack of sleep, exhaustion, radical upheaval of life - logistically as we know it - felt like intense bliss. I still feel a lot of that, and I now experience some other feelings too - shock (at how so much has changed), fatigue, pressure (in response to the perpetual and universal questions of how to find balance, “get everything/things done” be an write/wife/mother/friend/daughter/sister/coach +++”). Being with Finn and together as a family is the antidote. I have the gift of being self-employed so I work part of the day and spend large amounts of the day with Finn. He is 20 months now and we are into all the parent-baby classes: Gymboree, music, swimming, baby soccer, museums - Chicago is amazing for kids.  Mother is #1 on the list and happily, the underlying and consistent emotions are wild gratitude and joy. 

My mother is doing awesomely well. She is back at the gym and on her bike working out. She and my father just booked a trip to France. She visits (or we do) every month or two (my sister also lives in Chicago and also had a baby (another boy) last year - so it’s a double thrill for her to come. And she just led a retreat at her church on visioning - the technique we did so much together leading up to and during the surrogacy.

M: One last question, did you and your husband ever name your twins? If so, would you be willing to share their names? They play a very large part in your story, it made me wonder if I could call them by name.
S: Thank you for asking - it’s a lovely question. We had not decided on names for the twins. We’d begun looking at names and had pretty well chosen one. When we think of or mention them now, we most often call them “the twins”. 

M: Thank you again for sharing your story. 

Let me know if you get a chance to read this wonderful book, and what you think of it. 


i wear a necklace {faces of loss, faces of hope}

I have a necklace that I wear. Not everyday, not even most days, but routinely.

Its not particularly elegant. It actually a bit plain. Small and simple and unobtrusive. I think most people don't even notice when I wear it.

Two stones (pink quartz and apatite) and a small butterfly. Such little things to represent something so big.

Everyday that I wear this necklace I remember. Because this necklace, its special; its important. Its my babyloss necklace.

What does it feel like to wear this necklace? It feels like loss, like guilt (do I not think of the lost one enough?), it feels like mixed feelings (if that babe were here, Gwen wouldn't be).

October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day, and I'm coming out as both a Face of Loss and as a Face of Hope.

Everyday I remember the one that was lost. Today I take a moment to make sure others remember too.

I hope you take a moment today to hug your babies tight, and say a little prayer for the parents of babies who are beyond hugs.


taking a moment

Today is two years. I can't even wrap my head around how much has changed since then. How much I have changed. How our first baby, our lost baby, changed me.

So today I'm taking a moment. To remember that baby. Our first.


walking and giggles

So! Its Monday (boo), but I had really nice weekend (yay). Got my hair trimmed on Saturday, so Gwen and I got to see my parents and Gram. Always fun. Sunday we were lazy lazy and just relaxed around the house for the most part.

We did work on our walking some:

Apparently her and dada practice most mornings.  :-)  Too cute.

Gwen is still working on teeth, which is no fun, but she's been sleeping better lately thanks to some teething tablets and some tyl.enol.

Also, I finally have some pictures to share of my birthday banner creativity... no finished product yet, but here's some of the stages.

Letter templates cut out:

I traced those (backwards) onto the back of self adhering felt, then cut that out:

My felt letters got attached to pretty paper that I had cut out and mounted on card stock:

A closer view of one of the papers:

I've punched holes in all the cards, and by the end of the week I should have it all attached to the ribbon. I'm pretty pleased with it so far, though obviously I'm dying to see the finished product. Finished pictures to come.

Also, one final thing to share before I get back to work. I've been seeing lots of miscarriage/babyloss on the internet lately. It got me thinking about my own. Two years ago I was pregnant and blissfully naive about how that pregnancy would turn out. Its not that I didn't know a miscarriage was possible, I just didn't think it would happen to me. I thought I would share this article that someone shared with me (Hi Lydia, sorry for the delay!) about dealing with miscarriage. Hopefully you never need to read it, but now its out there in case you or anyone you know does need it.


faces of loss, faces of hope

I am the face of Missed Miscarriage

And I am just one of the 2,000 faces affected by pregnancy/infant loss everyday. October 15th is National Pregnancy/Infant Loss Awareness Day, and leading up to that, I am remembering my Little One Lost by participating in the $2,000 for 2,000 faces campaign. Please join me by visiting and making an easy $1 donation... in the name of my lost baby, in honor of my "take home baby" Gwen, or in the name of one that you've lost. I did $2, one for both of my babes.


Every single day in the US, 2,000 women lose a baby to pregnancy and infant loss. That’s 700,000 a year, a third of every female in this country. So why does no one talk about it?

In honor of October 15th, National Pregnancy/Infant Loss Remembrance Day, we are opening up the conversation. We are “putting a face” on miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. We are sharing our faces, and declaring to the world, “I am not ashamed to talk about my baby.”

The goal of the I AM THE FACE campaign is simple: to spread awareness of pregnancy/infant loss, and raise support for those who are affected by it. With your help, we will raise $2,000 for the 2,000 women who experience the loss of a child every day. $2,000 for 2,000 faces.

Donations will go to Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope, a nonprofit organization with a mission of providing support and resources for parents who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss and to spread awareness of pregnancy and infant loss throughout the greater community.


I am the face of missed miscarriage, of early loss, and of first pregnancy gone wrong.

And I am not afraid to talk about it.

I am also the face of hope. Just look at my beautiful daughter to see that.


kitty poo and ice cube attacks

I've been a bad blogger lately. I keep opening the edit a post window, maybe typing something short, maybe not even that, having the window sit open for ages, then just closing it. I don't know why I just can't seem to find the [something] to write lately.

And on that note, maybe I'll start with the things I'm NOT going to blog about:
1. 9/11 (9 years ago, can you believe it)
2. the anny of my original (unfulfilled) due date

I almost feel insensitive, guilty for not writing about them... but at the moment I'm feeling that it won't be a good, emotionally cleansing thing for me, but instead a draining thing. So I'm not going to [period].

What will I write about? Well, lets start with the craziness of this past week.
My Wednesday started out a little rough... I came downstairs to the quite pungent smell of kitten poop. The kitty that was still there because the family couldn't take it the night before. So I got to clean that up... which is really just so fun post-shower and already in your work clothes. Then when I went to get some ice from the freezer, two of the trays stuck together and the one I wasn't holding went flying... hitting me with lots of ice. And cutting me! On my thumb and foot. My train buddy asked, what kind of ice do we make in this joint. Razor sharp ice, apparently.

But my day got better. A cute pedi, kitty off to her new home, and a very productive day.
I had a bunch of very productive days actually... productive and veryfuckin'busy. Half the office was out for the holiday (l'shana tovah!!), but work does not stop. Its probably a good thing I was so busy and distracted, at least on Thursday. Trav's mom is in town for a wedding and she really wanted to spend time with Gwen. So she watched her Thursday afternoon, something I was informed was going to happen Wednesday night. Them spending time together is a good thing, and it went very well, but I was just a tad nervous about it beforehand. Numerous reason, none of them anything against Nana, but the biggest was just that Gwen's having some stranger anxiety right now and by no fault of her own, Nana is a stranger. Gwen's only met her three times total (the pitfalls of living across the country!), and the last time was about a month and a half ago (aka. a quarter of her life!). Apparently there was about 30 minutes of tears after Trav left, but after a walk together and a bottle, they had a nice day together. And she was great about respecting our wishes for Gwen. So I really am thrilled that they got the time together.

And lucky Gwen got to spend today with my mom, her Nonnie, since Trav had a Lehigh game and alumni meeting, and I had a bridal shower for my sweet hoser. My mom came an hour earlier to give Gwen some warm up time, and to give me some help with Gwen while I finished getting ready. It went great... they played a ton, took some naps, and no tears. It was a lot of fun for me too... I loved seeing my hoser, Hannah, Ro, and some other great girls... though man do I wish we weren't two hours apart. I had to leave the shower a little earlier to get home, so my mom could get home. I was gone almost 7 hours and almost 4 of those were driving!! It was worth the trip though and I really hope that she had a fabulous time. No pictures to share right now since I didn't bring my camera. One semi-amusing anecdote though. Hannah is also a breastfeeding mama currently, so we had a little pumping party together halfway through. Two ladies, boobies out (don't worry, we were behind closed door). Motherhood really kills the modesty!!

Well, I'm going to head to bed now. I get the whole thing to myself tonight, since Trav is staying up at Lehigh. Hopefully Gwenie and I will both get some good sleep. And hopefully the rain will hold off tomorrow morning so we can get to enjoy the beautiful fall temps we've been having, by taking a walk with Ro and GG. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


anniversary of loss

Today is one year since we found out what we lost.

After a miscarriage, you grieve for a person you never knew, and for a relationship that ended before it really began. You grieve not for a person who has lived and died but for an unlived life. You grieve for the loss of your future as the parent of the baby who has died. You are sad not just because of what you have lost but because of what will never be.

If that life had come to fruition, I would have an almost 6 month old now. I wonder what that baby would have been, would have been like. But I can't be too sad because if that baby were here, then Gwenivere would not be... at least, not this Gwenivere that I love so very much.

So today I will say a silent prayer for my baby that wasn't, and hold a little tighter to my baby that is. And I would love if you could all do the former too.


2009 in pictures

A little late, but I enjoyed the picture posts of 2009 that everyone else did... so here's mine:


Morning sickness starts.

Our little fur-bundle of joy arrives... :-)

Home for Daisy's first week with us... must be patient! Must be patient!

Tell the in-laws we're expecting.

GG is born!!

Tell my parents we're expecting.

First doc appointment!

Up to Connecticut for Hannah's bridal shower and bachelorette party.

First ultrasound... find out that we lost the baby.

D&E. No fun.

Cleared by the cardiologist... no need to go back. Ever!


Vermont for Hannah's wedding!

Given the all clear at the doctor... everything looks good.

Vegas for work! Get to see my Babs!

Finally stop bleeding from the D&E... still getting bills and other horrid reminders.


GG goes for her first walk in the park!

Jan finds out she has cancer.

Start trying to get pregnant again.

Daisy gets spayed.

My hoser graduates law school!

Happy Birthday Trav!

Jan goes out of work and has surgery.

My brother graduates High School!

Jan returns.

(take two)

Jury duty. Oh fun.

Buy our first baby purchase... a car seat!

"Today I am pregnant and I love my baby."

Ethan and my dad trip out to the Badlands! So jealous!

Morning sickness starts. Cue the puking!!

Spotting... seriously?! Why body, why?!

We have a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, the puking.

Cape Cod!

Tell his parents, brother, and SIL about the pregnancy.


Ian & Krista get married in DC!

I'm officially more pregnant then I've ever been.

And still puking!

Ethan moves to DC to start college.

My 27th birthday!

Mom and Dad visit (belated birthday)... and bring the curtains for the nursery!

Heather's grandfather passes away. :-(

My original due date passes. :-(

I start to feel movement!

Still pukey... ugh.


We start the office!

We celebrate our anniversary!

Finally not puking!

20 weeks, we're half-way there.

We're having a... GIRL! Surprise!

I get sick sick...
and busted a rib. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

I look like a pumpkin on Halloween, albeit a small pumpkin.

We watch GG try her first pumpkin pie. :-)

I sort of hate pregnancy.

24 weeks = viability!

Daisy turns a year old!

Woot! It's done!

I decide maybe I don't completely hate pregnancy.


Yay baby shower!

I get sore.

We have a great Christmas with lots of family.

Finish off the year feeling generally good and happy!