Jill Biden talks condoms and safe sex with teenagers and says she pushes her granddaughters to be financially independent during Kenya tour to tout women's empowerment

  • Jill Biden spent day in Nairobi focused on women's empowerment
  • She talked safe sex and condoms at an MTV event
  • And she said she pushes her granddaughters to be financially independent

Jill Biden talked condoms and safe sex with teenagers on Saturday and said she pushes her granddaughters to be financially independent as she spent the day in Nairobi touting women's empowerment issues.

The first lady, who teachers at a community college in Northern Virginia, was in teacher mode most of the day as she met with a mix of young people at an MTV sponsored event and sat down with women at an economic event.

She spent the afternoon at the Shujaaz Konnect Festival, a local youth empowerment event sponsored by MTV's Staying Alive Foundation.

The program is meant to help young people talk about difficult subjects like sex, HIV and money - with much of the conversation focused on sex.

Organizers showed Biden a questionnaire tool they use to get youths to talk about issues. The first question was: 'What would you say if I told you I had a condom in my pocket right now?'

The first lady laughed. 'And this is the first time they're meeting?!'

'I'm surprised you don't start with like, what's your biggest achievement rather than, 'I have a condom in my pocket,'' she said.

Jill Biden talked with youth in Nairobi about condoms and safe sex

Jill Biden talked with youth in Nairobi about condoms and safe sex

Biden is on the fourth day of her five-day Africa tour. Besides women's issues, she is focused on praising the value of a democracy as she tries to strengthen U.S. relations with African nations and counter Chinese influence on the continent.

She spent her first three days in Namibia, a young democracy, where she praised the country's high rate of women in government and emphasized how the futures of Africa and America are combined.

The first lady is using her time on the continent to give the soft sale of U.S. strengths - reminding countries that in times of natural disaster or humanitarian need they turn to Washington for funds. 

Her stops have included a focus on Pepfar, which provides American dollars for HIV prevention, and on food insecurity, which the U.S. is spending billions to help combat. 

On Sunday, Biden's last day in Kenya, she will focus on food insecurity issues caused by record droughts and shortages left in the wake of covid and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

But during Saturday's MTV event, youth talked to Biden about how they talk to each other about safe sex and their use of PrEP to combat HIV infection. It was held outside and under tents at a place called Village Creative. The youth sat on bales of hay, with each wrapped with a patterned Kenyan cloth. 

One of the youth talked to the first lady about a popular show in the country, MTV Shuga, which talks about COVID, HIV prevention, and money. Biden was shown a short clip where a girl talked about sex and dating.

'I must have missed the money part,' she said laughing. She spent several minutes talking with the group about condoms, safe sex and HIV prevention.  

Jill Biden met with Kenyan first lady Rachel Ruto for an economic event

Jill Biden met with Kenyan first lady Rachel Ruto for an economic event

Ruto ties an apron around Biden's waist - it read 'Joyful Women,' the name of the charity sponsored by Ruto

Ruto ties an apron around Biden's waist - it read 'Joyful Women,' the name of the charity sponsored by Ruto

Earlier Saturday she met with Kenyan First Lady Rachel Ruto to visit a program called Joyful Women.

Sponsored by Ruto, it promotes women's economic empowerment and financial inclusion, through the unique model of 'table banking' groups, which convene communities of women by pooling their resources to work together.

The event started with a prayer. Both first ladies bowed their heads.

Then Ruto wrapped a cloth known as a leso or a kanga around Biden's waist. It is white, green, and orange and says Joyful Women.

'Goes with my shoes,' Biden said. She was wearing espadrilles with orange accents.

She listened to the women's stories and then talked about her own working experience. 

'I've always taught my own daughter and my granddaughters the importance of being financially independent,' she noted.

Her granddaughter Naomi Biden was with her. Naomi, 29, has been on the Africa trip with the first lady. She sat in a corner to listen to the discussion but stood and waved when the moderator pointed her out. 

Biden wrapped her a day with a visit to the U.S. Embassy. She met with girl scouts and boy scouts, the Marines stationed there, and many embassy employees.

Jill Biden looks at one of the brochures handed out to youth during an MTV event; U.S. ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman is to Biden's left

Jill Biden looks at one of the brochures handed out to youth during an MTV event; U.S. ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman is to Biden's left

She completed her visit by laying a wreath at the August 7th Memorial Park, which honors the lives lost at the 1988 embassy bombing in Nairobi.

On August 7, 1998, terrorists detonated bombs next to the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The attacks killed over 200 men, women, and children, and injured over 4,000 others. 

Biden had visited the memorial in 2010 when she and the then-Vice President Joe Biden were on a visit to Kenya. 

She spent a few moments there on Saturday with her head bowed before the white wreath and the names listed on the memorial. 

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