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Heritage Buildings

The City of Kamloops, through Council resolution, adopted the first ever Heritage Register for Kamloops in 2007. The Register is currently comprised of 20 heritage resources, representing a wide variety of Kamloops' rich history. It is anticipated that additional entries to the Register will be added on a regular basis.

Heritage Registers are official lists of heritage resources within a community. Registers can include any type of heritage resource from residential buildings, cemeteries, and landscapes to monuments and transportation stock. For Kamloops, the Heritage Register includes a combination of residential and civic buildings, commercial properties, cemeteries, train stock and community monuments. Each entry onto the Register has had its heritage value identified through the use of a Statement of Significance (SOS). These SOSs are included here and will eventually become part of the Provincial and Federal Heritage Registers.

The current Statements of Significance prepared for the Kamloops Heritage Register were prepared by Donald Luxton and Associates out of Vancouver.

Tour our Heritage Properties:

About the Heritage Home Register:

Do you feel your home or commercial building may qualify for heritage recognition. Learn more about our Heritage Recognition Conservation Program.

The City of Kamloops offers a Tax Incentive Program to property owners to assist with the costs of preservation, restoration, and/or rehabilitation of an eligble Heritage Resource. Learn more about our Heritage Tax Incentive.