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Filming in Your Neighbourhood

The City of Kamloops is growing in popularity with the film industry, due in part to friendly locals like you who welcome and support the productions as they come through neighbourhoods. The film industry is also great for our local economy. They hire local talent and crew; use local services; and purchase, eat, and stay locally.  

The City supports the film industry in our community and recognizes the economic and social benefits that come from it. As such, the City’s role is to monitor filming activity, coordinate use of staff and assets, provide cost recovery measures, and address concerns. There may be some disruption to residents’ routines during film production, and the City is grateful to residents and businesses for their patience and co-operation when a production is in the area.

Useful Information for Residents and Businesses

Filming must be authorized by the City of Kamloops

All filming that impacts the public and/or uses or occupies municipal land, road rights-of-way, and buildings must be authorized by the City’s film office. Film productions must comply with all applicable bylaws and permits when filming in the City of Kamloops. 

In addition to municipal permission, permission may also be required by private landowners as well as BC Parks, Crown properties, BC rail properties, and other private property landowners.

Notification of proposed filming

Once a production has decided on a location within Kamloops, they must notify residents and businesses that may be affected. The city-approved letter will include dates, times, locations, and any other pertinent information. It will not include proprietary information or cast details. 

Neighbourhood polling

If a film production requests to film outside the Good Neighbour Bylaw hours of 7:00 am–10:00 pm, or asks to contravene any existing other bylaws, they are required to poll the residential neighbourhood. If the majority of residents agree that the proposed activities can take place, the poll is then forwarded to the City. City Administration then use the neighbourhood’s responses as one of the deciding factors towards granting approval or not. Affected residents will be notified in writing if the request is approved/denied and given details of any approved activities.


The City will only consider the essential film production vehicles to park on city streets. The rest of the vehicles (the circus) must park in authorized parking lots, approved private property, etc. as part of the permitting process. Fees apply to crew parking on municipal land. Crew in and out loading times must comply with the City’s Good Neighbour Bylaw unless an approved extension request has been granted. 

Who to contact

The City’s film official is available at 250-828-3312 or to discuss all film permitting related information and concerns. Additionally, the Thompson-Nicola Film Commissioner can assist with regional and non-municipal film liaising. 

Every production also has a location manager or assistant location manager on set during filming. If there is a production in your area and you require their assistance, feel free to approach the crew and respectfully ask to speak with a location manager. In case you aren’t sure when to approach the crew, the notification letter you received will also include a production telephone number.

Bylaw infractions

When City-permitted film productions are not complying with municipal bylaws, please contact the Community Services Office at 250-828-3409 or file a complaint online

Documented loss of business

If a production’s activities, such as filming directly in front of your main access door for long hours, causes your business to lose revenue, you may wish to download and complete a loss of business form. The form can be provided to productions as a means of negotiation. The City is in no way responsible to negotiate on a business’s behalf or to compensate businesses in any way. The negotiation is private and between the production company and a business. Once the form is complete, please send it directly to the production company. 

Resident Postproduction Survey

If you’ve recently experienced film production near your residence or business, we want your feedback.

Take the Survey


The City’s film official logs all commendations and complaints, and the information received is used to help the City improve its film-related policies and procedures and to mitigate future issues. The City also welcomes residents to share positive film production experiences and may share your story in future good news posts regarding filming in Kamloops. 

Film Official Contact Information
The City’s film official is available during business hours at 250-828-3312 or