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Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable is a service unit of the City’s Financial Services Division and is responsible for paying all of the invoices for goods and services purchased by the municipality. Accounts Payable also ensures that the municipality adheres to corporate financial policies. City of Kamloops standard terms are net 30 days from date of a valid and accurate invoice. Cheques are run weekly and then mailed directly to the payee at the address stated on invoice.

Submitting Invoices 

After delivering your goods or completing your services, send your final invoice directly to Accounts Payable by email or regular mail. Send electronic invoices to

What to Show on Your Invoice 

Please ensure that your invoice is billed to City of Kamloops and includes the following information:

  • Vendor Name - name of the vendor that provides the goods and services
  • Invoice Date and Number - date that you issue your invoice to the City (on or after the date of shipment or service completion) and invoice number
  • Contact Name - quote the first and last name of the employee who requested goods or services
  • Purchase Order Number (PO#) - purchase order number given to the vendor at the time of ordering (6-digits long, starting with 48)
  • Subtotal (before taxes) - dollar subtotal of the goods or services provided before taxes
  • GST - separate line for GST
  • PST - separate line for PST
  • Total - invoice total for all goods or services, including applicable taxes

Note: Failure to meet the requirements above may result in payment processing delays or in your payment not being processed.

Contact Information 

Business hours: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4:00 pm 
General information: 250-828-3426 
Numbered companies to D: 250-828-3512 
Numbered companies E - Lomas: 250-828-3426 
Numbered companies Lordco - Z: 250-828-3425

Mailing address

City of Kamloops, Accounts Payable 
7 Victoria Street7 Victoria Street
Kamloops BC  V2C 1A2 