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Asbestos Abatement and Safe Disposal

About Asbestos

Asbestos represents a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals that were used in the past to add strength and longevity to building and insulating materials, provide soundproofing and fire resistance.

According to Health Canada, until the early 1990s, industry, construction, and commercial sectors used asbestos in products such as:

  • cement and plaster
  • industrial furnaces and heating systems
  • building insulation
  • floor and ceiling tiles
  • house siding
  • car and truck brake pads
  • vehicle transmission components, such as clutches

Since 1990, however, use of asbestos has been phased out across Canada based on the negative health impacts caused by inhaling asbestos fibres. View our City map that shows potential asbestos-containing buildings. 

If you are planning renovations or demolitions to a home or building constructed prior to 1990, hire a qualified professional to conduct a hazard assessment and test for asbestos. 

Safe Disposal of Potential Asbestos-Containing Material

The City of Kamloops and its landfill contractors follow specific safety protocols for managing known asbestos-containing materials at our landfill sites. Asbestos waste is a hazardous material and must never be included in your household garbage.

New rules have been implemented to protect workers and the public from the risk of asbestos exposure at solid waste disposal facilities. These rules apply to any of the common sources listed above.

The City of Kamloops has classified the following materials as Potential Asbestos Containing Materials (PACM):

  • Gypsum wall board and mud compound
  • Plaster and plaster board
  • Vinyl flooring and leveling compound
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Cement pipe
  • Stucco and cement siding
  • Spray applied insulation and attic insulation

If you are planning to dispose of any PACMs, here is what you need to know:

  • If it was installed before 1990, or is from a building constructed before 1990, it will be treated as asbestos-containing material - unless a hazard assessment with lab results is provided ahead of time. 
  • Asbestos-containing material must be double-bagged in 6 mil thick bags and sealed shut with tape prior to arriving at a disposal site. 
  • Potential asbestos-containing loads (residential or commercial) are only accepted at the Mission Flats Landfill.
  • Potential asbestos-containing loads will not be accepted at the Kamloops Resource Recovery Centre or the Barnhartvale Landfill.
  • You will be required to sign an Asbestos Declaration and Acknowledgement Form, regardless of the installation/construction date. 

Declaration and Acknowledgement Form

Types of Potential Asbestos-Containing Material

Frequently Asked Questions