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Hey Neighbour - Please Slow Down

The City of Kamloops works together with the RCMP for “Hey Neighbour—Please Slow Down”, a campaign that addresses speeding concerns in residential neighbourhoods. 

Unfortunately, it’s usually neighbours, not strangers, who are the ones driving too fast past our homes. , To complement infrastructure and police presence, the City employs a good neighbour approach to help mitigate speeding. Based on similar programs in the Fraser Valley, the “Hey Neighbour–Please Slow Down” traffic safety program will enable residents to take an active role in their community to help inform their neighbours that driving fast within their neighbourhood is not acceptable. 

The success of the program is dependent on buy-in from the residents in the neighbourhood. Residents must agree to post lawn signs calling for motorists to slow down. These signs are an awareness and educational tool for all motorists, as well as residents. In order to achieve a strong neighbourhood impact, it is recommended that the signs be placed on every second property within a designated block for a period of one to two weeks. The number of signs and the short period in which the signs are installed achieve an immediate impact. 

The City will work with community associations to coordinate the program for specific neighbourhoods and will provide all lawn signs and forms. The program is intended for properties in residential neighbourhoods on local and some collector roads, not for arterial roads. 

To request signs for your neighbourhood, please email