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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Party of Women – number of votes for 16 women brave enough to take a public stand

211 replies

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:11

290 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness
332 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle
196 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central
452 ... Catherine Briggs ... Doncaster North
318 ... Katharine Margaret Murphy ... Finchley and Golders Green
244 ... Hazel Exon ... Honiton and Sidmouth
354 ... Lesley Woodburn ... Islington South and Finsbury
116 ... Una Marie O'Mahony ... Kensington and Bayswater
283 ... Liz Panton ... Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend
455 ... Linda Jane Law ... Norwich South
337 ... Katherine Mary Longthorp ... Oxford East
482 ... Louise McDonald ... Sheffield Heeley
295 ... Bernadette O'Malley ... South West Hertfordshire
274 ... Bev White ... St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire
286 ... Kelly Jane Oliver Dougall ... Tynemouth
363 ... Seonaid Dawn Barber ... West Worcestershire

Original thread here

Party of Women has 16 candidates standing for election on 4 July 2024 | Mumsnet

1 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness 2 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle 3 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central 4 ... Catherine Brigg...

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OP posts:
morningtoncrescent62 · 07/07/2024 11:57

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 19:47

I innocently started this thread to provide some facts. This involved trawling through constituency results, etc., but thought other on FWR would be interested to know the outcome.

Maybe we could have talked about whether this was the start of something and what or how we could help come the next election. (PoW was only registered early this year.)

How did other parties start. How do you keep going.

There are many, many groups who election after election because they are committed to their beliefs, keep going.

So no suprise that the usual suspects bogged yet another thread down in repititious negativity.

Learn the names, so you dont respond to click bait and help other threads get derailed and stopped from providing an opportunity to share pro active ideas.

Forget the sneering, because in the records at the House of Commons and Electorial Commission it will be registered that there was a Party of Women who took part in the 2024 election.

And lets face it that is going to be far more of a lasting impacted than the unoriginal, tedious, sneering on FWR.

But of course on one level, as has been said before, this desparate attempt to try and drown us in negativity only illustrates how sucessful they think KJK is because they are so panicked they feel compelled to attack.


Thank you for your OP - I wanted to find out how PoW had done, and you saved me a lot of time and effort trawling through the various results.

I would probably not have voted for PoW even if they'd stood in my constituency, but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful to the women who put their heads way above the parapet to get the message out there. Yes, they lost their deposits, but they probably got a shedload more local publicity than the equivalent amount of £££ would have bought. Well done to everyone involved.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:05

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 15:23

if no one will listen, and self ID becomes the norm, and sterilising gay children and encouraging irreversible surgery resumes, unchecked, and it's all rolled out in schools like fact, if it's all men taking women's medals and opportunities, if breast feeding groups and menopause groups and female group therapy become overwhelmed with men

Kindly, get a hold of yourself. This is not going to happen. It's scaremongering.

This is not going to happen. It's scaremongering.

It's NoT gOiNg To HaPpEn. You couldn't be more deeply ill-informed if you ever so desperately tried. It ALREADY HAS HAPPENED. And is happening. There is literally a couple of entire full threads in this section solely of things we were told 'would never happen' and have. We've already been proven correct. Around 4000 times over. It's no longer in question. I don't know where you've been.

Many women on here who are GC have said they voted Labour just to GTTO. Yet still care about womens issues. You may not care about womens rights. But most people do. They simply voted tactically. It isn't proof that you are right that no one cares about womens rights. You are clutching at straws if you think womens rights is a minority issue because Labour won over the tories.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:12

MotherFeministWoman · 06/07/2024 15:58

I don't give a shit how they feel. And I don't care about people voting against my desires, I care about them voting against people's rights

You certainly don't 'give a shit' about womens employment rights, either.

MotherFeministWoman · 07/07/2024 13:20

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:12

You certainly don't 'give a shit' about womens employment rights, either.

That's an interesting (and incorrect) conclusion to come to.

CrossPurposes · 07/07/2024 13:21

It's not going to happen?

"In Pool 🎱.Currently; Our Women's National Singles Champion is a Man. Our Women's Champion of Champions is a Man. Our Women's European Champion is a Man. Our Women's Masters Champion is a Man. Our Women's World Champions team contains a Man. Let that sink in"

Datun · 07/07/2024 13:28

CrossPurposes · 07/07/2024 13:21

It's not going to happen?

"In Pool 🎱.Currently; Our Women's National Singles Champion is a Man. Our Women's Champion of Champions is a Man. Our Women's European Champion is a Man. Our Women's Masters Champion is a Man. Our Women's World Champions team contains a Man. Let that sink in"

Ffs. So disgusting.

Datun · 07/07/2024 13:29

And yes, so sick of people denying it.

ShillingForLabour · 07/07/2024 13:33

I don’t think anyone who frequents these parts could be unaware. So what reasons do they have for the gaslighting?

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:38

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 17:51

Men suckling babies is a conspiracy theory. There is no evidence a male can lactate enough to feed a baby. And even less evidence that enough males have those fetishes to overrun breastfeeding and menopause groups.

It's scaremongering that's happened because of the strange politicisation of the debate. I'm really hoping it goes away now for a few years at least.

So why then, did the NHS say that transwomen can breastfeed?

I think, if anything, it will ramp up more than ever as feminists hold Starmers feet to the fire. Despite all the naive 'scaremongering', 'it's not happening' post from you, this one is perhaps the most naive yet. If you think this is going away, any time soon, you live a paradise of delusional denial and reality.

Because - we women haven't even gotten started yet....
And that's a promise. So get used to it.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:40

MotherFeministWoman · 07/07/2024 13:20

That's an interesting (and incorrect) conclusion to come to.

All evidence to the contrary.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:48

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 19:22

I tend not to believe things that people with delusions say.

You know the hospital did no such thing and it's overexaggerated nonsense.

This is really irresponsible scare mongering.

So the NHS is delusional?

So Pink News is delusional?

Everyone is delusional, except for you, aren't they? Even when you're shown CLEAR PROOF via links, clear hardcore PROOF, you deny it. You're making a fool of yourself.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:51

MotherFeministWoman · 06/07/2024 20:05

I don't think she's successful, I think she's largely an irrelevance, with a side of bigotry. I'm also a woman and a feminist and so entitled to engage in this forum.

If you think womens rights is 'bigotry', you're no feminist. Any more than I'm the Pope. Feminism doesn't mean centring men.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:53

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 20:28

I'm really looking forward to penises not being the focus of every conversation about women's rights. Just imagine.

Oh, so are we looking forward to that one!

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:54

Elcoto · 06/07/2024 20:34

Is it just my hearing, or does this man say “women’s refuse centres” (“refuse” as in rubbish)? Seemed an interesting slip of the tongue for someone defending male use of women’s single-sex spaces 🙄.

Knowing scum like him, it wouldn't surprise me if he truly thought that's what the centres should be called. They always out themselves.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:56

RubyTrees · 06/07/2024 21:19

That will only happen when male people attached to those penises completely stop trying to destroy female people’s rights. I’m afraid that’s not likely to happen anytime soon so you might want to look at other areas of Mumsnet which are guaranteed to be penis-free.

I actually think there are some penised posters on this thread. Posing as women to goad us. That's my genuine belief.

MotherFeministWoman · 07/07/2024 13:58

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:40

All evidence to the contrary.

Doesn't exist because it isn't true.

MotherFeministWoman · 07/07/2024 13:59

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:51

If you think womens rights is 'bigotry', you're no feminist. Any more than I'm the Pope. Feminism doesn't mean centring men.

I don't think women's rights is bigotry. I think wanting to deny a section of society housing and employment is bigotry.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 14:13

MotherFeministWoman · 07/07/2024 13:58

Doesn't exist because it isn't true.

It exists as evidenced on this thread alone.

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 14:14

MotherFeministWoman · 07/07/2024 13:59

I don't think women's rights is bigotry. I think wanting to deny a section of society housing and employment is bigotry.

Luckily we haven't said that we want that.

MotherFeministWoman · 07/07/2024 14:20

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 14:14

Luckily we haven't said that we want that.

I didn't say you had, I was talking about KJK

MotherFeministWoman · 07/07/2024 14:21

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 14:13

It exists as evidenced on this thread alone.

I'm gender critical but keep making stuff up.

ApocalipstickNow · 07/07/2024 14:24

Every thread Cassie posts on- under whatever name at the time- the pattern is the same.

Dominate a thread with ridiculous, easily disprovable claims, get all the women pointing out their idiocy, me-rail to satisfaction.

SinnerBoy · 07/07/2024 14:29

RubyTrees · 05/07/2024 20:09

(I think it's unlikely that many men voted for the Party of Women.)

I can confirm that there was one from my household.

That's at least two of us, then. Had I not had a candidate, I'd have spoiled my ballot. I did feel a little bit strange, when putting my cross on paper. There are a number of reasons why I felt that I couldn't vote for Labour and men in women's spaces was another stone on the balance.


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CassieMaddox · 07/07/2024 14:39

SoreAndTired1 · 07/07/2024 13:05

This is not going to happen. It's scaremongering.

It's NoT gOiNg To HaPpEn. You couldn't be more deeply ill-informed if you ever so desperately tried. It ALREADY HAS HAPPENED. And is happening. There is literally a couple of entire full threads in this section solely of things we were told 'would never happen' and have. We've already been proven correct. Around 4000 times over. It's no longer in question. I don't know where you've been.

Many women on here who are GC have said they voted Labour just to GTTO. Yet still care about womens issues. You may not care about womens rights. But most people do. They simply voted tactically. It isn't proof that you are right that no one cares about womens rights. You are clutching at straws if you think womens rights is a minority issue because Labour won over the tories.

Please can you give me an example of a breastfeeding or menopause group being "overwhelmed by men"?

I think its hyperbole designed to scare women.

AstonScrapingsNameChange · 07/07/2024 14:46

CassieMaddox · 07/07/2024 14:39

Please can you give me an example of a breastfeeding or menopause group being "overwhelmed by men"?

I think its hyperbole designed to scare women.

There's no point. As has been said before, it's like arguing with a flat earther.

Whatever evidence or argument anyone puts forward in any topic, you sneer and say its not sufficient for reasons....

It's the same old same old every single thread....

Edit for typo

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