Frequently Asked Questions

Information on how to use Mumsnet - from joining and registering, to posting on Talk threads and editing your account options.

Joining and registration

Who uses Mumsnet?

Mumsnet is a global online network but most of our users are UK-based. Not everyone who uses Mumsnet is a parent or grandparent, but initially most people come to the site seeking parenting advice - and then stick around discussing a wealth of topics from childcare to chicken-keeping, and nurseries to news.

How do I join Mumsnet - and what's in it for me?

Joining Mumsnet is free – you can join here.

Not only is Mumsnet “the country's most popular meeting point for parents” (The Times) but we have a range of tools to make parents' lives easier: from baby product reviews, the most popular discussion boards and guides to the products Mumsnet users love to advice on getting pregnantpregnancybabies, toddlers and beyond – not to mention great competitions and exclusive discounts with a host of our online partners.

I haven't received this week's newsletter, what gives?

Please check your spam/junk folder as your service provider might have accidentally put it there. If this is the case please see our troubleshooting tips, where you will find instructions on how to allow the newsletter into your inbox.

I'm not a mum - can still I join Mumsnet?

We hope Mumsnet isn't exclusive to mums and indeed we know we have a number of dads who log on and contribute. If it doesn't sound too pompous we think the concept of “mumming/mothering” goes beyond gender so don't feel Mumsnet is too exclusive. We did think of calling the site but it just sounded so hideous. We do have Dadsnet specifically for men to chat here but you'll find that if you just contribute on the regular threads folks won't be surprised by having a male joining in. Similarly, we have our beautiful sister site, Gransnet, the social network for grandparents.

I've changed email address: how do I update my registration?

You can amend your registration details at any time by selecting the 'Account details' page from your MyMumsnet tab. You can access MyMumsnet on any page on Mumsnet by clicking on the link at the top right of every page.

I want to subscribe to one of your email newsletters

You can subscribe and unsubscribe from our email newsletters (Daily, Talk Round-up, Swears By and so on) via your account email options. You may need to enter your email address and password to confirm this. If you specified when you joined up that we shouldn't send you any email at all, then you won't get any.

I've forgotten my password

Don't worry. As long as you know the email address you registered with, we can send you a link to reset your Mumsnet password. All you need to do is request a password reset here.

Why haven't I received my confirmation email from you?

Confirmation emails sometimes go into your junk/spam folders in your email but some email providers have very strong filters and it's possible that it's been deleted. Drop us an email on [email protected] and we'll authorise your registration.

Using Mumsnet Talk

How do I post a message on Talk?

You need to be logged in before you can post in Talk.

  • At the bottom of each conversation (or “thread”) on talk there is an 'Add a message' box.

  • Type your message in.

  • When you have finished your message click the 'Preview/Post message' button.

  • Your screen redraws showing how your message will look – this gives you a chance to check your message is typed correctly.

  • If you want to make changes, make them and click the 'Preview/Post message' button again to refresh your preview.

  • Once you are happy with your message, click 'Post message'.

  • It then goes up on the site and other members can see it.

How do I start a new conversation (thread) on Talk?

Select the relevant talk topic (eg Ante-natal clubs) and at the top of the there will be a link that says “Start a new thread within Ante-natal clubs”. Click on this link and then type away.

Is there a quick way to find information on a specific topic?

You can search for pages by keyword using the search page. Just enter the word(s) you want to find and click the search button

What do all the abbreviations and acronyms on Mumsnet mean?

So, who are DH and DS? And what does TTC and AIBU mean? Mumsnetters use a whole load of acronyms and abbreviations on the Talk boards: some of them you may recognise from other discussion forums; others are quite unique to Mumsnet. You can find a list of the most commonly used ones here.

How do I change my user name?

Go to your MyMumsnet page – log in and then you can change your user name by typing in a new one where your old one is listed. Don't forget to save the changes. Please note that while we allow user name changes for anonymity, we don't allow changes for malicious purposes.

Can I tag someone in a post on Talk?

You can tag other Mumsnetters in threads, by posting with a link to their user name. You can do this on-site or via the Mumsnet Talk app, simply by typing @ followed by their user name (no spaces). The MNer in question will get an email notification linking them to the thread, unless they've turned the feature off (which you can also do) via Customise Settings.

How do I report a post on Talk?

Reporting a post is easy. Click on 'report post' to the right of each post and it will bring up a new box for you to let MNHQ know why you want to report it.

How do I delete a post from Talk?

You can't. Mumsnet HQ are the only people who can authorise deletions from Talk. To request that a post be deleted, please use the 'report post' button on the right hand side of each post and someone from HQ will take a look.

How do I hide a thread?

Go to the thread you'd like to hide. Click on the 'hide this thread' option, which will be either at the top or bottom of the thread depending on how you've set your threads to load. A green bar will then be visible at the top of the thread confirming that the thread is now hidden.

How do I unhide a thread?

Go to Mumsnet Talk Preferences – Topics and Threads. Go to the bottom of the page to Hidden Threads. Here it will list the threads you have selected to hide. Click the show button next to the relevant thread title to make it visible.

Can newspapers and other media 'lift' my posts from Mumsnet?

Yes, we're afraid so. Although it can feel like you're sitting around a table having a cosy chat with your mates, Mumsnet is an open site, and that means it's searchable on Google and legally linkable to – and quotable by – all and sundry. The upside of being an open forum is a higher volume of users, which in turn means Mumsnet is available for free 24/7 to anyone who needs advice. But it's worth taking care with identifying information and making judicious use of the name-change facility occasionally, even if it's just a small tweak.

Personalising Mumsnet and your account options

How do I customise the way my Talk boards look?

Go to Talk Settings. You can then use the menu to choose various options, from the reading direction of discussion threads to colouring your own posts to hiding whole discussion topics.

Why can I only see 100 posts per page?

In order to cut down page loading time, anyone who joined Mumsnet after 25 January 2015 won't be able to view anything more that 100 messages per page.

What is PM?

PM (or Private Messaging) is a service that allows one user to send a message to another. You can PM quickly via a thread by clicking the 'Message poster' button next to their name. Read more about how private messages work.

Please note that private messaging is NOT for journalists or market-researchers (or advertisers/company reps) to contact Mumsnetters. If you are a journalist or market-researcher and would like to canvass our members' opinions, please mail [email protected]

How do I leave Mumsnet?

We're sorry to hear you want to leave. If it's just that you'd like to unsubscribe from our emails, you can do that here. You can also remove your Mumsnet registration from the site – to do that, go to your account settings and you will find an option to delete your account at the bottom of the page. Please be aware that if you leave Mumsnet, we won't be able to re-issue your Talk user name to you.

I'm a journalist, how can I speak to Mumsnet users?

If you're a journalist looking for case studies, or would like Mumsnet users' input on stories, please contact [email protected] and we will post your request on the designated Talk topic.

I work for a production company: how can I recruit Mumsnet users for my show or project?

You can post your request on this Talk topic for a £30 fee.

How do I join the Mumsnet Influencer Network?

We're proud that many of those who blog best – on parenting, politics and all the juice in between – are now part of our growing Mumsnet Influencer Network. Whether you're a seasoned writer or a plucky newbie, writing about family life or feminism, campaigning or cooking (or all four) do please apply to join the Network.

How does Mumsnet Premium work?

Thinking of signing up to Mumsnet Premium? Check out our Premium FAQs for everything you need to know about our subscription service.

My question isn't here, what should I do now?

Drop us an email on [email protected] and someone will get back to you very soon (we read every single email).