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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Party of Women – number of votes for 16 women brave enough to take a public stand

211 replies

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:11

290 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness
332 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle
196 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central
452 ... Catherine Briggs ... Doncaster North
318 ... Katharine Margaret Murphy ... Finchley and Golders Green
244 ... Hazel Exon ... Honiton and Sidmouth
354 ... Lesley Woodburn ... Islington South and Finsbury
116 ... Una Marie O'Mahony ... Kensington and Bayswater
283 ... Liz Panton ... Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend
455 ... Linda Jane Law ... Norwich South
337 ... Katherine Mary Longthorp ... Oxford East
482 ... Louise McDonald ... Sheffield Heeley
295 ... Bernadette O'Malley ... South West Hertfordshire
274 ... Bev White ... St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire
286 ... Kelly Jane Oliver Dougall ... Tynemouth
363 ... Seonaid Dawn Barber ... West Worcestershire

Original thread here

Party of Women has 16 candidates standing for election on 4 July 2024 | Mumsnet

1 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness 2 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle 3 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central 4 ... Catherine Brigg...

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OP posts:
CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 19:27


NoWordForFluffy · 06/07/2024 19:28

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Don't do it to yourself. Disengage, it's not worth it!

ChishiyaBat · 06/07/2024 19:28

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 19:24

Anyway this is a nice distraction from the fact that PoW was an absolute damp squib 😂

At least they tried, what exactly did you do?

ChishiyaBat · 06/07/2024 19:31

NoWordForFluffy · 06/07/2024 19:28

Don't do it to yourself. Disengage, it's not worth it!

Yes you are right, it is extremely annoying.

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 19:41

ChishiyaBat · 06/07/2024 19:28

At least they tried, what exactly did you do?

I've done loads thanks. Both for women and for various political parties.
I'm not interested in supporting people who "raise awareness" by picking fights and calling names.
I think KJK and her approach has done the GC cause way more harm than good.

Shortshriftandlethal · 06/07/2024 19:42

EmpressOfTheThread · 06/07/2024 16:52

Well, like I said, how widespread and what form these things take are debatable.
I've had parents contacting me - genuinely concerned - they listened to false information about our school and practice. On a couple of occasions, a misunderstanding was to do with language usage. I'd rather they spoke to us than say, the Daily Mail.
I would encourage parents to do as suggested and ensure that they understand the curriculum, particularly PSHE. This will normally be on the Learning Platform of the school website.

What does your school/trust teach when it comes to Gender Identity Theory?

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 19:47

ChishiyaBat · 06/07/2024 19:31

Yes you are right, it is extremely annoying.

I innocently started this thread to provide some facts. This involved trawling through constituency results, etc., but thought other on FWR would be interested to know the outcome.

Maybe we could have talked about whether this was the start of something and what or how we could help come the next election. (PoW was only registered early this year.)

How did other parties start. How do you keep going.

There are many, many groups who election after election because they are committed to their beliefs, keep going.

So no suprise that the usual suspects bogged yet another thread down in repititious negativity.

Learn the names, so you dont respond to click bait and help other threads get derailed and stopped from providing an opportunity to share pro active ideas.

Forget the sneering, because in the records at the House of Commons and Electorial Commission it will be registered that there was a Party of Women who took part in the 2024 election.

And lets face it that is going to be far more of a lasting impacted than the unoriginal, tedious, sneering on FWR.

But of course on one level, as has been said before, this desparate attempt to try and drown us in negativity only illustrates how sucessful they think KJK is because they are so panicked they feel compelled to attack.

OP posts:
CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 20:00

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 19:47

I innocently started this thread to provide some facts. This involved trawling through constituency results, etc., but thought other on FWR would be interested to know the outcome.

Maybe we could have talked about whether this was the start of something and what or how we could help come the next election. (PoW was only registered early this year.)

How did other parties start. How do you keep going.

There are many, many groups who election after election because they are committed to their beliefs, keep going.

So no suprise that the usual suspects bogged yet another thread down in repititious negativity.

Learn the names, so you dont respond to click bait and help other threads get derailed and stopped from providing an opportunity to share pro active ideas.

Forget the sneering, because in the records at the House of Commons and Electorial Commission it will be registered that there was a Party of Women who took part in the 2024 election.

And lets face it that is going to be far more of a lasting impacted than the unoriginal, tedious, sneering on FWR.

But of course on one level, as has been said before, this desparate attempt to try and drown us in negativity only illustrates how sucessful they think KJK is because they are so panicked they feel compelled to attack.


I think that's very optimistic. English Heritage Party and Scotland Family Alliance got more votes - but I don't think many people know who they are.

This board gives a magnified view of this issue. In reality no-one is going to remember this at the next election.

EasternStandard · 06/07/2024 20:01

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 19:47

I innocently started this thread to provide some facts. This involved trawling through constituency results, etc., but thought other on FWR would be interested to know the outcome.

Maybe we could have talked about whether this was the start of something and what or how we could help come the next election. (PoW was only registered early this year.)

How did other parties start. How do you keep going.

There are many, many groups who election after election because they are committed to their beliefs, keep going.

So no suprise that the usual suspects bogged yet another thread down in repititious negativity.

Learn the names, so you dont respond to click bait and help other threads get derailed and stopped from providing an opportunity to share pro active ideas.

Forget the sneering, because in the records at the House of Commons and Electorial Commission it will be registered that there was a Party of Women who took part in the 2024 election.

And lets face it that is going to be far more of a lasting impacted than the unoriginal, tedious, sneering on FWR.

But of course on one level, as has been said before, this desparate attempt to try and drown us in negativity only illustrates how sucessful they think KJK is because they are so panicked they feel compelled to attack.


Thanks for this. Women taking a brave stand like this are appreciated

MotherFeministWoman · 06/07/2024 20:05

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 19:47

I innocently started this thread to provide some facts. This involved trawling through constituency results, etc., but thought other on FWR would be interested to know the outcome.

Maybe we could have talked about whether this was the start of something and what or how we could help come the next election. (PoW was only registered early this year.)

How did other parties start. How do you keep going.

There are many, many groups who election after election because they are committed to their beliefs, keep going.

So no suprise that the usual suspects bogged yet another thread down in repititious negativity.

Learn the names, so you dont respond to click bait and help other threads get derailed and stopped from providing an opportunity to share pro active ideas.

Forget the sneering, because in the records at the House of Commons and Electorial Commission it will be registered that there was a Party of Women who took part in the 2024 election.

And lets face it that is going to be far more of a lasting impacted than the unoriginal, tedious, sneering on FWR.

But of course on one level, as has been said before, this desparate attempt to try and drown us in negativity only illustrates how sucessful they think KJK is because they are so panicked they feel compelled to attack.


I don't think she's successful, I think she's largely an irrelevance, with a side of bigotry. I'm also a woman and a feminist and so entitled to engage in this forum.

MrsOvertonsWindow · 06/07/2024 20:09

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 19:47

I innocently started this thread to provide some facts. This involved trawling through constituency results, etc., but thought other on FWR would be interested to know the outcome.

Maybe we could have talked about whether this was the start of something and what or how we could help come the next election. (PoW was only registered early this year.)

How did other parties start. How do you keep going.

There are many, many groups who election after election because they are committed to their beliefs, keep going.

So no suprise that the usual suspects bogged yet another thread down in repititious negativity.

Learn the names, so you dont respond to click bait and help other threads get derailed and stopped from providing an opportunity to share pro active ideas.

Forget the sneering, because in the records at the House of Commons and Electorial Commission it will be registered that there was a Party of Women who took part in the 2024 election.

And lets face it that is going to be far more of a lasting impacted than the unoriginal, tedious, sneering on FWR.

But of course on one level, as has been said before, this desparate attempt to try and drown us in negativity only illustrates how sucessful they think KJK is because they are so panicked they feel compelled to attack.


Indeed. And the fact that this board continues to attract posters who sneer at, berate and criticise women for women's activism is testament to just how effective we've all been.
Women have forced poor old Starmer to retreat from his nonsensical "women have penises" stance. It became a major talking point in recent weeks and the press have been energised into challenging politicians who spout trans activist drivel. They'll be on the case as the next court cases / employment tribunals come in.

#nodebate is truly dead - no matter how desperately some transactivists try to silence women on here and elsewhere.

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 20:28

I'm really looking forward to penises not being the focus of every conversation about women's rights. Just imagine.

OldCrone · 06/07/2024 20:32

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 20:28

I'm really looking forward to penises not being the focus of every conversation about women's rights. Just imagine.

Me too. What are you doing to ensure that everyone understands that women don't have penises?

Elcoto · 06/07/2024 20:34

AReasonablePerson · 05/07/2024 20:30

She got this in the public domain. I'd say this is fairly priceless to be honest. She should rightly be pleased with it Feel free to share ;)

Is it just my hearing, or does this man say “women’s refuse centres” (“refuse” as in rubbish)? Seemed an interesting slip of the tongue for someone defending male use of women’s single-sex spaces 🙄.

MrsOvertonsWindow · 06/07/2024 20:58

OldCrone · 06/07/2024 20:32

Me too. What are you doing to ensure that everyone understands that women don't have penises?

I think we'll eventually get there. As more politicians have to run the gauntlet of derision for such batshittery this conspiracy theory will hopefully die out and we'll return to facts, science and rationality.
But there's a way to go yet - just look at those people who rock up on this board to "pick fights and call names" with women who understand about facts, biology and women's rights

Swallowdoubleandrunamile · 06/07/2024 21:02

rabbitwoman · 06/07/2024 15:04

'@CassieMaddox I think the results show the MN obsession with "what a woman is" isn't replicated by the voter base.'

Fine. Let it all happen then.

You know, we really have tried our very best - and will continue to do so. But if no one will listen, and self ID becomes the norm, and sterilising gay children and encouraging irreversible surgery resumes, unchecked, and it's all rolled out in schools like fact, if it's all men taking women's medals and opportunities, if breast feeding groups and menopause groups and female group therapy become overwhelmed with men - for whatever reason, but I bet it's not wholesome - then at least I know we played our part in trying to get it stopped, and supported people like KJK in doing so.

And there will be a huge list of people that we will hold to account. And we will hold them to account, when the time comes.

This 💯

RubyTrees · 06/07/2024 21:19

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 20:28

I'm really looking forward to penises not being the focus of every conversation about women's rights. Just imagine.

That will only happen when male people attached to those penises completely stop trying to destroy female people’s rights. I’m afraid that’s not likely to happen anytime soon so you might want to look at other areas of Mumsnet which are guaranteed to be penis-free.

EasternStandard · 06/07/2024 21:24

RubyTrees · 06/07/2024 21:19

That will only happen when male people attached to those penises completely stop trying to destroy female people’s rights. I’m afraid that’s not likely to happen anytime soon so you might want to look at other areas of Mumsnet which are guaranteed to be penis-free.


ShillingForLabour · 06/07/2024 21:46

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 19:47

I innocently started this thread to provide some facts. This involved trawling through constituency results, etc., but thought other on FWR would be interested to know the outcome.

Maybe we could have talked about whether this was the start of something and what or how we could help come the next election. (PoW was only registered early this year.)

How did other parties start. How do you keep going.

There are many, many groups who election after election because they are committed to their beliefs, keep going.

So no suprise that the usual suspects bogged yet another thread down in repititious negativity.

Learn the names, so you dont respond to click bait and help other threads get derailed and stopped from providing an opportunity to share pro active ideas.

Forget the sneering, because in the records at the House of Commons and Electorial Commission it will be registered that there was a Party of Women who took part in the 2024 election.

And lets face it that is going to be far more of a lasting impacted than the unoriginal, tedious, sneering on FWR.

But of course on one level, as has been said before, this desparate attempt to try and drown us in negativity only illustrates how sucessful they think KJK is because they are so panicked they feel compelled to attack.


Hear hear.

WickedSerious · 06/07/2024 21:49

RubyTrees · 06/07/2024 21:19

That will only happen when male people attached to those penises completely stop trying to destroy female people’s rights. I’m afraid that’s not likely to happen anytime soon so you might want to look at other areas of Mumsnet which are guaranteed to be penis-free.

True,but I doubt those areas are frequented by posters who need to be shown the error of their ways.

Datun · 06/07/2024 21:53

MrsOvertonsWindow · 06/07/2024 20:09

Indeed. And the fact that this board continues to attract posters who sneer at, berate and criticise women for women's activism is testament to just how effective we've all been.
Women have forced poor old Starmer to retreat from his nonsensical "women have penises" stance. It became a major talking point in recent weeks and the press have been energised into challenging politicians who spout trans activist drivel. They'll be on the case as the next court cases / employment tribunals come in.

#nodebate is truly dead - no matter how desperately some transactivists try to silence women on here and elsewhere.

And the fact that this board continues to attract posters who sneer at, berate and criticise women for women's activism is testament to just how effective we've all been.

Totally. I don't know about you, but if I find something completely irrelevant or ineffective, I ignore it

Women have forced poor old Starmer to retreat from his nonsensical "women have penises" stance. It became a major talking point in recent weeks and the press have been energised into challenging politicians who spout trans activist drivel. They'll be on the case as the next court cases / employment tribunals come in.

Women forced it to become a hot topic. Especially after we've been told there are only six of us, it never comes up on the doorstep, and no one gives a monkeys.

And contrary to some posters assertions, many people are interested in it. Not just from a women's rights point of view. But for the entire woke/cancellation culture issue. And the lying, how so many institutions could've been taken in, the unforgivable sacrificing of children and the upcoming, catastrophic medical scandal.

WPATH and its supporters are having to firefight like mad as the true scale of the issue becomes evident. And fuck knows what people are going to think when they go down the rabbit hole of juvenile castration for sexual kicks.

KJK's forthright, blunt, in your face gobiness about child abuse and fetishists, is going to look bloody tame.

And prophetic.

RubyTrees · 06/07/2024 21:58

WickedSerious · 06/07/2024 21:49

True,but I doubt those areas are frequented by posters who need to be shown the error of their ways.


MessinaBloom · 07/07/2024 02:32


So no suprise that the usual suspects bogged yet another thread down in repititious negativity.

Learn the names, so you dont respond to click bait and help other threads get derailed and stopped from providing an opportunity to share pro active ideas.

I've seen posts like this from you often recently. Do you believe you are the FWR thread controller? You can't stop other people posting and from being heard, even if you disagree with their viewpoints. They aren't "clickbait". They are just as legitimate as you. As for negativity - I would suggest that is both-sided.

All you did in your OP was provide the results without any further context, so I don't believe you can complain about the direction of the discussion if you didn't provide any in the first instance.


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Beefcurtains79 · 07/07/2024 06:44

RubyTrees · 06/07/2024 21:19

That will only happen when male people attached to those penises completely stop trying to destroy female people’s rights. I’m afraid that’s not likely to happen anytime soon so you might want to look at other areas of Mumsnet which are guaranteed to be penis-free.

Yes, it’s quite strange to repeatedly seek out, and post about topics you find irrelevant and uninteresting.
I wonder why anyone would do that…..

BaronessBomburst · 07/07/2024 11:38

All new political parties have to start somewhere and at some point. They don't emerge fully-formed straight into the lap of a cognisant electorate.

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