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Party of Women – number of votes for 16 women brave enough to take a public stand

211 replies

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:11

290 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness
332 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle
196 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central
452 ... Catherine Briggs ... Doncaster North
318 ... Katharine Margaret Murphy ... Finchley and Golders Green
244 ... Hazel Exon ... Honiton and Sidmouth
354 ... Lesley Woodburn ... Islington South and Finsbury
116 ... Una Marie O'Mahony ... Kensington and Bayswater
283 ... Liz Panton ... Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend
455 ... Linda Jane Law ... Norwich South
337 ... Katherine Mary Longthorp ... Oxford East
482 ... Louise McDonald ... Sheffield Heeley
295 ... Bernadette O'Malley ... South West Hertfordshire
274 ... Bev White ... St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire
286 ... Kelly Jane Oliver Dougall ... Tynemouth
363 ... Seonaid Dawn Barber ... West Worcestershire

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Party of Women has 16 candidates standing for election on 4 July 2024 | Mumsnet

1 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness 2 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle 3 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central 4 ... Catherine Brigg...

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AlisonDonut · 06/07/2024 09:11

What they did show was just how broken the system is.

How candidates get kept off hustings if they don't want kids sterilised and mutilated.

How candidates are stopped from even asking questions at a hustings they have been barred from speaking at.

How the post office, royal mail and the police are completely unable to do their jobs without prejudice

And how absurd people who pretend they cannot tell what the opposite sex is are

Retiredfromthere · 06/07/2024 09:14

I would have voted for PoW had they stood here.

Re. @iseegulls
KJK stood in one of the wokest constituencies and 'So KJK got the second lowest votes out of all her candidates?' That is not a surprise and that video clip shared by @AReasonablePerson is golden.

I got the impression that KJK did not stop her other LWS activities to focus on getting voted up in 'her' constituency. I am not a 100% fan but she does much that is very admirable and for the wider good. Thank you to all PoW candidates. This was a very admirable result given you are such a new and unsupported party.

PlanetJanette · 06/07/2024 09:28

rabbitwoman · 06/07/2024 08:56

OK, we'll I have done some rough maths.

Candidates only stood in 16 constituencies and got 5077 votes between them.

If candidates had stood in all 650 constituencies that extrapolates out to 206000 votes.

Personally, I thought this campaign was a huge mistake simply because it was always going to look as though it was an unpopular opinion if so few people voted for it. This will now be the new talking point whenever this comes up - 'noone agrees with you, Noone voted for you' and unless you then have the space to explain that it was never about winning but bringing the issue to debate, it's always going to look as though KJK completely failed.

I don't think she did, tho. Puberty blockers banned in Scotland. The SNP annihilated. The greens only got 2 MPs.

I think keir and Wes will listen, because any harm done will be on their watch now. And they're not stupid.

So let's be optimistic. And we'll done KJK and those other brave candidates xxx

The Greens won four seats, not two.

Two of them in constituencies with some of the highest proportion of lesbian and gay voters - which rather suggests that claims that GC viewpoints are widely held by ‘same sex attracted people’ are wide of the mark.

Meanwhile, it was a bad election for explicitly GC politicians. Cherry, Gates, Hanvey, Doyle Price all gone. Even Duffield saw her votes fall by 10,000 and probably held on because of the general pro Labour headwinds in this election.

AlisonDonut · 06/07/2024 10:37

The sickness of the gloating over the potential to carry on sterilising and mutilating kids will never not shock me.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I'd never believe it.

OldCrone · 06/07/2024 11:33

Two of them in constituencies with some of the highest proportion of lesbian and gay voters - which rather suggests that claims that GC viewpoints are widely held by ‘same sex attracted people’ are wide of the mark.

It always astonishes me that so many LGB people are on-board with an ideology which aims to sterilise children who would grow up to be gay or lesbian.

Perhaps you could shed some light on this. Why do so many LGB people support this homophobic ideology?

Shortshriftandlethal · 06/07/2024 11:42

PlanetJanette · 06/07/2024 09:28

The Greens won four seats, not two.

Two of them in constituencies with some of the highest proportion of lesbian and gay voters - which rather suggests that claims that GC viewpoints are widely held by ‘same sex attracted people’ are wide of the mark.

Meanwhile, it was a bad election for explicitly GC politicians. Cherry, Gates, Hanvey, Doyle Price all gone. Even Duffield saw her votes fall by 10,000 and probably held on because of the general pro Labour headwinds in this election.

Jackie Doyle Price was standing down anyway...which is a shame in my she was solid and had a firm grasp of the issue.

Labour % share of the vote was down in most places. Overall the vote share only increased by 2% in spite of winning a lot more seats. 35% of the electorate voted Labour - on a 60 % turnout. In Labour strongholds the Labour vote was down considerably - as people either voted for the Greens, for Reform, for independents or else spoiled their ballots.

Kemi Badenoch and Victoria Atkins remain for the Conservatives, and are the two with the most competence on this issue..

Shortshriftandlethal · 06/07/2024 11:46

OldCrone · 06/07/2024 11:33

Two of them in constituencies with some of the highest proportion of lesbian and gay voters - which rather suggests that claims that GC viewpoints are widely held by ‘same sex attracted people’ are wide of the mark.

It always astonishes me that so many LGB people are on-board with an ideology which aims to sterilise children who would grow up to be gay or lesbian.

Perhaps you could shed some light on this. Why do so many LGB people support this homophobic ideology?

I suggest that since the TQ+ has been tagged on to the LGB a lot of gay men and young lesbians ( many of who have re-branded themselves as either 'queer' or gay) have been drilled in the notion of 'inclusiveness' and of having common interest. Those who are very much identified with the 'community' are more likley to be advocates for Trans identities. Those who do not identify strongly with the LGB community or as 'progressives' are less likley to fall for it.

Shortshriftandlethal · 06/07/2024 11:48

Also think a lot of gay men have revealed just how little respect they actually have for women.

EmpressOfTheThread · 06/07/2024 11:49

BaronessBomburst · 05/07/2024 19:57

It's a small number but more effective than spoiling your ballot.

Exactly. A mature response at least. I like the fact that these women stood, knowing that they wouldn't win.

OldCrone · 06/07/2024 11:53

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Shortshriftandlethal · 06/07/2024 11:56

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You would, but group/tribal affinity seems to have taken precedence over concern about latent homophobia. It shows just how much having a strong tribal identity and feeling of family belonging matter to many people, over and above other concerns or needs.

ZingySquid · 06/07/2024 11:59
Dragons Den Applause GIF by CBC

To all those who stood. Thank you.

rabbitwoman · 06/07/2024 12:56

'@PlanetJanette The Greens won four seats, not two.

Two of them in constituencies with some of the highest proportion of lesbian and gay voters - which rather suggests that claims that GC viewpoints are widely held by ‘same sex attracted people’ are wide of the mark.'

I stand corrected. Greens won the same number of seats as Reform.

And are the majority of these voters really lesbians and gay men? Or straight men and women who identify as the opposite sex? Because Pride, gay bars, lesbian dating events and any online spaces that are supposed to be for same sex attracted people seem to be more and more overwhelmed by people who aren't same sex attracted at all, but expect everyone to pretend they are....

partystress · 06/07/2024 13:30

I’ve got mixed feelings about KJK. However, I completely admire her courage, and that of all the women who stood. The desire to be represented in this battle by someone who has no flaws, no opinions we disagree with, seems to me to be putting an ultra level of ‘be kind’ on ourselves. We don’t need to hobble ourselves when we’ve got whole police forces happy to laugh at female candidates’ genuine safety concerns.

I would have voted PoW had there been a candidate. As it is I held my nose and voted Labour to #GTTO. My letter to my new MP will go out over the summer requesting assurances with regard to single-sex provisions, safeguarding and schools’ PHSE/RSE curriculums. I am grateful to KJK for being one of the people who raised my awareness of what is happening.

Kernackered · 06/07/2024 13:33

Thanks for posting this. These were the only results I was interested in finding out tbh. Will they all try again next time?

FunZebra · 06/07/2024 13:34

ChishiyaBat · 05/07/2024 20:03

I wish we'd had a candidate here in SE Wales I would have votef for them!
If I was a candidate i'd be happy that I stood for what I believed in and any votes would have been a bonus.

Same. Absolute shower of shit on the ballot paper here.

Bumblebeehum · 06/07/2024 14:03

Thank you POW candidates, you did a tremendous job in raising the issue for discussion with other candidate's who previously feigned ignorance in it even being an issue.

It was never about winning, it was about raising awareness, and in my constituency I know for sure that having a POW candidate made a big difference. It was wonderful to see women speaking out at the hustings I attended.

CrossPurposes · 06/07/2024 14:13

PlanetJanette · 06/07/2024 09:28

The Greens won four seats, not two.

Two of them in constituencies with some of the highest proportion of lesbian and gay voters - which rather suggests that claims that GC viewpoints are widely held by ‘same sex attracted people’ are wide of the mark.

Meanwhile, it was a bad election for explicitly GC politicians. Cherry, Gates, Hanvey, Doyle Price all gone. Even Duffield saw her votes fall by 10,000 and probably held on because of the general pro Labour headwinds in this election.

Using two Scottish politicians as proof of unpopularity isn't particularly useful since we also lost John Nicholson, Alyn Smith, Kirsten Oswald, etc as the SNP enmass were nearly wiped out.

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 14:18

PoW got less votes than the Monster Raving Loony Party.
I don't think she can say "I never lose" any more because she certainly lost the deposit.

I always thought the whole purpose of the exercise was for clickbait and stirring up conflict and nothing that she/they did during the campaign changed my mind. All about policing and using inflammatory language, nothing about women's rights.

I think she's quite likely to be more focussed on the US elections now because she seems increasingly to be getting involved in overseas stuff.

Francesgumm · 06/07/2024 14:18

Well done to all POW women and especially Kellie Jay.
I would’ve voted POW if there was a candidate- Julia Long was in the next constituency to me but no-one in mine.
Interestingly I had no canvassers knock on my door during the run up to the election. But on polling day a couple of Labour people did knock trying to drum up business. They asked me how I was voting and I said ‘well I’m not voting for a party where the leader can���t say what a woman is’. The man responded and asked me what that was and I asked him to tell me what a woman is. His response was instantly, rather surprisingly , a biological female. I started ranting about Keir flip-flopping about like a wet fish - that he’s only changed his mind two days before the election and how awful he was not supporting Rosie Duffield - and the chap insisted that now Keir had changed his view and will save single sex spaces etc and that he (the canvasser) agrees wholeheartedly with me etc.
really made me wonder whether more people have had a go , maybe they’ve been advised centrally what the correct answer should now be to the tricky (!) question of what is a woman.

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 14:21

Shortshriftandlethal · 06/07/2024 11:42

Jackie Doyle Price was standing down anyway...which is a shame in my she was solid and had a firm grasp of the issue.

Labour % share of the vote was down in most places. Overall the vote share only increased by 2% in spite of winning a lot more seats. 35% of the electorate voted Labour - on a 60 % turnout. In Labour strongholds the Labour vote was down considerably - as people either voted for the Greens, for Reform, for independents or else spoiled their ballots.

Kemi Badenoch and Victoria Atkins remain for the Conservatives, and are the two with the most competence on this issue..

Badenoch lost 26% of her vote share and was lucky to keep her seat.

Thank fuck Miriam Cates has gone, and Rees Mogg.

I think the results show the MN obsession with "what a woman is" isn't replicated by the voter base.

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EmpressOfTheThread · 06/07/2024 14:56

Oh I couldn't agree more about Miriam Cates! Also, Rees Mogg. At least Badenoch had her majority reduced.

PlanetJanette · 06/07/2024 15:00

rabbitwoman · 06/07/2024 12:56

'@PlanetJanette The Greens won four seats, not two.

Two of them in constituencies with some of the highest proportion of lesbian and gay voters - which rather suggests that claims that GC viewpoints are widely held by ‘same sex attracted people’ are wide of the mark.'

I stand corrected. Greens won the same number of seats as Reform.

And are the majority of these voters really lesbians and gay men? Or straight men and women who identify as the opposite sex? Because Pride, gay bars, lesbian dating events and any online spaces that are supposed to be for same sex attracted people seem to be more and more overwhelmed by people who aren't same sex attracted at all, but expect everyone to pretend they are....

No - the proportion of gay or lesbian people who are trans is tiny.

The vast majority of gay and lesbian people in Bristol or Brighton are cisgender. And they not only put the Party of Women last (in Bristol), but they elected Green MPs.

Suggests that maybe gay and lesbian people aren’t as GC as people like to claim.


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rabbitwoman · 06/07/2024 15:04

'@CassieMaddox I think the results show the MN obsession with "what a woman is" isn't replicated by the voter base.'

Fine. Let it all happen then.

You know, we really have tried our very best - and will continue to do so. But if no one will listen, and self ID becomes the norm, and sterilising gay children and encouraging irreversible surgery resumes, unchecked, and it's all rolled out in schools like fact, if it's all men taking women's medals and opportunities, if breast feeding groups and menopause groups and female group therapy become overwhelmed with men - for whatever reason, but I bet it's not wholesome - then at least I know we played our part in trying to get it stopped, and supported people like KJK in doing so.

And there will be a huge list of people that we will hold to account. And we will hold them to account, when the time comes.

PlanetJanette · 06/07/2024 15:07

Shortshriftandlethal · 06/07/2024 11:42

Jackie Doyle Price was standing down anyway...which is a shame in my she was solid and had a firm grasp of the issue.

Labour % share of the vote was down in most places. Overall the vote share only increased by 2% in spite of winning a lot more seats. 35% of the electorate voted Labour - on a 60 % turnout. In Labour strongholds the Labour vote was down considerably - as people either voted for the Greens, for Reform, for independents or else spoiled their ballots.

Kemi Badenoch and Victoria Atkins remain for the Conservatives, and are the two with the most competence on this issue..

No - Jackie Doyle Price stood in this election and her vote share fell by nearly 40 points.

Labours vote share is reflective of an extraordinarily efficient vote management campaign - unlike previous years they didn’t bother building up huge surpluses in safe seats, and pushing up their own vote in constituencies where other parties came second. A different approach would likely have seen a higher vote share but lower seat total.

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