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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Party of Women has 16 candidates standing for election on 4 July 2024

98 replies

IwantToRetire · 08/06/2024 23:05

1 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness
2 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle
3 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central
4 ... Catherine Briggs ... Doncaster North
5 ... Katharine Margaret Murphy ... Finchley and Golders Green
6 ... Hazel Exon ... Honiton and Sidmouth
7 ... Lesley Woodburn ... Islington South and Finsbury
8 ... Una Marie O'Mahony ... Kensington and Bayswater
9 ... Liz Panton ... Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend
10 ... Linda Jane Law ... Norwich South
11 ... Katherine Mary Longthorp ... Oxford East
12 ... Louise McDonald ... Sheffield Heeley
13 ... Bernadette O'Malley ... South West Hertfordshire
14 ... Bev White ... St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire
15 ... Kelly Jane Oliver Dougall ... Tynemouth
16 ... Seonaid Dawn Barber ... West Worcestershire

From spreadsheet downloaded from

(You search for the constituency you live in via the web link above based on your post code - in case you dont know with new boundary changes coming into effect this election.)

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OP posts:
DrSpartacular · 08/06/2024 23:12

Wow, that's an impressive number standing.

Redshoeblueshoe · 08/06/2024 23:22

Julia Long - she would be bloody fabulous, wouldn't she be fantastic at PMQ's poor old Starmer would be bloody speechless, and then hopefully she would turn to camera and smile.

GoldViper · 08/06/2024 23:23

Yay! There's a candidate in my area!

AlisonDonut · 08/06/2024 23:24


IwantToRetire · 09/06/2024 00:34

It was originally reported that there were 21. I dont know if that was an error, or whether the missing 5 weren't able to get the necessary signatures (25 I think) which have to come from people living in the constituencies.

I think some who are standing are fundraising for their deposit, which they lose if they dont get a set number of votes.

Candidates in a UK Parliamentary Election must pay a deposit – currently £500. If they receive at least 5% of the votes their deposit is returned.

OP posts:
Swallowdoubleandrunamile · 09/06/2024 00:47

Amazing news Smile

DrSpartacular · 09/06/2024 01:04

The other 5 are the candidates who stood in the local elections, it's a cumulative total per party.

TERFCat · 09/06/2024 04:24

Where is KJK herself standing?

thirdfiddle · 09/06/2024 07:02

TERFCat · 09/06/2024 04:24

Where is KJK herself standing?

Bristol, presumably in order to debate green party co-leader Carla Denyer. The GP have been particularly atrocious in their treatment of many gender critical women and the occasional man.

SpottedLeopards · 09/06/2024 07:39

This is great. I don’t have a candidate though.

JuneAgain · 09/06/2024 07:46

Wow. I have a candidate. Let's hope it affects the conversation.

NobbyNobbs · 09/06/2024 07:54

This is fantastic!

No candidate for Wales though.

Calliecarpa · 09/06/2024 08:02

This is great news! I live in one of the constituencies with a Party of Women candidate, which I didn't expect at all, so it's a happy surprise!

SinnerBoy · 09/06/2024 08:47

TERFCat · Today 04:24

°Where is KJK herself standing?^

On the smouldering rubble of Stonewall and Mermaids, hopefully.

SinnerBoy · 09/06/2024 08:50

I noted on another thread that Kelly Jane Oliver Dougall will be having my vote. It's a bit of a shame that more candidates couldn't be rustled up, but it was short notice. Hopefully, with locals, they may get a few more, if they gain some attention.

anyolddinosaur · 09/06/2024 08:55

Pity it's not more but anyone know how to contact the nearest one and offer to leaflet?

Madcats · 09/06/2024 09:02

anyolddinosaur · 09/06/2024 08:55

Pity it's not more but anyone know how to contact the nearest one and offer to leaflet?

In my constituency our indie candidates have set up twitter feeds (and possibly Instagram).

Try PMing them

Failing that they all need to have "promotors", whose physical addresses will be listed.

PaterPower · 09/06/2024 09:07

One of them is standing for an adjacent constituency. Unfortunately it looks like I’ll be stuck with the usual Hobson’s choice. Not even an SDP candidate or good independent to lend my vote to 😕

Gettingmadderallthetime · 09/06/2024 09:37

No candidate here but well done to get 16.
Anyone know who is standing for The Women's Equality Party - I can only find the 2017 candidates on their website - there were 5. Its rather depressing reading their spiels but of course that is my view and perhaps they have grown in strength and number of candidates?
Anyhow it shows me that PoW is packing quite a punch for such a new party.
Hope they make their presence felt. Unfortunately the WEP don't appear to be.

Gettingmadderallthetime · 09/06/2024 09:40

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Crouton19 · 09/06/2024 09:47

SinnerBoy · 09/06/2024 08:50

I noted on another thread that Kelly Jane Oliver Dougall will be having my vote. It's a bit of a shame that more candidates couldn't be rustled up, but it was short notice. Hopefully, with locals, they may get a few more, if they gain some attention.

Ooh I love Tynemouth! Lucky you, on both counts!

I am in a safe Tory seat but the Labour team are doing a LOT of leafleting so possibly a secondary target for them.

SinnerBoy · 09/06/2024 09:53

I'm not actually Tynemouth itself, an adjacent coastal village. The district is quite large, up to the boundary with Seaton Sluice / Hartley along to Earsdon and down past Chirton to the river.

SidewaysOtter · 09/06/2024 09:59

SinnerBoy · 09/06/2024 08:47

TERFCat · Today 04:24

°Where is KJK herself standing?^

On the smouldering rubble of Stonewall and Mermaids, hopefully.


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VinnieVanDog · 09/06/2024 09:59

That's a fantastic showing for a new, single-issue party! 💪

Ramblingnamechanger · 09/06/2024 11:26

Good luck to all of them. The message will be delivered loud and clear and it will be interesting to see how it goes.

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