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Party of Women – number of votes for 16 women brave enough to take a public stand

211 replies

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:11

290 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness
332 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle
196 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central
452 ... Catherine Briggs ... Doncaster North
318 ... Katharine Margaret Murphy ... Finchley and Golders Green
244 ... Hazel Exon ... Honiton and Sidmouth
354 ... Lesley Woodburn ... Islington South and Finsbury
116 ... Una Marie O'Mahony ... Kensington and Bayswater
283 ... Liz Panton ... Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend
455 ... Linda Jane Law ... Norwich South
337 ... Katherine Mary Longthorp ... Oxford East
482 ... Louise McDonald ... Sheffield Heeley
295 ... Bernadette O'Malley ... South West Hertfordshire
274 ... Bev White ... St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire
286 ... Kelly Jane Oliver Dougall ... Tynemouth
363 ... Seonaid Dawn Barber ... West Worcestershire

Original thread here

Party of Women has 16 candidates standing for election on 4 July 2024 | Mumsnet

1 ... Lisa Morgan ... Barrow and Furness 2 ... Julia Maria Long ... Bexhill and Battle 3 ... Kellie-Jay Keen ... Bristol Central 4 ... Catherine Brigg...

OP posts:
iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:28

So KJK got the second lowest votes out of all her candidates?

I know this place is overrun with the KJK fan club these days, but honestly, that's hilarious IMO.

Given her narc tendancies she'll not be happy with that at all.

Sorry not sorry.

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 19:35

iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:28

So KJK got the second lowest votes out of all her candidates?

I know this place is overrun with the KJK fan club these days, but honestly, that's hilarious IMO.

Given her narc tendancies she'll not be happy with that at all.

Sorry not sorry.

I don't think her aim was votes. She stood in a constituency which was predicted to be an overwhelming Green win - overturning a large Labour majority -which turned out to be correct. It was meant to highlight the madness of the Green party and what it has become in recent years.

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:38

iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:28

So KJK got the second lowest votes out of all her candidates?

I know this place is overrun with the KJK fan club these days, but honestly, that's hilarious IMO.

Given her narc tendancies she'll not be happy with that at all.

Sorry not sorry.

I think most who are even slightly politically informed, and not necessarily KJK fans, will say she took on the most hostile seat (after Brighton).

But carry on posting personal attacks and negativity.

The more the usual suspects do this, the more likely it is to increase comments of support for KJK / PoW.

OP posts:
iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:44

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 19:35

I don't think her aim was votes. She stood in a constituency which was predicted to be an overwhelming Green win - overturning a large Labour majority -which turned out to be correct. It was meant to highlight the madness of the Green party and what it has become in recent years.

And, do you feel it did that?

BaronessBomburst · 05/07/2024 19:45

That's 50,000 women who stood up for themselves.
(I think it's unlikely that many men voted for the Party of Women.)

iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:49

BaronessBomburst · 05/07/2024 19:45

That's 50,000 women who stood up for themselves.
(I think it's unlikely that many men voted for the Party of Women.)

I think you mean 5000?

BaronessBomburst · 05/07/2024 19:54

@iseegulls Oh dear, yes. I was interrupted mid-typing by some Pombears and automatically put it in tens of thousands as that's what I'm used to at work. 😳
I'll edit it.

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:55

5,077 to be precise!

OP posts:
BaronessBomburst · 05/07/2024 19:56

It won't let me edit. <sigh>

BaronessBomburst · 05/07/2024 19:57

It's a small number but more effective than spoiling your ballot.

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 20:02

iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:44

And, do you feel it did that?

I don't know...I live in Liverpool and have not been watching the events in Bristol, but do know that KJK's modus operandi was likely to have been as I described. She picks her seats with some consideration and for a reason. It is all grist for the mill.

ChishiyaBat · 05/07/2024 20:03

I wish we'd had a candidate here in SE Wales I would have votef for them!
If I was a candidate i'd be happy that I stood for what I believed in and any votes would have been a bonus.

GruntledGoblin · 05/07/2024 20:04

iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:28

So KJK got the second lowest votes out of all her candidates?

I know this place is overrun with the KJK fan club these days, but honestly, that's hilarious IMO.

Given her narc tendancies she'll not be happy with that at all.

Sorry not sorry.

What a hostile and unpleasant angle.

Props to her for taking on Woke Central and getting any votes at all She's done a tremendous job setting this up, campaigning, standing, attending hustings, organising and supporting candidates etc. Huge respect to her. I see that as a successful result.

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 20:04

BaronessBomburst · 05/07/2024 19:57

It's a small number but more effective than spoiling your ballot.

I'm perfectly content to have spoiled my ballot. It still feels right. Are you content with your vote and what it signalled?

BaronessBomburst · 05/07/2024 20:07

@Shortshriftandlethal I did too. I would have preferred to have a protest vote but there wasn't the option, so I spoiled my ballot.

RubyTrees · 05/07/2024 20:09

(I think it's unlikely that many men voted for the Party of Women.)

I can confirm that there was one from my household. 😉

LastTrainEast · 05/07/2024 20:14

I just want to thank them all for their hard work.

No one expected the Party Of Women to form a government, but what they did was important. Anyone who doubts it should look up Keir Hardie and the creation of the Labour Party (the real Labour Party not the woke misogynist club we have now)

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 05/07/2024 20:18

Well done those women. I don’t understand this jeering at women who’ve got up and given time and got out there for other women. The Green candidate in my constituency only got around 300 votes. Am I supposed to laugh at them and ask why they bothered and say what a stupid thing they did?

AReasonablePerson · 05/07/2024 20:30

iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:28

So KJK got the second lowest votes out of all her candidates?

I know this place is overrun with the KJK fan club these days, but honestly, that's hilarious IMO.

Given her narc tendancies she'll not be happy with that at all.

Sorry not sorry.

She got this in the public domain. I'd say this is fairly priceless to be honest. She should rightly be pleased with it Feel free to share ;)

Who is it that commits violence against women and girls? Simple question asked. #POW #PartyOfWomen

This is the original #AdultHumanFemale channel and home of Kellie-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker.Streamed live on 01/07/2024Watch the full hustings here: https://...

borntobequiet · 06/07/2024 07:23

RadicalisedPastThePointOfSalvation · 05/07/2024 20:18

Well done those women. I don’t understand this jeering at women who’ve got up and given time and got out there for other women. The Green candidate in my constituency only got around 300 votes. Am I supposed to laugh at them and ask why they bothered and say what a stupid thing they did?



EdithStourton · 06/07/2024 08:54

iseegulls · 05/07/2024 19:28

So KJK got the second lowest votes out of all her candidates?

I know this place is overrun with the KJK fan club these days, but honestly, that's hilarious IMO.

Given her narc tendancies she'll not be happy with that at all.

Sorry not sorry.

Out of interest, what have you accomplished for women and girls?

rabbitwoman · 06/07/2024 08:56

OK, we'll I have done some rough maths.

Candidates only stood in 16 constituencies and got 5077 votes between them.

If candidates had stood in all 650 constituencies that extrapolates out to 206000 votes.

Personally, I thought this campaign was a huge mistake simply because it was always going to look as though it was an unpopular opinion if so few people voted for it. This will now be the new talking point whenever this comes up - 'noone agrees with you, Noone voted for you' and unless you then have the space to explain that it was never about winning but bringing the issue to debate, it's always going to look as though KJK completely failed.

I don't think she did, tho. Puberty blockers banned in Scotland. The SNP annihilated. The greens only got 2 MPs.

I think keir and Wes will listen, because any harm done will be on their watch now. And they're not stupid.

So let's be optimistic. And we'll done KJK and those other brave candidates xxx

turnipsarelush · 06/07/2024 09:01

Thats not very many is it - do they get their money back if it's over 500?


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rabbitwoman · 06/07/2024 09:04

turnipsarelush · 06/07/2024 09:01

Thats not very many is it - do they get their money back if it's over 500?


I think they are OK with the idea of not getting their money back.

It's much like those employment tribunals that cost millions of pounds between them - Forstater, Bailey et al, they would never recoup the money it cost, even with the record payouts they got. But it wasn't about that, and they achieved so much more.

Money well spent, all of it.

PeachyKeane · 06/07/2024 09:05

If there'd been a candidate in my constituency, she'd have received 4 votes from our household. I think they were incredible women. In awe at their bravery.

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