
Introduction to Swift Sliding Menu

Swift Sliding Menu 1.) First, Download the SWRevealViewController library from github 2.) Inside the folder, move the SWRevealViewCon...

How to display actionsheet using swift

Swift - Displaying Actionsheet for Ipad and Iphone A simple tutorial on making an alert view of type action sheet that works for iphone an...

Design an iOS donut progress bar

The iOS Donut Progress Bar is an iOS library that you can integrate in your project to present data in a graphical way. Furthermore, it will...

How to Send Email using MFMailComposer

Send Email using MFMailComposer (Template) 1.) Import MessageUI       import MessageUI 2.) Show Email func showMail() { l...

How to display a Date using TextField with Swift

Displaying Date with TextField Click with Swift First you must have a textfield connected to storyboard. @IBOutlet   weak   var  txtFie...

How to create a background thread in swift

Background Threads let priority = DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(priority, 0)) {     // do...

Learn Common Swift collection casting or type conversion

Collection of Common Swift Casting  or Type Conversion String to Double var a  = "1.5" var b  =  (a as NSString).doubleValue ...

How to Display an Alert View with Swift

Display an Alert View with Swift First we'll create a constant of UIAlertController. Since we'll be using an alert, the UIAlertCon...

Introducing Swift UIScrollView with Auto-Layout and Size Classes

UIScrollView with Auto-Layout and Size Classes A simple tutorial on making scrollable view that can accommodate any screen sizes. Downl...

How to handle CheckBox event in Swift

A very simple checkbox control.   @IBAction func btn_box(sender: UIButton ) {         if ( btn_box . selected == true )         {...

Learn simple To-Do List using core data in Swift

Note: The steps 1-9 are all simply about setting-up the controllers. The main "core data" begins the next step after.  Here's ...

Location Demo in iOS 8 With Swift

What we will be doing is a simple app the tells your location base on the longitude and latitude.    For making things simpler, I alre...

How to implement local notification in Swift

The following steps will guide us on how to develop an application in Swift that implements Local Notification. Requirements are: Mac ...

List of Useful Article Links in Studying Swift

1.) For studying the basic of swift :      file:///Users/czetsuya/Downloads/404_advanced_swift.pdf-,%20attachment 2.) Useful for studyin...

How to Create a simple table view app in xcode

Open Xcode and create a new Single View Application. For product name, use SimpleTableView and then fill out the Organization Name and Com...

How to check if a string contains another string in xcode

 NSString *string = @"how to check if a string contains another string"; if ([string rangeOfString:@"how"].locatio...

How to read raw data from pipe-delimited text file in xcode

Open Xcode and create a new Single View Application. For product name, use ReadPipeDelimitedTextfield and then fill out the Organization N...

How to Create A Simple AlertView in xcode

Open Xcode and create a new Single View Application. For product name, use SimpleAlertView and then fill out the Organization Name and Compa...

How to differentiate between 3.5 and 4 inch iPhone

Open Xcode and create a new Single View Application. For product name, use DifferentiateIphoneSize and then fill out the Organization Name...

How to Display Time Picker On Textfield Click in Xcode

Open Xcode and create a new Single View Application. For product name, use TextFieldTimePicker and then fill out the Organization Name and...
